
Am revenit in Timisoara si spre marele meu noroc, Elena (pentru cine nu stie, fotografa cu care am inceput un frumos proiect de colaborare) nu a plecat inca acasa in vacanta. Asa ca am reusit sa facem cateva poze… 🙂 Ma intreb ce voi face de la jumatatea lunii incolo, caci raman si fara ea… si nici macar copiii nu sunt prin zona, ca sa ma folosesc de calitatile lor de viitori fotografi amatori. 🙁 Am banuiala ca voi deveni chiar eu fotograf amator… 🙂 😉

De Rusalii s-a sarbatorit ziua internationala a iei romanesti. Fiind in vacanta, nu am avut nici o ie in bagaj si am suferit (la propriu!) ca nu am putut sa ma afisez prin oras, intr-o frumoasat tinuta cu iz romanesc. Dar, pe principiul, mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata, iacata-ma-s mandra subtire si frumoasa, intr-un „amalgam” stilistico-geografic. Am sa va explic imediat de ce epitetul acesta pompos… 🙂 Palaria supradimensionata, gentuta si pantalonii imi dau un aer „a la francais”, ia e ie, iar cele doua bratari cu motive traditionale maramuresene sunt in realitate „handmade” in Peru! Deci nici o legatura directa cu al nostru port traditional romanesc… Mi se pare fascinant! Am marele noroc de a avea in famile un mare pasionat de Peru (nu „spui” cine, persoana importanta 🙂 ), iar la o medie de doua drumuri pe an spre aceasta minunata tara, subsemnata se alege cu geamantane intregi de accesorii si haine de provenienta complet „exotica” pentru tara noastra. Am o tinuta 80% made in Peru (mai putin papucii… 🙂 ) pregatita pentru voi pe viitor. Abia astept sa vad ce impact va avea… 🙂

In centrul Timisoarei, pe pietonalul ce face legatura directa intre Piata Unirii si Piata libertatii, exista un magazin de souvenir-uri autentice. De fapt, se numeste Casa Etno. De cate ori trec prin fata lui, fara exceptie, ma opresc sa admir iile din vitrina. Parca au lipici. Realitatea este ca, portul nostru popular, pe langa faptul ca este o opera de arta in sine, are un potential „fashion” urias. Exista design-eri de talie mondiala, care au venit la „practica” pe meleaguri autohtone ( in Maramures fiind, am aflat ca reprezentantii unei faimoase case de moda italiana, au stat cam 3 luni de zile pe langa „babute” pricepute la confectionarea si ornarea frumoaselor camasi de in, purtate in acea zona de tara. Mi s-a parut ireal) . Avem si noi „autohtonii” nostri, care vegheaza la „conservarea” traditiei, prin reinterpretarea acesteia. Dintre toti, preferatul meu este Adrian Oianu. 🙂

Timisoara este un oras minunat, centrul istoric combina un aer boem, aproape romantic, cu energia haotico-debordanta a „hipster-imii”. Pozele sunt facute pe stradute din aceasta zona, in ganguri, si in minunata Piata a Operei. Daca nu ati ajuns inca sa vizitati acest oras, faceti-o de urgenta! Iar dupa Timisoara, urmeaza toata tara, nu?! 🙂 Pup la voi tare si apasat!


I returned to Timisoara and to my great luck, Elena (for whom does not who she is: the photographer with whom I started a nice collaboration project) did not go home yet on vacation. So we’ve been able to take some pictures … 🙂 I wonder what I’ll do from mid-July forth, because I’m left without my photographer… even my kids are not in the area to „use and abuse” their artistic abilities in basic photography. 🙁  I guess I’ll become myself amateur photographer … 🙂 😉

On Pentecost we celebrated the international day of the romanian traditional blouse. Being on vacation, I did not have any of those in my luggage and I suffered (word!) that I could not show my way through the city, in a beautiful romanian outfit. But, following the saying: better late than ever, I proudly present myself today, in a stylistically-geographic „mixture”. I will explain to you immediately why this pompous epitome … 🙂 The oversized hat, the hand bag and pants give me an „a la francais” air, the romanian blouse is THE romanian blouse,  and the two bracelets with traditional Maramures (a region in Romania) motifs are actually „handmade” in Peru! So no direct connection with our traditional Romanian port … I find it fascinating! I have the great luck of having nearby a great Peru fancier (I will not say who, important person 🙂 ), and at an average of two roads per year to this wonderful country, the undersigned might receive full suitcases of accessories and clothes of completely „exotic” origin. I have an 80% outfit made in Peru (less the slippers … 🙂 )  ready for you in the future. I can not wait to see what impact it will have … 🙂

In the center of Timisoara, on the pedestrian street that connects directly Union Square and Liberty Square, there is an authentic souvenir shop. In fact, it’s called Casa Etno. Whenever I pass by this store, without exception, I stop to admire the romanian blouses. They seem to have „glue”. The reality is that our popular port, besides being an artwork itself, has a huge „fashion” potential. There are world-class designers who came to „practice” in our native lands (being in Maramures a while ago, I found out that the representatives of a famous italian fashion house stayed for about 3 months beside „old ladies” good at sewing and decorating the beautiful linen shirts worn in that area of the country. It seemed to me unreal). We also have our „natives”, who watch at the „preservation” of tradition by reinterpreting it. Of them all, my favorite is Adrian Oianu. 🙂

Timisoara is a wonderful city, the historic center combines a bohemian air, almost romantic, with the chaotic-debordant energy of the „hipster world”. The pictures you will see under this text, are made on streets in this area, in inner courts and in the wonderful Opera Square. If you have not yet visited this city, do it urgently! And after Timisoara, comes the rest of my country, right ?! 🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed! 🙂

I am wearing

Zara culottes from last year’s collection, this collection version here

Ie – romanian blouse gift from my mother in law who lives in Maramures (you can find a lot of them by visiting Casa Etno from Timisoara)

Lancome hat and Accessories by Wedins bag, both bought in a SH from Timisoara, similar hat here

no name sandals, I found here some that would look great to a romanian blouse  🙂

Photos by Elena Borcan

Peru bracelet