
Inainte sa ma casatoresc si sa ma mut din Bucuresti in Oradea, calatoream destul de des. Nu va ganditi ca eram mare amatoare de concedii lungi prin „strainataturi”, in schimb, fiind dependenta de cumparaturi, perioada reducerilor m-a gasit de multe ori in Viena. Am o relatie speciala cu acel oras si marturisesc ca, dupa 10 ani de „relatie la distanta”, ma pregatesc intens si cu emotie, pentru marea revedere! 😉

Pana nu de mult, am considerat ca o femeie maritata, care pe deasupra mai are si doi copii mici, nu ar trebui nici macar sa gandeasca ca ar putea lua o „pauza” de la tot ce inseamna viata ei de zi cu zi. Sa nu ma intelegeti gresit, nu am trait in copac pana la aceasta varsta, doar ca, avand acasa doi parinti care nu au facut niciodata ceva unul fara celalalt, iar aceasta interdependenta fiind o constanta haioasa si adorabila a adolescentei mele, am considerat ca familia, orice familie, presupune un acest gen de „compromis”. Sunt aici pentru a demola acest mit. Nimic nu este mai nociv pentru o relatie, decat sa renunti la identitatea ta, la micile tale placeri, pentru a te alinia unui concept.

Marturisesc ca sotul meu a fost unul dintre oamenii care mi-a deschis ochii in acest sens. Dupa el au urmat si cateva prietene, care mamici si sotii fiind, isi planificau cel putin un concediu pe an cu „gagicile” pe la shopping si distractie (cu destinatii de tip Madrid, Dubai sau Ibiza.. 😮 ). Asa ca, dupa cativa ani de batut saua sa priceapa iapa 🙂 , acesta iapa si-a scos „ochelarii de cal”. Consider ca este vital sa iti acorzi pauza de care ai nevoie, de cate ori ai nevoie. Ca mamica, NU esti un monstru, daca de cateva ori pe an iti iei o „pauza” de la copii! Va asigur si vorbesc din proprie exerienta, ca ei vor fi infinit mai bucurosi sa-si vada mamica  vesela si dispusa la joaca si jocuri, decat sa vada in casa, zi si noapte, o „acritura” vesnic nemultumita si frustrata. Probabil cuvantul „pauza”, vis a vis de copii, suna extrem de nefericit. Practic vorbind, ne luam pauza de la viata de familie, ori de cate ori iesim pe usa pentru a merge la munca… Tot o pauza este.

Nu e musai sa pleci in city break-uri costisitoare pentru a-ti umple bateriile. E suficient sa iesi o noapte cu fetele in club, sa pleci la parinti si sa dormi in fosta ta camera o noapte sau doua, sa iti lase o prietena cheia de la apartament, in timp ce ea e plecata in concediu cu familia si sa iti iei doua carti pe care iti doreai de mult sa le citesti, o pijama si sa nu iesi din papuci intregul weeked, sa mergi cu masina intr-un oras misto din imprejurimi si sa petreci o noapte sau doua intr-o camera cocheta de hotel sau intr-un apartament cu iz interbelic din centru orasului. Acestea sunt alternative rrezonabile la un mult ravnit „city-break” in exteriorul tarii, care poate avea avea acelasi efect, la bani simtitor mai putini. Multumesc pe aceasta cale City Scape 1 Timisora, pentru „pauza” de care am avut parte facand aceste poze. Apartine unei rude si mi se pare normal sa ii fac reclama… 😛  Apropos, daca ajungeti prin Timisoara si nu aveti unde „trage”… e „barlogul” ideal. 🙂

Tinuta? Ce vedeti este o salopeta de stat in casa, veche… atat de veche, incat i s-a sters eticheta. Accesorizand-o corespunzator, am purtat-o cu mult succes si pe strada, ba chiar am intors mai multe priviri admirative decat as fi intors daca purtam o fusta mini si pantofi stiletto. De altfel, inca se poarta „pijamaua” pe strada… 🙂 Este un exemplu de cum puteti „economisi” spatiu in bagaj. Cateva accesorii nu vor ocupa niciodata aprea mult spatiu, o tinuta cap-coada insa, da! Zic si eu… 🙂 In rest, dragile mele mamici, caci aceasta postare a fost despre voi, bucurati-va de orice moment ce va poate incarca pozitiv, nu e loc de mustrari de constiinta si unghii roase, suntem forte ale naturii si avem dreptul ca, din cand in cand, sa ne luam singure in brate. Cum altfel am putea sa ne conservam aceasta superputere?? Va pup tare si apasat! 🙂 😛


Before I married and moved from Bucharest to Oradea, I was traveling quite often. This does not meen I was a great fan of long-term abroad holidays, but being dependent on shopping 🙂 , the sales periods often found me in Vienna. I have a special relationship with that city and now,  that after 10 years of „distance relationship” I am preparing myself with intense emotion, for the great Hello! 😉

Until recently, I thought that a married woman, who also has two young children, should not even think about taking a „break” from everything her daily life means. Do not misunderstand me, I have not lived in the tree until this age, but having two parents who have never done anything without each other and this interdependence being a funny and adorable constant of my adolescence, I thought that family , any family, involves such a „compromise”. I’m here to demolish this myth. Nothing is more harmful to a relationship, than to give up your identity and renounce to the little pleasures,in order to align yourself to a concept.

I admit it, my husband was one of the firts people to open my eyes on this matter. After him, followed some friends, mothers and wives, who plann at least one holiday a year inbetween „girls”, holiday focused on shopping and entertainment (with destinations such as Madrid, Dubai or Ibiza … :o). So, after a few years of hearing and seing how things should work, I decided to get rid of the „horse glasses” I was wearing. I think it is vital to give yourself the break you need, whenever you need it. As a mother, you are NOT a monster, if you take „breaks” away from your children, several times a year! I assure you and speak from my own experience, that they will be infinitely more happy to see their mother happy and willing to play,  than to see in the house, day and night, an eternally discontent and frustrated „pickle”. Probably the word „break”, when it comes to our children, sounds extremely unpleasant. Practically speaking, we take a break from family life, whenever we go out the house to work … That was also a break.

You do not have to go to expensive city breaks to fill your batteries. It’s enough to have a night out with the girls in the club, to go to your parents’ and sleep in your old room for a night or two, to have a girlfriend leaving you the apartment keys, while she’s gone on holiday with her family and you take two books that you longed to read, a pajama, and do not go out of your slippers the whole weekend, drive your car to a cool city in your area and spend a night or two in a cozy hotel room, or in an interwar apartment in the city center. These are apealing alternatives to a much-wanted „city-break” outside the country, which can have the same effect, with less money spent. I want to thank this way  City Scape 1 Timisoara, for the „break” I took when making these pictures. It belongs to a relative of mine and I am pretty proud of what came out from this project … 😛  By the way, if you arrive in Timisoara and you do not have anywhere to „hide” … this place is the ideal den. 🙂

Outfit? What you see is a home-staying old overall … so old that the label was washed away. By appropriately accessorising it, I wored it very successfully on the street, and even got a lot of admiring glances. In fact, „pajamas” are still a „thing” in street style… 🙂 It’s an example of how you can „save” space in your luggage. Some accessories will never occupy a lot of space. I am just saying… 🙂 Otherwise, my dear mommys everywhere, because this post was about you, enjoy any moment that can positively load you, there is no place for consciousness crises and biting our nails, we are the forces of nature and we have the right, from time to time, to „self hug” ourselves .  How else could we preserve this superpower? Kiss you hard and pressed! 🙂 😛

I am wearing

? overall, similar here , here and more elegant here

Castaner plateau sandals

HM earrings

bracelet from Peru

Bijou Brigitte broche

Longines watch

vintage bag