
Marturisesc ca m-am trezit ingrozitor de greu in dimineata asta. Momentul acela cand mi-a sunat ceasul, m-a facut sa lacrimez putin si sa ma intreb, cine, ce are cu mine?! Doar copiii sunt inca in vacanta, e sambata dimineata, nu moare nimeni de foame sau sete (in speta, cainele…)… Mi-au trebuit cel putin 2 minute sa inteleg de ce imi sunase ceasul la ora 6.30 dimineata, totusi.. 🙂  Mai, nu stiu cum sa va zic… iubesc blogul asta ca pe propriul meu copil, dar ca orice copil, uneori ma scoate din minti!! 🙂 Bine, copilul nu are vina ca mamica si-a fixat un target si ca mamica are sange rece de neamt, deci fie ploaie, fie vant (in cazul nostru, la Timisoara, fie soare arzator si arsita de cuptor), planul o data fixat, greu mai poate fi schimbat! 🙂

Imi doresc de mult sa va arat o tinuta in culori tari. Am iesit mult din zona mea de confort in aceasta dimineata. 🙂 Cromatic vorbind… 🙂 Dar, ce sa-i faci, se poarta combinatii de culori tari. Mi-ar fi placut sa am o palarie rosie si o geanta turcuaz la aceasta rochie. Efectul ar fi fost infinit mai pregnant si mai stylish. Dar, cred ca m-am descurcat bine si cu ce am avut pe acasa. 🙂 Rochia albastru-electric imi place extrem de tare, desi mama a zis ca e 100% de babe. Voi ce parere aveti, e de babe? 😮 Pe langa culoare, ma dau in vant si dupa faptul ca este asimetrica. Asimetriile ajuta mereu la corectarea anumitor defecte corporale. De exemplu: daca avem o curea undeva pe solduri, ne ferim sa punem catarama acesteia fix pe mijloc, ci o amplasam excentric; e un truc care ca va face soldurile sa para mai inguste 🙂 ; fustele asimetrice corecteaza mult din geometria picioarelor, la fel cum o palarie purtata „pe-o ureche” va ascunde „profilul rau” (toata lumea are un profil mai fain si unul mai putin fain 😛 ); in mod ciudat, un decolteu asimetric va face bustul mai plin, etc. 🙂

Va indemn la o plimbare pe malul Begai la ceasuri de dimineata. Daca nu sunteti adeptii plimbarilor pe jos (desi, cu adevarat, fac piciorul frumos) atunci macar iesiti cu bicicleta. Eu nu am mai mers pe bicicleta de cand aveam 10 ani… 🙁 Asta este motivul pentru care nu am participat inca la „Cochete pe biciclete” 🙂 Imi e groaza ca, intr-un fel sau altul, voi sfarsi intinsa pe jos, in toata splendoarea mea. 🙂 Daca as fi participat, tinuta de azi ar fi fost una extrem de potrivita (mai putin platformele… 😉 ). Platformele acestea sunt mandria dressing-ului meu 🙂 si le ador pur si simplu! Pe langa faptul ca ma inalta pana la 1.90m 😮 , arata super in orice combinatie le includ (mai putin cu blugi skinny 🙂 . Stiu ele ce stiu…). De fapt, eu cred ca fiecare dintre noi, fashionistele, trebuie sa investim intr-o pereche de platforme statement.

Colierul pe care il port este handmade. L-am primit cadou de la soacra mea. Pana termin acest articol voi afla si cum o cheama pe prietena care le confectioneaza, poate se gaseste vreun doritor. 🙂 Este un cadou perfect pentru o zi de nastere sau de nume, ca tot vin Sfintele Marii 😛 . Nu stiu in ce masura v-am convins sau nu, sa purtati tinute in combinatii tari de culori. In caz ca macar v-am trezit interesul, iata cateva combinatii de culori de incercat: rosu si fuchsia, portocaliu si galben, rosu si turcoaz, mov si verde, albastru si burgund, albastru si verde; evident, toate in varianta „neon”, extrem de intense, caci pasteluri… tot combinam zilnic, nu? 🙂 Pup la voi tare si apasat!


I must confess, I couldn’t wake up this morning. The moment that my alarm clock rang, brought me to tears, while asking myself, who has something against me! The children are still on vacation, it’s Saturday morning, no one is hungry or thirsty (in my case, the dog …) … I needed at least 2 minutes to understand why the alarm went on at 6.30 in the morning. I do not know how to say … I love this blog as my own child, but like any kid, sometimes it takes me out of my mind !! 🙂 Well, the baby is not to blame if the mother  set a target and the mother has cold German blood, so as rainy or windy it may be (in our case, in Timisoara,  sunny with a chance of oven temperatures), once the plan is fixed,  hardly can it be changed! 🙂

Long time have I wanted to show you a „strong colors” outfit. I came out of my comfort zone this morning. 🙂 Chromatically speaking … 🙂 But what to do,  combinations of strong colors are very fashionable these days. I would have loved to have a red hat and a turquoise bag to this dress. The effect would have been infinitely more intense and more stylish. But, I think I did well and what I had at home. 🙂 The electric-blue dress is one of my favorites, although my mother said it’s 100% „old lady” stuff. What do you think this dress is for old women? 😮 In addition to the color, I also love the fact that it is asymmetrical. Asymmetries always help in correcting certain body defects. For example: if we have a belt somewhere on the hips, try not to put the buckle in the middle, but place it eccentrically; it’s a trick that will make your hips appear narrower 🙂 ; asymmetric skirts corrects much of the geometry of the legs, just  aswearing the hat „on a side”, will hide the „bad profile” (everyone has a better and a less fortunate profile 😛 ); Strangely, an asymmetric neckline will make the bust fuller, etc. 🙂

Let me give you the advice of walking along Bega’s shore at morning hours. If you do not like to walk  (though, really, walking makes nice legs) then at least, ride a bicycle. I have not been on a bike since I was 10 years old … 🙁 That’s why I have not yet participated to „Cochete pe biciclete” 🙂 I am horrified that one way or the other, I will end up stretched out on the ground  in all my splendor. 🙂 If I had participated, today’s outfit would have been a very good one (except platforms … 😉 ). These platforms are the pride of my dressing 🙂 and I just love them! Besides raising me  up to 1.90m :o, they look great in any combination I include them(except with skinny jeans 🙂 . „They” have good taste  …). Actually, I think every one of us, fashionistas, should invest in a pair of statement platforms.

The necklace I wear is handmade. I received it as a gift from my mother-in-law. By the end of this article, I will find out the name of the friend who makes them, for those interested. 🙂 It is a perfect gift for a birthday or name day, as all the Holy Mary’s come :P. I do not know to what extent I have convinced you or not, to wear outfits in strong combinations of colors. If at least I awaken your interest, here are some color combinations to try: red and fuchsia, orange and yellow, red and turquoise, purple and green, blue and burgundy, blue and green; Obviously, all in the „neon” version, extremely intense, because pastels … we combine daily, right? 🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed! 🙂

I am wearing

Donna Ricco New York dress here

Marni iconic 2008  platforms, the 2017 version here

Loevenich hat bought at Peek and Kloppenburg, they still have it on sales!

Handmade necklace by Stiopei Carla Cristina