Saga nuntilor continua. 🙂 De aceasta data, avem cinstea de a fi una dintre cele 4 perechi de nasi la o nunta din Maramures. Va marturisesc, pana sa il cunosc pe sotul meu, nu am stiut ca pot fi mai multe perechi de nasi la aceeasi nunta… La noi, sudistii, nu exista asa ceva. 🙂 Sa nu intelegeti cumva ca vad ceva rau in a avea mai multi nasi decat prevede legea 😉 , dimpotriva, mi se pare cool sa poti imparti atat responsabilitatea cat si laurii. Ca si nasa, esti mai relaxata daca stii ca imparti atentia cu alte „surate” 🙂 , asa ca intreaga ceremonie devine mai putin apasatoare. Oare daca ar fi mai multe mirese la acelasi mire, s-ar relaxa putin si situatia lor??! 🙂 😉
Mi-am pregatit aceasta tinuta ca varianta pentru momentul „12 trecute’fix” noaptea, atunci cand Cenusareasa ramane oricum fara condurii de clestar… 🙂 Si da, port o pereche de pantofi sport (cei cu care merg la sala) la o frumoasa rochie de seara. Intrebarea mea este: de ce nu?! Nu e prima data cand fac asa o combinatie, in articlolul „Peackock by the sea” ideea este absolut aceeasi. Pana si culorile sunt asemanatoare… Singurul lucru pe care pot sa il spun in apararea mea 🙂 : asta sunt eu, asta e stilul meu vestimentar, asa ma simt cel mai bine. Si consider, cu falsa modestie, 😛 ca am un stil sanatos si imitabil, de aia il si promovez prin intermediul acestui blog. Consider ca acest tip de abordare a unei tinute de seara este avangardist, feminist, chic si cu siguranta, „ish”. 😉
Nu incurajez a se merge la ceremonia bisericeasca in adidasi… 🙂 Eu sunt un om credincios, am fost crescuta de o bunica habotnica, pe care am iubit-o si o iubesc enorm inca, chiar daca nu mai este printre noi si pe care nu as face-o „de rusine” sub nici o forma. Sau ma rog… poate daca fusta ar fi suficient de lunga… 🙂 😉 Dar a dansa o noapte intrega pe tocuri, in conditiile in care atat biata mireasa cat si nasele aferente au obligatia de a mentine ringul de dans vivant, mi se pare pura tortura. Ce pot sa va spun despre seara cu pricina? Evident lumea s-a uitat….lung. 🙂 Tin minte ca am surprins-o pe miresica zambind siret la pantofii mei 🙂 , dar nu am simtit nici un moment ca sunt ridiculizata sau luata peste picior. Probabil pentru ca eram asumata, ma simteam foarte bine si nu m-am ascuns in spatele unei fete de masa (decat dupa ora 3, cand nu am mai putut de oboseala… 😉 ). Bijuteriile pe care le port in aceste poze sunt 100% din Peru, suspect „frate” cu Maramuresul in materie de tesaturi, cusaturi si podoabe… Seara am dat colierul peruan pe un „choker” maramuresean 🙂 , acelasi pe care l-am purtat la propria mea nunta (il puteti vedea in ultima poza a articolului 🙂 ). Apropos de propria mea nunta, sper din suflet sa pot scrie un articol despre ea, caci a fost o nunta traditionala de Maramures asa cum vedeti doar in documentare 🙂 , singurul impediment fiind ca nu gasim sub nici o forma CD-ul cu poze… 🙁 dar nu mi-am pierdut speranta. Acel articol ar incheia saga „nuntilor” pe care am inceput-o aici.. 😉
Imi doresc foarte tare sa va pot fi de folos in mod real si nu sunt inca foarte sigura ca fac asta. Mi s-a dat sansa sa dezvolt subiectele abordate aci, pe o platforma de stiri online: www.abcnewstransilvania.ro . Acolo gasiti in fiecare zi de luni un nou articol ca „prelungire” a unei postari de pe acest blog, articol in care exemplific prin poze si descrieri, tinute ce cuprind elemente asemanatoare cu cele propuse de mine, dar in varianta „celebrity style”. 🙂 Daca eu nu prezint destula credibilitate 🙂 , sunt altii care sigur va pot convinge. Va pup tare si apasat!
The wedding saga continues. 🙂 This time we have the honor to be one of our 4 pairs of godparents to a wedding in Maramures. I must confess, until I met my husband, I did not know there could be more pairs of godparents to the same wedding couple … There is no such thing in the south, and I am a southern girl 🙂 . Please, do not understand that I see something bad in having more godparents than the „law” says 😉 , on the contrary, I find it cool to share both responsibility and „stage lights”. As godmother, you are more relaxed if you know that you share the attention with other „sista’s” 🙂 so the whole ceremony becomes less pressing. Having more brides for the same groom may be a solution for relaxing their situation too! 🙂 😉
I’ve prepared this outfit for the „after 12 o’clock” in the night moment, when Cinderella loses her slipper anyways… 🙂 And yes, I am wearing a pair of sports shoes (those I use when I go to the gym) to a beautiful evening dress. My question is: why not ?! It’s not the first time I make such a combination, in the article „Peackock by the Sea” the idea is absolutely the same. Even the colors are similar … The only thing I can say in my defense 🙂 : that’s me, that’s my dress style, this is the form that suits me best. And I think, with false modesty, that I have a healthy and imitable style, so I go ahead and promote it through this blog. I think this kind of approach to a evening outfit is avant-garde, feminist, chic and surely „ish”. 😉
I do not encourage going to the church ceremony in sneakers … 🙂 I am a faithful woman, I was raised by a grandmother that trully believed in God allmighty, whom I loved and still love enormously, even thow she is no longer next to me.. and I cannot imagine doing anything that would „shame” her. Not unless… the skirt would be so long, that nobody would notice my shoes … 🙂 😉 But, dancing a whole night in heels, as the poor bride and the godmothers have to, in order to keep a vivid dance floor , seems pure torture. What can I tell you about the evening? Obviously, the people looked at me … 🙂 I remember that I surprised the bride smiling at my shoe 🙂 but I did not feel any moment being ridiculed or laughed at. Probably because I was assumed, I felt really good, and I did not hide behind a tablecloth (until after 3 o’clock, when I felt too tired to care… 🙂 ). The jewels I wear in these pictures are 100% from Peru, a suspect „brother” of Maramures in terms of fabrics, stitches and adornments … In the evening I gave the peruvian necklace on a „choker” from Maramures 🙂 , the same one I wore to my own wedding (you can see it in the last picture of the article 🙂 ). By the way , talking about my wedding, I hoped I can write an article about it, because it was a traditional Maramures wedding, as you see only in the documentaries :), the only impediment being that we cannot find the CD with the pictures anywhere.. 🙁 but I have not lost hope. That article would end the saga of „weddings” that I started here .. 😉
I want to really be useful to you and I’m not really sure I’m doing this. I was given the chance to extend the topics I approached here on an online news platform: www.abcnewstransilvania.ro. There you can find a new article every Monday, as a „prolongation” of a post on this blog, an article where I try to exemplify with pictures and descriptions, similar elements to those proposed by me , but in a „celebrity style” version. 🙂 If I do not have enough credibility 🙂 , there are others who can surely convince you. Kiss you all hard and pressed!
I am wearing
Sonja Kiefer dress
Reebok sports shoes
Peru bracelet, earrings and necklace
Clutch from TKMaxx Germany