
Saptamana aceasta a marcat reinceperea scolii, eu simtind asta din plin, datorita celor doi spiridusi cu care defilez… 🙂 Cu mandrie!! Unul tocmai a scapat de gradi si paseste cu dreptul (spera ma-sa!) in clasa pregatitoare, iar celelalt putin mai experimentat, intra in perioada lunga… obositoare … dar extrem de importanta, a „temelor pentru acasa”.. 😉 Intamplarea nefericita face ca cei doi, desi merg la aceeasi scoala cu predare in limba germana, sa invete in doua cladiri aflate la mai bine de 15 minute una de alta, cu aceeasi ora de incepere a cursurilor! Va marturisesc cu ingrijorare ca, probabil in ceea ce priveste „dusul”, se va gasi o solutie… dar la „luat”, nu imi imaginez cum o sa fac sa fiu in 2 locuri la exact aceeasi ora… 🙁 Invatatoarele celor doi si-au anuntat deja suportul in operatiunea „recuperarea comorilor” 🙂 si le multumesc din suflet! Cu ocazia aceasta am realizat, pentru a n-a oara, ca mi-ar fi imposibil sa am un job full-time… si ca nu inteleg cum celelalte mame se pot descurca si cu servicii solicitante si cu 2,3, poate chiar 4 copii de scolit… Aveti toata stima si respectul meu! Mamele din ziua de azi sunt adevaratii super-eroi din mediul urban.

Toata agitatia asta legata de scoala si venirea toamnei m-a facut sa rememorez cu nostalgie istoria mea de eleva… si am realizat ca, desi liceul a fost cea mai fericita perioada din viata mea, totusi intervalul care m-a format si definit ca personalitate, preferinte si inclinatii, au fost cei 6 ani de facultate… 🙂 lungi dar incredibil de frumosi. De as putea intoarce timpul, as face exact aceleasi lucruri 🙂 , dar cu siguranta as umbla la imaginea mea… Inceputul anilor 2000 au fost incerti din punct de vedere stilistic, asa ca toti am cam bajbait intre reminiscente de stil ’90 si imitarea look-urilor dunioase propuse de Britney Spears in combinatie cu Justin Timberlake… Doamne! 🙂 Internetul inca era un ilustru necunoscut, canalul de socializare era Mirc-ul, Delia era inca N&D 🙂 , iar mall-urile erau in stare de proiect. (asta asa, ca sa gasesc scuze… 😉 ).

Daca as fi din nou studenta in anul 2000, dar cu minte de studenta de 2017? 😉 Sau daca as fi studenta de an 2017, dar cu „tinereturi” traite in 2000? Pai.. as merge cu siguranta pe mana stilului „college”: clasic, reinterpretat, integrat, mixat, deoarece anii 2000 au fost cei in care acest stil s-a lansat pana la urma… Peste toate as adauga tusa mea personala – cred ca ma refer la impresionanta mea colectie cu palarii  🙂 . Mi se pare cea mai potrivita alegere pentru a avea, pe de-o parte, o tinuta decenta, de +18, demna de o institutie superioara de invatamant 🙂 , iar pe de alta parte, o tinuta cu accente sexi, specifica tineretii si tineretului. 🙂  Ce ar trebui sa aveti in vedere cand concepeti o tinuta de inspiratie „college”? Va dau „cateva” elemente de baza.

  • pantofi barbatesti – probabil cel mai cunoscut element al tinutelor college, recomand de la modelul de tip „budapester” (faceti un search pe Google) pana la bocanci…and beyond! 😉
  • ciorapi pana sub genunchi, sau pana deasupra genunchiului – precursorii cizmelor „over-knee” 🙂 , eu ii vad ca pe unul din elementele sexy ale acestui stil vestimentar. Vorbesc „tinereasca”. 🙂
  • fusta plisata – cu cat mai scurta cu atat mai bine! In combinatie cu ciorapii lungi… yummy! Ask the boys! 😉
  • puloverul/ vesta cu patratele – mult mai purtate de catre barbati, aceste elemente vestimentare arata la fel de fain si pe siluete firave de fete… 🙂
  • geaca/ bluzonul de colegiu – le gasim inca in majoritatea magazinelor, le recunoasteti deoarece sunt inscriptionate cu numele universitatilor, cu initiale sau doar cu diverse cifre. Must have, dragi fashioniste!

Dupa cum puteti vedea in poza de mai sus (si in cele de la sfarsitul articolului, eu am reinterpretat putin anumite elemente si am punctat cu nelipsita palarie.. 🙂 Mapa-plic de la Diesel imi place la nebunie si o sa o gasiti in curand intr-un articol „shop my closet” aici si pe Facebook, deoarece am reusit sa o port doar de cateva ori si cred ca merita un proprietar mai atent de atat… 🙂  Acestea fiind spuse, doresc tuturor elevilor un an scolar usor, dar satisfacator si parintilor rabdare de fier! Va pup tare si apasat!


This week marked the starting of a new school year and I felt it deep, because of the two goblins I roll with … 🙂 With pride !! One has just escaped kindergarden and started with the right foot (hopes mommy!) the preparatory class and the other one, a bit more experienced, just enteres the long … tiring … but extremely important period of  „homework”… 🙂 One unfortunate happening makes the two, thow going to the same school with german language teaching, learn in two buildings that are more than 15 minutes apart, with the same starting time each morning! I confess with concern, that probably in terms of „getting” them to school I will find a solution … but about „taking” them out, I do not imagine how I will be in 2 places at exactly the same time … 🙁 The teachers of the two have already announced their support in the „treasure recovery” operation and I thank them for this with all my heart! On this occasion, I realized for the n-th time, that it would be impossible for me to have a full-time job … and that I do not understand how other mothers can handle both demanding jobs and 2, 3, maybe even 4 school kids … You have all my esteem and respect! The mothers of today are the real superheroes in the urban environment.

All this agitation about the school and the coming of autumn, made me nostalgically remember my student’s history … and I realized that, although lyceum was the happiest period in my life, yet the interval that formed and defined me as personality, preference and inclinations, were the six years of faculty … long but incredibly beautiful. If I could turn back the time, I would do the same thing 🙂 but I definitely would like to „alter” my image … The beginning of the 2000s were stylistically uncertain, so we all kind of bumped between ’90s and imitation of the dainty looks proposed by Britney Spears in combination with Justin Timberlake … God! 🙂 The Internet was still an illustrious unknown, the socializing channel was Mirc, Delia was still N & D 🙂 and the malls were in a state of project. (this is in order to find excuses for my generation…;) ).

What if I were to be a student again in the 2000s, but with a 2017s mind? 😉 Or if I were a 2017s student, but with youth lived in the 2000s? Well, I would definitely „let myself in the hands” of „college” style: classical, reinterpreted, integrated, blended, because the 2000s were the ones where this style was fborn… Over all the „mixture” I would add my personal tussle – I think I’m referring to my impressive hats collection :). It seems to me a suitable choice to make when it comes to clothes ansd style, on one hand, a decent appearance for an +18, worthy of a higher education institution 🙂 and, on the other hand, an outfit with certain sexy elements, specific to youth. 🙂 What should you consider when putting together a „college” inspiration outfit? Here are  some „basics”:

  • men’s shoes – probably the most famous element of college outfits, I recommend both the „budapester” shoes (do a search on Google) or even army boots …
  • under the knee, or  over the knee socks- the over-knee boots precursors 🙂 , I see them as one of the sexy elements of this fashion style. They „speak” youth. 🙂
  • pleated skirt – the shorter the better! In combination with long socks … yummy! Ask the boys! 😉
  • „the squares” pullover/ vest – much more worn by men, these elements look just as cool on girly features … 🙂
  • college jacket/sweater – we still find them in most stores; for recognition: the ones haing inscriptions with the names of universities, with initials or only with numbers. Must have, dear fashionistas!

As you can see in the picture above (and the ones the end of the article), I have reinterpreted some elements of this style and I left my mark with the „hat” element  .. 🙂 The Diesel „portfolio” I just love and you will find it soon in an „shop my closet” article here and on Facebook, because I managed to wear it only a few times and I think it deserves a more careful owner … 🙂 That being said, I wish all pupils an easy but satisfying school year and all parents, patience , patience and patience again! Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Il Passo shoes, similar here

Socks here

Promod skirt, similar here

Marc Cain vest, similar here

Meli Melo fuchsia hat

Diesel „portfolio”