
Sunt inca atinsa de spiritul inceputului de an scolar, asa ca, fara sa vreau, imi pica ochii doar pe partea „aceea” a dulapului, care corespunde oarecum cu aceasta „tema”. 🙂 Ce n-as da sa fiu iar la scoala! Dar, cu toate ca aceasta dorinta e reala si cat se poate de intensa, saptamana aceasta, mersul la scoala cu proprii mei copii m-a ingrozit… 🙁 ! Evenimentele de duminica, cand o furtuna fara precedent a luat 8 vieti, a ranit peste 150 si a devastat intregul oras, si-au lasat un fel de ecou in sufletele fiecarui „ocupant” de pamant banatean, fie el nativ, au ba. Exista, haideti s-o numim… o stare de alerta in ochii oamenilor, iar acest recul este cea mai nociva parte a urgiei: panica. Cum se intuneca putin cerul sau incepe sa ploua, oamenii devin agitati, „baga” mainile in claxoane, se grabesc, alearga, privesc ingrijorati arborii pe sub care trec… In plus, venirea brusca a toamnei, cu temperaturile ei „caciulo-forme” 😉 , sporeste cenusiul general din exterior si „interior”. Desi par destul de serios imbracata, trebuie sa va marturisec ca mi-a cam inghetat posteriorul…ca sa ma exprim delicat, in cele 10 minute de poze de pe pod. Bine ai venit, doamna Toamna! Te rugam mult sa fii mai blanda, sa nu ne mai „incerci” sistemul imunitar cu asemenea „viroze”!! 🙁

Ca si un exercitiu pentru psihic, m-am hotarat sa intampin frigul si atmosfera apasatoare de afara, intr-o varianta „bad girl” reinterpretata 🙂 . Nu suntem in epoca „reinterpretarilor”? Mai exact, mi-am luat cizmele biker, manusile fara degete 🙂 uuuuu…. si sapca intoarsa pe cap, la o fusta „fetitistica” si un bluzon cu un aspect extrem de romantic, care este, in esenta, un element vestimentar „sport”. Let’s mix and match, zic! 🙂 Iti arat eu tie, Toamna!! 😉 Bluzonul asimetric se gaseste la Zara pentru modica suma de 29 de Ron 😮 si va invit sa nu il ratati! Sapca cu tinte Reserved este luata de la Outlet Mixed Brands cu 10 Ron! Mai aveau vreo 10-12.. 😉 Acest magazin este unul din preferatele mele si intentionez sa fac o tinuta completa cumparata de aci.

Faptul ca port mai multe nuante de negru nu ma deranjeaza, dimpotriva, mi se pare un exercitiu fashion reusit. Tin minte ca mama ma atentiona mereu sa potivesc aceeasi nuanta de negru in cadrul unei tinute… si sunt aici pentru a zice: mami, pana cand o viata-amara si-un trai nefericit??!! 🙂 😛  Voila, ca merge si-asa, pe principiul „shades of black”. 🙂 S-ar fi potrivit mult mai ok o geanta-rucsac cu tinte, cele care se gasesc la ora actuala in toate magazinele de accesorii, dar, spre rusinea mea, nu am apucat s-o achizitionez. Una peste alta, o fusta clos pana sub genunchi  purtata cu o pereche de bocanci sau cizme si un hoodie/ bluzon/ sweater, toate pe negru sau pe nuante de negru 😉  este o  tinuta numa’ buna de mers la scoala – aviz amatoarelor de… punk – Lolita, asa. 🙂  Va pup tare si apasat! :*


I am still touched by the spirit of the new school year,  so without previous planning,  my eyes are glued to the „that” side of the closet, which somehow corresponds to this „theme”. 🙂 What I would give to be in school again! But although this desire is real and intense, this week, going to school with my own children terrified me … 🙁 The Sunday events, when an unprecedented storm took 8 lives, hurt over 150 and devastated the whole city, left a sort of echo in the souls of every „occupant” of  land of Banat, whether native or not. There is, let’s call it … a state of alert in the eyes of people and this rebound is the worst part of the wrath: panic. As the sky gets darker or it begins to rain, people become agitated, they stuck their hand on the car horn, they hurry, run, worry about the trees above them… In addition , the sudden arrival of autumn, with its „thick hat-form” temperatures 🙂 , increases the general grayness of the exterior and „interior”. Although I seem pretty dressed, I must confess that my ass froze … to express myself not gently, in the 10 minutes of taking pictures on the bridge. Welcome, Mrs. Autumn! Please, be more gentle, do not „try” our immune system with such „viroses” !! 🙁

As a psychic exercise, I decided to meet the cold and the pressing atmosphere outside in a „bad girl” reinterpreted version :). Are we not in the „reinterpretations” era? More specifically, I took my biker boots, the gloves without fingers 🙂 uuuuu … and reversed my cap, I added a girly skirt and a sweater with a very romantic look, which is essentially a „sporty” clothing element. Let’s mix and match, I say! 🙂 I’ll show you, Autumn !! 😉 The asymmetric sleeve blouse is found  Zara for a modest 29 Ron 😮 and I invite you not to miss it! The Reserved  Cap is taken from Outlet Mixed Brands with 10 Ron! They still have about 10-12  pieces … 😉 This store is one of my favorites and I intend to have a future post with an outfit bought 100% here.

The fact that I wear more than one shade of black does not bother me, on the contrary, it seems to be a successful fashion exercise. I have in mind  my mother always saying not to have more shades of back in the same outfit… and I’m here to say: Mom, I say no more oppression and unhappiness !! 🙂 😛 Voila, I go on the fashionable principle of „shades of black”. 🙂 A backpack would have been a much suitable solution, the ones we find in all accessories stores, but to my shame, I did not buy one. What I want to say here is that a midi-cloche-skirt worn with a pair of boots and a hoodie / sweater, all black or in shades of black  😉 is an ideal school outfit for a … punk – Lolita girl.  🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed! :*

I am wearing

Zara sweater

Reserved cap from Outlet Mixed Brands

Days like this skirt, something similar here

Biker boots, similar here

Gloves from Hand Clothing