
Vai ce vreme!! Da’ ce vremuri..! 🙁 M-am asezat la masa sa scriu acest articol, iar ecranul laptop-ului este singurul care lumineaza pe aci… Afara e „Bacovia”… in sensul acela de epitet. TV-ul, amenintator, e pe coduri portocalii de vant si furtuni… deja a sunat mama sa imi zica sa stau acasa!! 🙂 Oricum, nu mai aveam de gand sa ies. Mi-a ajuns cat m-am invartit prin centru, pentru a gasi un loc de parcare, caci este in desfasurare un maraton care a presupus blocarea totala a circulatiei auto in zona 0 a orasului. Am gasit eu ceva la 1 km departare, dar neavand la noi decat o umbrela, am decis sa nu imi gripez copiii cu buna stiinta, nu de alta, dar avem o saptamana de vacanta si ar fi pacat sa ne-o petrecem la „plapumioara”, oricat de atragator ar suna asta…

Pozele sunt departe de a fi satisfacatoare, dar nu a fost in totalitate vina mea. Exact cand le faceam, a inceput sa „sufle” intens vantul si s-a pornit ploaia. Baietii mei se bateau pe umbrela, mie imi cadea haina de pe umeri.. am calcat intr-o groapa plina cu apa si mi-am manjit „musette-urile”, lucru ce a declansat o descarcare nervoasa manifestata printr-o explozie verbala de onomatopee si argouri… Bietii trecatori, i-am poluat fonic.

My boys, taking over my picture on incognito mode 🙂

La pagina 45 a numarului Glamour de septembrie aflam ca anii 70 sunt „o actualitate” din punct de vedere stilistic. In traducere, este „la moda” sa purtam jachete de lana, stofa sau chiar cojoace, croite in forma aceea general numita „de motor” sau „biker”: rever inegal, fermoar excentric, curea din acelasi material amplasata la terminatia jachetei si nu pe talie… Eu am o asemenea piesa si o port de vreo 2 ani deja… 🙂 Alt element de inspiratie 70’s este fusta midi, in toate formele ei existentiale, inclusiv cea de culottes. Daca are si carouri sau este reiata, cu atat mai bine. Ma jur ca a mea fusta-pantalon este in carouri…dar in lumina precara a inceputului de ploaie, ati putea jura ca umblu cu „cioara vopsita”. 🙂 In picioare? Anii 70 au fost anii disco.. deci platforme, platforme si iar platforme! Care este elementul inovator, ce ne repozitioneaza in anii ’17? Culorile tari. E musai sa avem in tinuta astfel conceputa, piese in culori de factura „neon-ica”, pentru a o „actualiza”. Daca nu aveti fuste, pulovere sau chiar parul vopsit intr-o asemenea culoare 😉 , e suficient sa va concentrati pe accesorii, asa cum am facut eu… o palarie, niste manusi, niste ciorapi…

Am ales decorul acesta, pentru ca suntem in perioada de Halloween. Mi s-a parut o idee bunicica… Acest graffiti e o noutate pentru mine, l-am gasit in goana dupa un loc de parcare… 🙂 Trebuie sa recunosc, are un aer „castelan”, aristocratic… desi infatiseaza chipuri de capcauni. Or fi de vina bufonul, laurii, printesa si calaul pentru asta? Parca te uiti la afisul unei piese de teatru.. 😉  Va pup tare si apasat!


What a weather! Yeah… and what times do we live these days ..! 🙁 I sat down at the table to write this article, and the laptop screen is the only one that glows around me … Outside is „Bacovia” (romanian poet, that wrote about creepy times and weather, illness, death, etc)… in the sense of the „epithet”. The TV is threatening with orange codes of wind and storms … my mother already called to tell me to stay at home !! 🙂 Anyway, I was not going out anymore. I was fed up with the „outside” already, after my long journey to find a parking space in the city center, as there is a marathon in the area, that involved the total blocking of car traffic. I found one at a distance of 1 km, but I only had one umbrella with me, wich had me deciding, not to hurt my children knowingly. We have a week of vacation ahead of us and it would be a pity to spend it at the „blanket hotel”, no matter how appealing it might sound …

The pictures are far from satisfying, but it was not entirely my fault. Exactly when I was taking them, the wind began to „dance” and the rain started to „chat”. My boys were fighting over my umbrella, I dropped my coat on my shoulders… I walked in a pit full of water and I drank the „musettes” (my boots from Musette 😉 ), which triggered a nervous discharge, manifested by a verbal explosion of onomatopee and slang … The poor passers-by, I polluted them.

On page 45 of the September Glamor issue, we find out that the 70’s are a „hit” from a stylistic point of view. In translation, it is „fashionable” to wear wool jackets or fur jackets, cut in the general shape called „motor” or „biker”: uneven lapel, eccentric zipper, belt made of the same material, placed at the end of the jacket and not on the waist … I have such a piece and I have been using it for about 2 years already … 🙂 Another 70’s inspirational element is the midi skirt, in all its existential forms, including the „culottes”. If it has squares or stripes, it’s perfect! I swear to you that my pant-skirt has a geometric pattern on it… but in the harsh light of the beginning of rain, you could swear that I sale a „painted crow” for a parrot . 🙂 boots? The 70’s were disco years … so platforms, platforms and platforms again! What is the innovative element, what sets us „back” in the ’17s? Strong colors. We need to have the so-called „neon-ica” elements in order to „update” it. If you do not have skirts, sweaters or even dyed hair in such a color 😉 , it’s enough to focus on accessories, as I did … a hat, some gloves, some stockings …

I chose this decor, because Halloween is upon us. I thought it was a good idea … This graffiti is a novelty for me, I found it in the chase for a parking space … 🙂 I have to admit it, it has a „chateau-ish”, aristocratic air … though it shows faces of many Shrek 🙂 . Would it be the jester, the laurel, the princess and the executioner to blame for that? It looks like the poster of a theater play… 😉  I kiss you all hard and pressed!

I am wearing

Meli Melo hat

Superdry jacket

DKNY crop pullover

Motivi culottes, some beautiful ones here

Musette boots, similar here

Hand Clothing gloves