Am facut o obsesie pentru frumoasele porti/usi ale caselor din zona mai veche a orasului Timisoara. Fiecare ascunde povesti „cu zmei” si feti frumosi, printese, babe Cloante, ciclopi sau vrejuri de fasole… iar ideea de a ma imortaliza in cadrul acestora, imi creeaza falsa impresie ca poate… intr-o infima masura, ajung sa fac si eu parte din acele povesti. Am o usoara rusine si chiar „frica” sa nu fiu prinsa, de parca pozele mele ar pangari firescul locului. Cred ca e singurul „sport extrem” pe care il practic cu multa placere… 🙂 Tatal meu a facut pozele acestui articol si ii multumesc din suflet pentru ajutor si sustinere. Am reusit sa ii ademenesc pe parintii mei la Timisoara… 😛 deoarece baietii sunt in vacanta si mi se pare misto sa o petreaca sub influenta „intelectuala” a profului de fizica. 🙂 Deja li s-au pregatit excursii la muzee, expozitii de arta si multa „cultura” pe paine.
Vis a vis de tinuta acestei postari, vreau sa va povestesc putin despre produsele pe care le puteti achizitiona la targurile de pielarie, incaltaminte si imbracaminte, organizate in numeroase orase din tara noastra, targuri cu ocazia carora putem cunoaste producatori autohtoni din diverse regiuni ale tarii, cu care in mod normal nu am avea vreo interactiune. Aceste targuri trebuie sustinute, perpetuate si multiplicate. Motivatia este lesne de inteles: in primul rand, produsele sunt in general romanesti, iar noi ca patrioti ce suntem, trebuie sa sustinem conationalii; din punctul meu de vedere, este o datorie morala, de bun simt; in al doilea rand… produsele chiar sunt de o calitate si executie de exceptie,multe dintre acestea fiind dedicate exportului; in al treilea si nu ultim rand, preturile sunt mai mult decat accesibile… iar raportul calitate/pret se mentine intre parametri optimi.
Rochia, cizmele si geanta pe care le port in tinuta de astazi sunt achizitionate la targul TINIMTEX organizat la Pavilionul Expozitional din Constanta. Cele trei elemente vestimentare au costat impreuna 450 Ron. Este oare o suma mare? Pe rochie am dat 50 de Ron si este de la Woman Fashion, un magazin brailean cu haine frumoase, la moda, versatile, purtabile. Materialul este foarte placut, modelul este chic si se preteaza atat unei tinute office, cat si uneia casual. „Bombonul” culorii este pur si simplu delicioas! 🙂 Despre cizme nu va pot spune prea multe lucruri, deoarece sunt din 2016… dar stiu sigur ca au costat 100 Ron. Chilipir!! Latex-ul nu se prea purta in 2016, in schimb 2017 l-a transformat in vedeta. 🙂 Geanta este AlessandraB. (Alessandra Bags), designer si producator de genti de lux din Constanta… si este singurul item „mai scump”, in sensul ca a costat 300 Ron acum doi ani. Judecand dupa cum arata si dupa calitatea fara de tagada, probata prin utilizare indelungata si intensa.. 🙂 sa-mi ziceti voi daca pretul este unul „piperat” au ba… Eu consider ca au fost niste bani intelept investiti si ma felicit pentru alegere. Bravo Ana! 😛
De ce am pus esarfa colorata in jurul capului? Pentru ca modelul rochiei m-a facut sa ma gandesc la o tinuta de inspiratie „francais”. Este foarte important sa purtam langa aceasta esarfa, o pereche de ochelari de soare model vintage (adica foarte mari) si sa avem grija ca esarfa sa nu capete aspect de… basma. 🙂 In toata aceasta combinatie, lipsesc decapotabila, Coasta de Azur si soarele… 🙂 😛
Revenind la discutia despre targuri, am inteles ca exista unul asemanator si in Timisoara. Nu am fost inca, dar am vorbit cu o prietena mare amatoare de produse romanesti, sa ma ia cu ea la urmatorul… 🙂 Stati aproape, ca poate fac ceva live-uri pe Instagram (@anamariabacila) si cu siguranta, va urma si o postare pe acest blog. V-am spus si o repet: este imperativ sa sustinem producatorii autohtoni! Cine-i cu mine??! 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!
I made an obsession for the beautiful gates/ doors of the houses in the oldest part of Timisoara. Every single one hides „fairy-tale” stories with Prince Charming, princesses, witches, cyclops or beanstalks … and the idea of immortalizing myself within those „portals”, creates a false impression that I can … to a small extent, be part of those stories. I have a little shame and even „fear” of not being caught, as if my pictures slander the peace of the place. I think it’s the only „extreme sport” I practice with a lot of pleasure … 🙂 My father took the pictures of this article and I am very grateful for help and support. I succeeded in luring my parents to Timisoara … 😛 because the boys are on vacation and I find it cool to spend it under the „intellectual” influence of the physics professor. 🙂 He has already prepared trips to some museums, art exhibitions and many more „culture” on bread.
Related to this post, I want to tell you a little about the products you can buy at leather, footwear and clothing fairs organized in many cities in our country, fairs where we can meet local producers from different regions of the country , with which we would normally have not any interaction. These fairs must be sustained, perpetuated and multiplied. The motivation is easy to understand: firstly, the products are generally romanian, and we as patriots, must support the locals; from my point of view, is a moral duty, of common sense; secondly … the products are of exceptional quality and execution, many of which are dedicated to export; thirldy, but not lastly… the prices are more than affordable … and the quality / price ratio is maintained between optimal parameters.
The dress, boots and the bag I wear in today’s outfit are purchased at the TINIMTEX Fair, organized at the Exhibition Pavilion from Constanta. The three clothing items cost together 100 Euro. Is that a big sum? The dress was 10 Euro and it’s from Woman Fashion, a shop from Braila (a city in the east part of Romania) with beautiful, fashionable, versatile, wearable clothes. The material is very pleasant, the model is chic and suitable for both office and casual wear. The „bombon” of it’s color is simply delicious! 🙂 Regarding them boots, I can not tell you too much, because they’re from 2016 … but I know they costed 20 Euros (real leather and latex). Excelent bargain!! The latex did not wear in 2016, but 2017 turned it into a star. 🙂 The bag is AlessandraB. (Alessandra Bags), designer and manufacturer of luxury bags from Constanta … and is the only item „more expensive”, in the sense that it costed 70 Euros two years ago. Judging by how it looks like and about it’s quality, proven by long and intense use .. 🙂 tell me if the price is a high or not … I think they were some money wise invested and I congratulate myself for the choice. Bravo Ana! 😛
Why did I put the colorful scarf around my head? Because the dress model made me think of a „francais” inspiration. It is very important to wear a pair of vintage sunglasses next to this scarf, and to make sure that the scarf does not look like a …headkerchief. 🙂 The missing elements of the picture are: a convertible, Cote d’Azur and the sun … 🙂 😛
Returning to the discussion about fairs, I realized that there is a similar one in Timisoara. I was not yet there, but I talked to a friend of mine, great amateur of romanian products, to go together at the next one… 🙂 Stay close, I hope to do some lives on Instagram (@anamariabacila) and surely a post on this blog will follow. I told you and I repeat it: it is imperative to support local producers! Who’s with me?? 🙂 Kiss you all lound and pressed!
I am wearing
Woman Fashion London dress
similar boots here
Zara fake fur, similar here
AlessandraB. bag
similar skarf here