
Iarna continua. Continuam si noi cu tinute desprinse din povesti cu eschimosi, ursi polari, ghetari si Aurore Boreale. Slava evolutiei/ involutiei 😉 pentru tricotaje si blanuri… (scuzati, ultima a sunat putin lugubru). Tricotajele… nebunie masiva in orice magazin respectabil, in voga, vanate, prezentate, share-uite, copiate… Blanuri? In general artificiale. Si felicit lumea modei pentru asta. 🙂 Eu fac o exceptie astazi, petru ca acest cojoc se afla in posesia mea de mai bine de 15 ani. Altul de acest fel nu mi-am mai cumparat si probabil nici nu voi mai cumpara. Cat rezista, rezista si va zic ceva… rezista, fratilor! Daca ma „urnesc” si il duc si la curatatorie… cred ca si la 90 de ani l-as putea purta, desi m-ar cocosa sub cele 10 kg pe care le are… Dar, reality check: este singura haina care imi tine, in mod real, extrem de cald! Am geci de firma umplute cu puf, lungi, „slim”, etc… in care ma simt ca si cum as fi in camasa de noapte pe frigurile din aceasta perioada. Nu dragile mele, nimic nu egaleaza un cojoc facut „ca la mama lui”.

Va spuneam intr-un articol anterior, ca iarna este pentru cojoace si blanuri… si nu pentru paltoane. Cojocul meu este cumparat de la un targ de pielarie, deci este produs romanesc. Motiv in plus sa il port, nu considerati? Nu a fost ieftin… dar nici scump (undeva la 300 Euro). Si-a scos insa fiecare cent prin tinuta, obstinatia, versatilitatea, caldura cu care m-a purtat iarna de iarna, prin diferite stiluri vestimentare, tari, orase, culturi.. Este o piesa atemporala.

Dar sa opresc acest elogiu adus cojoacelor. Nu incurajez omorarea animalelor, nu trebuie sa avem sute de asemenea piese, ci doar una si buna! Atat.

De ce mi-am dorit sa pozez intr-o tinuta de acest fel? Ca sa va arat ca nu este „invechita”. Daca purtam tricotaje si blanuri, nu inseamna ca vom arata ca bunica! Este o estetica ce trebuie explorata de fiecare dintre noi si… din nou, accesorizarea este extrem de importanta, in livrarea produsului final. Eu am ales sa „intineresc” tinuta prin jambierele chic, prin bocancii cu model actual, manusi si ochelarii de soare fistichii. In ce masura am reusit sa arat tanara, sa-mi spuneti voi!

Ar fi mers in egala masura o pereche de cizme/ bocanci peste genunchi, o sapca, niste cercei supradimensionati cu motive geometrice si o borseta in locul curelei. La fel de „young”! Bereta militara pe care o port, desi nu se vede foarte bine, merge de minune cu bocancii. Am luat-o de la SH-ul din Piata 700 de care v-am tot zis. Mi-a comunicat vanzatorul ca are una identica pe rosu… si costa doar 9 Ron. Daca ajungeti cumva acolo inaintea mea, sa nu mi-o luati!! 😛 😉 Costumasul tricotat, care nu e costumas deloc… in sensul ca piesele au fost cumparate chiar din tari diferite, este o varianta minunata pentru conditii atmosferice vitrege: bun si la birou, bun si la cumparaturi, bun si la o cafea cu prietenele. Ce trebuie sa detineti? Un pulover tricotat gros colorat si o fusta, tot tricotata, care sa aiba afinitati stilistice cu puloverul respectiv… 🙂 Acest lucru poate insemna in egala masura, o asortare perfecta, cat si o complementaritate perfecta.. 😉

Mai rezistati cu vremea? Haideti ca mai este putin si… vin ghioceii, miresmele, culorile, pufii de plop, polenul, alergiile…. 😮 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!


Winter continues. We continue also with outfits  from stories with eskimo, polar bears, glaciers and Boreal Auroras.  Thanks to evolution / involution 😉 , knitwear and fur save the day … (excuse, the last one, sounded a little creepy). Knitting … massive insanity in any respectable store, in vogue, hunted, presented, shared, copied … Fur? Generally artificial. And I congratulate the fashion world for this. 🙂 I make an exception today, because this animal-skin coat has been in my possession for over 15 years. I did not buy another one similar, and nore will I ever buy another. How long it will resist, I will wear it and… let me tell you something …  it resist!!  If I take the time to have it  dry-cleaned as well … I think at 90 years old I could still wear it, even though I would be named „The Hunchback from Timisoara”, under the 10 kg it has … But, check reality: it’s the only coat that keeps me really warm! I have long stuffed jackets, „slim”, brand ones … in which I feel like I’m in the nightclothes on sub-zero temperatures.  No, my dear ones, nothing equals a well made animal-skin jacket!

I was saying in a previous article, that winter is for warm coats and furs …  Mine is bought from a leather fair, so it’s romanian. More reason to wear it, don’t you think? It was not cheap … but not expensive (somewhere around 300 Euros). But it’s worth every penny through it’s attire, the obstinacy, the versatility, the warmth it kept me, winter after winter, through different styles, countries, cities, cultures. It is an atemporal piece.

But I will stop this eulogy to animal-skin coats! I do not encourage animal killing, we MUST not have hundreds of such pieces, but just a good one! That’s all.

Why did I want to pose in such an outfit? To show you that it is not „outdated”. If we wear knitwear and fur, it does not mean we will look like our grandmother! It is an aesthetics that must be explored by each of us and … again, accessorization is extremely important in delivering the final product. I chose to „rejuvenate” the outfit through the chic leggings, with the modern boots, gloves and sunglasses.  To what extent did I get a young look, let me know! 🙂

A pair of over-knee boots, a cap, some oversized earrings with geometric motifs and waist purse would have been equally „young”! The military  cap I wear, although it does not show very good, goes wonderfully to my boots. I got it from the SH in the 700th Square that I told you all about. The owner told me that he had an identical one in red … and cost only 2 Euros. If you get there before me, do not buy it !! 😛 😉 The knitted costume, which is not a costume at all … in the sense that the pieces were bought even from different countries, is a wonderful variant for harsh atmospheric conditions: good at the office, good at shopping, good for coffee with your friends. What do you have to own? A thick colored knit sweater and a skirt, also knitted, that has stylistic affinities with that sweater … 🙂 This can mean equally, a perfect fit, nor perfect complementarity .. 😉

How are you dealing with this weather? Hang in there, because in a few we will have plenty of …  snowdrops, smells, colors, poplar drops, pollen, allergies … 😮 🙂

I am wearing

similar coat here

similar sweater here

similar skirt here

Stefanel uppers

Hand Clothing gloves

Esprit bag, similar here