Copiii mei sunt extrem de haiosi. Sunt sigura ca marea majoritate a cititorilor mei are (ea, majoritatea… 🙂 ) pe acasa unul sau mai multe specimene ale rasei la care ma refer eu acum. Sa nu va indoiti nici o clipa, copiii secolului XXI provin de pe Marte. Eu ma uit uneori la ai mei si ma mir ca nu sunt mici, verzi, chei si cu ochii bulbucati. Partea legata de comunicarea telepatica, se aplica! 🙂 Imi placea enorm emisiunea TV – „Copiii spun lucruri trasnite”. Pacat ca nu se mai difuzeaza, dar ce pot spune…eu am propria varianta 24 din 24 acasa.
Am comis greseala fantastica de a NU nota mereu tot ce au debitat frumosii mei de-a lungul timpului. Baietii mei. Unul de 7 si celalalt de 5 ani jumate. Asa cum probabil multe alte mame obisnuiesc, ne autointitulam in mod desuet „cei trei muschetari”. 🙂 Ei nu inteleg inca exact care e frumusetea aparte a triadei „dumas-iene”, dar si-au insusit foarte bine vorba „toti pentru unul si unul pentru toti”. Astept cu nerabdare sa ii vad afundati intr-un fotoliu, cu o carte in brate (care miroase a carte!), zambind sau incrundandu-se involuntar in timp ce intorc pagini… 🙂
Astronomie/ Filosofie – Noapte, suntem toti in masina, un Opel Tigra model vechi si mergem spre mare. La un moment dat se trezeste cel mic, pe vremea aceea 3 anisori, se uita la cer prin luneta generoasa a masinii si zice: Mami, ce mare e luna! Eu: Da mami, uite, vine dupa tine.. El: Luna vine dupa toata lumea… 🙂
Etica – Eu catre cel mare: Si cum stai cu fetele la scoala, ai vreo iubita ceva? El: Da, am vreo 8. Eu: Vai de mine…si cum faci fata situatiei, nu e complicat? El: Nu, deloc.Intai ma joc cu toate impreuna, apoi cu fiecare separat. 😛
Estetica – Ma uit cu mama la emisiunea „Bravo ai stil”. Ne cam ciondanim, discutam, ne contram. Fiul cel mare, in trecere prin fata televizorului: E Halloween la astia mami, nu-i asa? 😮
Legislatie – Il vad pe cel mic al meu, la varsta frageda de un an si jumatate, cu un elastic de par in jurul incheieturii mainii. Eu: Scoate-l mami, ca iti opreste circulatia. El: A, e un fel de politist? 🙂
Principii – Ii dau ceva exercitii de matematica celui mare. El: Tu nu esti profesoara, nu poti sa imi dai teme… Eu: Si daca ma fac profesoara, ce te faci? El: Ma mut la alta scoala!! 😛
Logica – Dupa o lunga perioada de studii aprofundate, derulate prin interogarea bunicilor cu privire la stramosi, familie, etc..il surprind pe cel mic cum ii explica celui mare: Intai moare Ajax (cainele), apoi moare mami (vedem noi asta… 🙂 ), apoi moare tati, apoi murim noi, apoi vin altii si mor si ei. Copilul nu avea 3 ani inca 🙂
Viziune – Ii surprind ca se cearta si ii spun celui mare: Voi trebuie sa fiti uniti, nedespartiti…asa, ca doua boabe in pastaie! El: Si ce se intampla cu boabele cand se deschide pastaia? 😮
Patriotism/ Moralitate – Cel mic: Mami, o sa reparati farul la masina inainte sa o vindeti nu? E urat sa vinzi lucruri stricate la alti romani de-ai nostri… 😮 (oare daca o vindeam in strainatate era „moralmente” mai corect??) 🙂
Iubire – Discutie intre ei. Cel mic: Eu cand o sa fiu mare o sa ma mut la bloc. Cel mare: Mie imi place la casa. Cel mic: Atunci o sa ma mut in blocul de langa casa ta. Cel mare: Si eu o sa ma mut in casa de langa blocul tau! 🙂
Hai in comment-uri cu lucruri trasnite spuse de „martianul” tau! 🙂
My kids are extremly funny. I’m sure that most of you have at home one or more of those particular specimens. Don’t be fooled, the XXI-st century kids are from Mars! Sometimes I watch them and think: if they were small, green, bald and big eyed, everything would be explained! Instead, they mastered the „telepathic” communication, but kept their sweet faces on. 🙂 I just loved that TV show „Copiii spun lucruri trasnite”, it’s a pity it runs no more. On the other hand, I have my private show 24 hours a day at home. 🙂
I did the huge mistake of not always taking notes of funny stuff my kids did/said. My boys. One is 7 and the small one is 5 and a half years old. As many other mothers surely know what I am talking about, we call ourselves, in an oldfahioned way, „The three musketeers”. 🙂 My boys do not see yet the beauty of „Dumas’s” triad, but they just love the saing „all for one and one for all”. I can’t wait to see them reading real books (that smell like books!) and making faces while turning pages… 🙂
Astronomy/ Philosophy : We were driving in an old Opel Tigra during the night, and my little one woke up at one poind, looked at the moon through the big window and said: Mom, the moon is huge! Me: Yes baby, it’s following you! Him: The moon follows everyone! (he was only 3 years old) 🙂
Ethics – Me talking to the big one: So, how is your love life? Any sweetheart at school? Him: Yes, I have eight. Me: Oh my dear God, how do you manage this? Isn’t it hard? Him: Nope, we play all together, and afterwards I play with each one separately. 😛
Esthetic – I am watching „Bravo ai stil” (romanian fashion show) with my mother. We discuss, argue, take sides. My older son, walking by the TV: Mommy it’s Halloween in this show, isn’t it? 😮
Legislation – My youngest was only one year and half when I caught him wearing my hair ring in his wrist. Me: Baby, take it off, it stops your circulation! Him: Oh, is it some kind of policeman?
Principles – I was giving my oldest some math exercises to solve. Him: You are not a teacher, you can not give me homework! Me: And if I become a teacher, what will you do? Him: I will move to another school!! 😛
Logic – After a very long period of deep study, wich consisted of query grandparents about ancestors, family, and so on…I hear my youngest’s monologue: First Ajax (the dog) will die. Afterwards, mommy will die (we’ll see about that, shall we? 🙂 ). After mommy, daddy will die. Than we die, and after us will come others that will die too. The kid was no more than three years old.
Vision – I see them fighting. Me: This is nor ok, you should be like two beans in a shuck! The old one: And what happens to the beans, when the shuck openes? 😮
Patriotism/Morality – The little one: Mommy, will you fix the front lights at our car before selling it? It’s not nice to sell broken things to other romanians like us… (I wonder, if the buyer were to be from abroad… the whole situation would have been morally correct??) 🙂
Love – They are talking. The little one: When I grow up, I wish to live in an appartment block. No. 2: I prefere a house. No.1: Than I will buy an appartment in a the block near your house. No.2: Me too I will move to the house next to your appartment! 😛
I am wearing
Miss Sixty dress
Penti stockins (bought at Shopping City Tm)
Musette boots
Poze by Boldor Alexandra
Un trio de milioane!
Dumas-ieni de-a dreptul! 🙂