
Hello lume buna si frumoasa! Astazi am profitat de faptul ca a inceput scoala si implicit, am fost toata dimineata singura acasa. Avand in vedere ca frigiderul geme inca a bunatati pascale 🙂 , nu a fost nevoie sa gatesc… asa ca am iesit putin in cartier, pentru a va prezenta o noua tinuta primavaratica, care ma caracterizeaza in totalitate. Daca stau bine si analizez, este o tinuta asemanatoare cu precedenta: o pereche de pantaloni cullote si un sacou. Accesoriile fac insa diferenta. Vis a vis de o canotiera, care aduce un aer retro, chiar usor romantic… sapca de tip „gavroche” muta orice tinuta intr-o zona, pe care cu usurinta as pute-o numi ludica. Nu vei arata niciodata prea serioasa, cand vei purta o sapca „gavroche”. 😉 Concluzionand, aceasta tinuta semana „dar nu rasare”, cu cea din articolul trecut… 🙂

M-am simtit foarte „français” azi… 🙂 . Cred ca daca as fi auzit ” La Marseillaise” la megafoane pe strazi, filmul ar fi fost complet. 😛 Mama, ce filme am!! 🙂 E, am avut un vis mai demult… sa am atatia bani cat sa-mi cumpar un apartament pe Champs Elysee. Dar nu sa locuiesc acolo, din nefericire iubesc Romania mult prea mult incat s-o schimb pe platouri cu branzeturi si vinuri de calitate. Dar… un apartament in buricul Parisului, unde traieste lumea buna, unde vezi ultimele aparitii vestimentare, culinare si automobilistice… la aia nu as spune Nu. Da, recunosc, am o doza maricica de snobism si din cand in cand imi mai da coate, ca sa ma faca sa dau mai tare din coate…  🙂 Cine stie…? Poate, poate.. 😮

Revenind la oile mele din cartier 😛 , desi nu pare, centrul de interes al tinutei este (am vrut eu sa fie!) la picioarele mele: sandale de tip sport cu platforma, purtate cu sosete. Despre aceste sandale de la Ash am spus mereu ca sunt niste „pantofi sport deconstruiti”. 🙂 Arata de parca cineva a decupat niste ghete sport, apoi le-a extrudat si sectionat talpa, pentru a crea platforma cu pricina. Sunt o piesa statement a modestei mele colectii de „papuci” si sunt foarte fericita ca le detin. Am sa ma straduiesc sa las un link catre ceva asemenator, fie si la mana a doua…  Ideea este ca, a purta sosete in orice tip de incaltaminte, este un trend al primaverii lui 2018. Zice Glamour. 😉 Martirisesc ca titlul acestui articol este un plagiat, pentru ca se regaseste in paginile numarului de martie al revistei cu pricina. Dar imi place enorm cum suna!! Eu… i-as fi zis „Sock it up!”, dar pentru urechi fine poate suna destul de pervers, asa ca am renuntat… 🙂 Ideea este aceeasi: cumparati-va zeci de perechi de sosete de dama, in toate culorile, modelele si marimile, caci… veti avea mare nevoie de ele.

Despre restul tinutei nu sunt foarte multe de spus. Am incercat sa regasesc elementul „sportiv” si la nivelul superior, de aici decizia de a purta acel sacou si ochelarii supradimensionati, ce seamana izbitor cu niste ochelari de ski vintage. Probabil va intrebati de ca am zis de sacou ca ar fi dintr-o gama „sport”, caci modelul lui nu are nimic de-a face cu asta. Este vorba de material: este acelasi din care se confectioneaza hanoracele si bluzoanele sport. 🙂 Daca avea si o gluga… era minunat! 😛

In speranta ca veti gasi tinuta acestei zile inspirationala, va doresc un rest de saptamana domol, dar plin de energii creatoare si vibratii pozitive. Va pup tare si apasat! 😛 :*


Hello beautiful people! Today I took advantage of the fact that the school started and implicitly, I found myself alone at home, all morning. Since the fridge is still full with Easter goodies, I did not need to cook … so I went out a bit in the neighborhood, to show  to you a new spring outfit, that totally characterizes me. If I analyze it, it’s similar to the previous one: a pair of culottes and a jacket. The accessories make the difference. When a boater hat brings a retro, even romantic aspect to an outfit … the gavroche hat moves it into an area that you can easily be called „playful”. You will never look too serious when you wear a „gavroche” hat. 😉 Concluding, this outfit resembles to the previous one, but  it plays a whole different melody… 🙂

I felt very „français” today … 🙂 . I think, if I would have heard „La Marseillaise” on loudspeakers today on the streets, the „movie” would have been complete. 😛 Oh boy, the movies I live in!! 🙂 Well, I had a dream long ago … to have enough money to buy an apartment on Champs Elysee. But not to live there, cause „unfortunately”… I love Romania too much to give it on cheese plates and high quality wines. But … an apartment „in the belly-button” of Paris, where the good world lives, where you see the latest fashion, culinary and automobile appearances … that’s not something I would say No to. 😛 Yes, I admit, I have a dose of snobbery and occasionally it gives me a whiff, just to make me work harder on the „dream fulfillment” aspect … 🙂 Who knows …? Maybe, maybe .. 😮

Returning to my today’s „movie”… although it does not show very well, the center of interest for this outfit is (I wanted to be!) at my feet: sports sandals with platform, worn with socks. About these Ash Sandals, I have always considered them to be „deconstructed sports shoes”. 🙂 They look as if someone cut out some sport boots, then extruded and cut the sole, to create the platform. They’re a statement pair from my modest  „slippers” collection and I am very happy to have them. I’m going to try to leave a link to something like that, even a second hand version … The idea to wear socks in any kind of shoes is a spring trend of 2018. Says Glamor. 😉 I am affraid the title of this article is a plagiarism, because you can find it in the pages of the March issue of the Glamour Magazine. But I really like how it sounds !! I … I would have called it „Sock it up!”, but fine ears may find that pretty perverse, so I decided to stick with the safe version … 🙂 The idea is the same: buy dozens of pairs of women socks, in all colors, patterns and sizes, because … you will need them a lot.

There is not much to say about the rest of the outfit. I tried to find the „sporty” element at the upper level also, that’s why the decision to wear that jacket and the oversized sunglasses, that look like some vintage ski-glasses. Probably you ask why I refered as „sporty” to my jacket, because its model has nothing to do with it. It’s all about the material: it’s the same one we use in sweatshirts and hoodies. 🙂 If it had a hood … it would have been great! 😛

Hoping you will find the outfit of this day inspirational  I wish you a peaceful rest of the week, but also full of creative energies and positive vibes. Kiss you all loud and pressed! 😛 :*

I am wearing

Zara cullotes, similar here

Armani Jeans denim corset, similar here

Liu Jo jacket, similar here

Penti socks

Ash shoes, similar here

Sinsay sunglasses