
Buna ziua dragi fashioniste! Astazi continui saga „moda primaverii, conform revistei Glamour”, desi am ales sa nu mai folosesc un tiplu atat de pompos ca datile trecute. Pana la urma, nu este o moda propusa de revista in sine, aceasta doar ne comunica noua, cititoarelor, deciziile de la forurile superioare 😉 . Dublu denim? Oau, surprinzator de-a dreptul!! 🙂 Ma intreb, cand oare NU s-a purtat denimul..? Imi rasfoiam zilele trecute articole mai vechi si mi-a sarit in ochi faptul ca periodic ma intorc la aceasta tema pe blog. Cam asta face si moda. Poate acum se numeste „double denim”, poate ca alta data se numea „all denim”… „aceeasi Marie cu alta palarie”. Trebuie sa recunosc, eu vad denimul ca material component al bazei „piramidei” virtuale de styling-uri si trend-uri propuse an de an la saptamanile modei: se gaseste cam in toate colectiile, se poate purta din varful capului pana in varful degetelor de la picioare (ad litteram) si… desi este prin excelenta material „vintage”, confera si perpetueaza un aspect proaspat si tineresc. Am enumerat destule calitati cat sa va conving? 😉

Despte trendul primaverii lui 2018 in particular, ideea este ca ar fi indicat sa combinam doua piese denim in acelasi ton, preferabil unul cat mai inchis la culoare. Nu se mai poarta denimul prespalat, sau cel cu tenta verzuie, galbuie, rosiatica sau violeta. Trebuie sa ne concentram pe culori inchise. Denimul in varianta sa originala este atemporal. Levi’s stie, intrebati acolo. 😉 Astazi am impins ideea de „dublu denim” putin in extremis, deoarece am ales sa port o salopeta. Este evident ca, in acest fel, pare ca sunt imbracata doar in acest material. Eu am o slabiciune pentru salopete, deoarece imi stau foarte bine. 🙂 Am vazut acest lucru, asa ca tind sa utilizez in exces. 😛 Mai, nu stiu cum sa va zic, dar… salopetele sunt niste elemente vestimentare „utilizabile”  cam in orice situatie de ordin urban sau rural, cu atat mai mult o salopeta din denim!

Cam atat despre tinuta. Trebuie sa maturizez putin discursul, sa nu va mai tratez ca pe niste copii. Stiu ca in ultima perioada textele au fost usor impersonale, orientate catre informatie, nu catre emotie. Experimentez. Vreau sa vad ce va intereseaza de la acest blog, pentru a putea sa-l duc spre forma ideala. Probabil pentru multe dintre voi, pozele sunt suficiente. Dar acesta nu este un blog de fotografie… 🙂 De-a lungul timpului am fost sfatuita ba sa „nu mai dau atat din casa”, ca oamenii nu sunt interesati de zbuciumul meu interior… ba, dimpotriva, sa condimentez fiecare articol cu intamplari din cotidianul pe care il traiesc. Asta ar presupune sa ii implic activ pe baietii mei aci, lucru pe care nu sunt inca pregatita sa-l fac. Sunt in punctul in care nu prea stiu in ce directie s-o apuc. Voi, cititorii mei, ce doriti sa aflati de la mine? Vreti sa-mi stiti parerile in materie de moda, sau vreti sa aflati cu ce personalitati locale ies la cafea, unde imi duc copiii la joaca, cat timp aloc zilnic treburilor casnice (caznice! 😉 ), daca sunt pro sau contra operatiilor estetice de orice fel, ce mananc, ce fac la sala de fitness si alte chestii care tin de „lifestyle”? Eu am concentrat acest blog pe partea de fashion si mai putin pe cea de „stil de viata”. Doriti sa extind discursul catre alte domenii? Dati-mi un semn si se rezolva. Pana la urma, am sange de olteanca… deci iubesc sa vorbesc! 🙂
Va pup tare si apasat!


Hello dear fashionistas! Today I continue the saga of „Spring  Trends by Glamor Magazine,” although I chose not to use such a pompose headline, as in the other articles. After all, it is not a trend issued by the magazine itself, it only tells the readers the „decisions” taken by the higher forums 😉 . Double denim? Wow, surprising! 🙂 I wonder when was not denim in trend? I was browsing my old articles and I could not miss the fact that I regularly return to this theme. That’s also what fashion does. Maybe now it’s called „double denim”, maybe another time was called „all denim” … „the same Mary… with another hat”. I have to admit that I see this „denim” as a base component of the virtual „pyramid” of styling and trends, proposed year after year at fashion weeks: it is found in all collections, it can be worn from head to toe (ad litteram) and … although it is a true „vintage” material, it gives and perpetuates a fresh and youthful look. Have I listed enough qualities to convince you? 😉

About the „denim trend” for this spring in particular, the idea is that it would be advisable to combine two denim pieces in the same colour tone, preferably a dark one. The acid-washed denim is no longer in vogue and so are not all other colored ones: greenish, yellowish, reddish or violet. We have to focus on dark colors. Denim in its original version is timeless. Levi’s knows, go ask there. 😉 Today I pushed the idea of „double denim” a bit in the extreme, because I chose to wear an overall. It is obvious that, in this way, it seems I’m dressed only in this material. I have a weakness towards overalls, because they look very good on me 🙂 . I’ve seen this, so I tend to use them excessively. 😛 Maybe, I do not know how to say it, but … overalls are „usable” clothing items in any urban or rural situation, the denim ones even more!

And that’s all regarding the outfit. I have to mature the speech a little, because I tend to treat you like children. I know that lately the texts were slightly impersonal, oriented to information, not to emotion. I am testing something. I want to see what your interests are, so I can get this blog to its ideal shape. Probably for many of you, the pictures are enough. But this is not a photography blog … 🙂 Over the time I’ve been advised to „not give so many insides”, because people are not interested in reading about my inner battles… or, on the contrary, I heard I shoud spice every article with stories from my everyday life. That would mean actively involving my boys in this blog, which I’m not ready to do. I’m at the point where I do not really know where to go. You, my readers, what do you want from this blog? Do you want to know my opinions on fashion, or do you want to know which local personalities I take out for coffee, where I take my children to play, how many hours I spend everyday with the household chores, wether I am for or against aesthetic operations of any kind, what I eat, what exercises I make at the gym and other lifestyle stuff? I have focused this blog on the fashion side and less on the „lifestyle” part. Do you want me to extend the speech to other areas? Give me a sign and I will make the change. After all, it’s in my blood … I love to talk! 🙂
Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Vero Moda Jeans jacket, similar here

HM overall, similar here

Zara shoes

Zara top, similar here

Frankies’s Garage bag, similar here

Reserved sunglasses

Ed Hardy belt, many of them here

Photos by Handra Diana