Imi este frica de blugii evazati. Fara nici un fel de gluma, acest gen de pantaloni ma tine la respect! Probabil am vazut prea multe poze din perioada cand partintii mei erau studenti si am ajuns sa asociez acestui tip de pantaloni: chica odioasa pe care o purtau cu mandrie barbatii pe atunci (ma intreb daca la fel vor gandi copiii nostri referitor la conceptul „lumber sexual” atat de prezent in tendinte la ora actuala 🙂 ), mustatile, favoritii, ochelarii tip John Lennon, siluete uscate si lunguiete ce imi amintesc de un desen al copilariei mele ce se numea „Papa Gambalunga” si alte aspecte cu puternic impact vizual asupra mea si a imaginatiei mele.
A nu se intelege gresit: imi plac la nebunie hipiotii! Au adus cu ei revolutii culturale,conceptuale, muzica lor este dementiala (Woodstock & Co), au fost prima generatie „bio”, in toate sensurile actuale ale acestui cuvant, adepti ai non-violentei, personalitati boeme, poeti, artisti, busturi de invidiat (Robert Plant 🙂 ), Stairway to Heaven, iar cultura mea generala imi sopteste, spasita, sa ma opresc cat sunt inca pe teren cunoscut, inainte sa fac vreo gafa monumentala… 🙂 Toate bune si frumoase, dar mie tot imi e frica de pantalonii evazati … :p
Motive? Pai sa vedem…: consider pantalonii evazati stau foarte bine pe siluete inalte si zvelte (fac din nou trimitere la aspectul generatiei hippie – „filiformismul” 😛 ), daca ii cumperi prea scurti…e un dezastru de proportii astronomice, daca sunt prea lungi…iti trebuie niste platforme de stripteuza pentru a remedia situatia, deci esti in pericol sa iti rupi gatul, pentru ca nu oricine are veleitati in echilibristica 🙂 (vorba aceea: vrei sa te sinucizi? Arunca-te de pe tocuri! 🙂 ), daca au material prea gros iti ingroasa soldurile si pulpele, lucru evitat de majoritatea doamnelor si domnisoarelor pe care eu le cunosc, cel putin… daca au un material prea moale, forma pe care o capata atunci cand mergem nu este tocmai cea mai fericita. Continuam? 🙂 Daca sunt purtati cu bluze foarte largi si lungi pana sub linia feselor, fara a marca talia cu o curea, snur, etc…arati fix ca un butoi. Probabilitatea de a te murdari pe pataloni este cu atat mai mare cu cat suprafata acestora este mai mare… 🙂 (asta e cam trasa de par…), dar cred ca v-am facut sa intelegeti de unde temerea mea vis a vis de acest tip de jeans.
Dar… 🙂 pentru ca exista un dar… ii consider ingredientul necesar si suficient pentru a desavarsi look-ul perfect pentru un festival, pentru o seara de vacanta la malul marii sau o iesire cu „gagicile” la mall… 😛 Acesta a fost un shooting 100% terapeutic… 🙂 Infruntati-va demonii din cand in cand!
Multumesc Otiliei pentru buchetul superb, Cristinei pentru bunavointa de a-mi imprumuta poncho-ul roz (fiind in deplasare, nu m-am bucurat diversitatea oferita de propriul meu dulap) si sotului meu pentru poze! :*
I fear flared jeans. I mean, for real, to those who have the courage to wear them: RESPECT! It might be because I have seen too many photos of my parents being young and restless :), and somehow, my brain asociates those jeans with: the odious hair men proudly wore back than (I wonder what our kids will say about the „sexual lumber” thing we have going on right now…), moustaches, favourites, „John Lennon” glasses, the thin and long silhouettes that remind me of a cartoon from my childhood named „Papa Gambalunga” and other visual aspects that mess with me and my imagination.
Do not get me wrong! I love this generation! They brought along revolutions: cultural, conceptual, musical (OMG Woodstock&Co people!!!), they were the real „bio” entinies :), non violence, bohemian people, poets, artists, great busts (Robert Plant 😛 ), „Stairway to heaven” and maybe I should stop while I am on familiar ground, cause I risk a monumental blunder. Still….I fear the damn flaredjeans!
Why?? Well….:I think that if one is not thin and tall enough, the flared jeans are not the winning ticket (browse pictures of the hippie generation and you will see what I mean…), if they are too short, in short term: disaster! 🙂 If they are too long, you should buy thoose killer platforms and not all of us have a „stripper” inside 🙂 (There is this nice joke: If you want to kill yourself, jump off your heels!) If their matherial is too thick, they tend to add a few kg to your hips and upper legs, which is not something a women wants. On the other hand, a thin matherial, makes strange shapes while moving. Shall we continue? 🙂 Wear them to a long, wide blouse and do not mark your waist with a belt and you just turned yourself in a giant jar! The probability of getting them dirty is higher as their surface is bigger (this was really from the „bottom” of my mind… 🙂 ) All in all, I see a lot of reasons to fear those jeans, don’t you?
But…because there is a but… 🙂 I find them the perfect ingredient for a festival look, or an „evening by the sea” look, or an „going out with the girls” look. 😛 This shooting was 100% therapeutic! Face your deamons every now and then…
Thank you Otilia for the gorgeous bouquet, Cristina for the pink poncho (being away, I had no access to my cupboard) and my husband for the photos! :*
Mother Jeans – you can find similar here
Musette boots
Alpaka shawl from Peru (gift from my husband)
Fashion Union body from TKMaxx Germany