
Ziua buna, lume! 🙂 „Za” diva is in „za” haus 🙂
Compozitie coloristica extrem de placuta
Si ceva mai ton pe ton 🙂
Pe val

Am avut un soc cand mi-am pus aceasta peruca. 🙂 Pana in acel moment, habar n-am avut cat de „teribil” seman cu mama! Maica-mea are aceasta tunsoare de mai bine de zece ani, doar ca in varianta coloristica blond-perla. Cred ca asta a fost motivul alegerii acestui model, am considerat ca daca mama arata bine cu asa freza, cu siguranta arat bine si eu. 😛 Exista insa un mic, „nesemnificativ”…. detaliu: mama are nasul foarte mic si carn, iar eu am nasul regal, lung si drept al tatalui meu… 🙂 , cu alte cuvinte, bretonul este o interdictie absoluta. Cu toate acestea, nu imi displace deloc ce a iesit, ba chiar cochetez cu ideea de a-mi lasa breton. Ce ziceti? Ar fi o idee buna? Ajutati-ma cu ceva comment-uri, va rog mult!!!
Nu stiu daca sunteti la curent, dar anul acesta se poarta perucile. Bineinteles, preferabil ar fi sa purtam peruci din par veritabil… dar sa stiti ca si cele artificiale sunt de mare efect. In Tokyo spre exemplu, pe zona de „street style”, cunoascuta ca fiind una dintre cele mai declarative de pe intreg mapamondul, perucile colorate in nuante neon, sau cele multicolore, sunt deja un accesoriu cat se poate de banal. Totusi, o peruca este un accesoriu ce pot schimba radical atat o tinuta cat si persoana in sine, de aici si farmecul aparte al acesteia. Pe acest considerent, in acceptia mea, o peruca nu poate fi niciodata un element banal. 🙂


Cea mai misto faza legata de perucile astea este ca, pentru cateva ore, poti juca rolul unei alte persoane. Evident, doar la nivel vizual… 🙂 , lucru care mi se pare de-a dreptul sexi. Mie mi-a provocat un efect de „masca”, cu alte cuvinte, am avut o stare de completa dezinhibitie si m-am bucurat de efectele acesteia. Nu este un mister, obtin acelasi efect dupa o sticla de bere, sau dupa un pahar de vin… 🙂 , dar peruca nu imi afecteaza deloc ficatul! 😉 Si daca cativa dintre voi ganditi acum despre mine ca as avea nevoie de substante pentru a obtine defularea, sa stiti ca aveti perfecta dreptate. Dar cine nu are nevoie de „substante”? Am sa imi permit sa il citez pe Teo de la Deko Cafe, care spunea cu multi ani in urma ca „si ciorba e o substanta”, deci toti avem intr-o oarecare masura o dependenta „inofensiva”. 🙂 Ale mele se rezuma la cafeaua de dimineata si berea de seara, ca sa zic asa… cu ciorba nu sunt prietena buna. 🙂 😛 Voi cu ce va laudati?

Da, am recunoscut: sunt departe de a fi femeia aceea perfecta pe care o afisez. Aceea este doar o fatada pe care mi-o impun de dragul copiilor si a parintilor mei, pe care ii respect enorm si pe care, mai degraba as muri decat sa-i fac de rusine. Este o chestiune de educatie si de alegeri. Aceesi educatie este cea care imi spune ca, din cand in cand, sa fiu eu insami, sa fac ce imi place, sa beau o bere, doua, trei, sa pun pe mine o fusta scurta si sa merg cu fetele in club pentru o noapte de dans si distractie, pentru ca apoi sa imi petrec jumatate din urmatoarea zi in varful patului, luptandu-ma cu o mahmureala lipiciosa si enervanta. Este modul meu de a-mi incarca bateriile. Acest lucru nu ma face mai putin mama, femeie, fiica sau sotie, dar imi da doza de „Ana” necesara unor viitoare saptamani de prestatie pe altarul vietii de familie. Un efect asemenator simt si cand „practic” moda. Altii se relaxeaza facand yoga, stretching sau meditatie, eu… am nevoie de un dulap deschis si de vreo 2 ore de singuratate. Am parte de acest timp in diminetile cand copiii sunt la scoala si indatoririle casnice sunt deja infaptuite. Iubesc diminetile acelea… desi, la sfarsitul celor doua ore, camera arata ca dupa razboi…  „Mahmureala”. 😉  Poate nu voi purta eu aceasta peruca prea des, dar numai faptul ca pot sa ma prostesc cu ea prin casa, facand selfie-uri, dansand, cantand si jucand teatru, o face o investitie extrem de buna. Ana e un copil. Si nu vrea sa creasca. 🙂

Nu stiu in ce masura v-a placut articolul de astazi. Poate putin prea… personal? E blogul meu, fac ce vreau! 😉 Iar uneori imi place sa ma autoironizez. Practic, am recunoscut ca am o usoara dependenta de bere 😉 … si ca dansez singura prin casa, purtand peruci. Nu suna a lauda de sine, deci miroase bine!  😛 Va pup tare si apasat!


In the spot light. 😉

I was shocked when putting this wig on. 🙂 Until that moment, I had no idea how „terrible” I resembled my mother! My mother has had this haircut for more than ten years, but in a blonde-pearl version. I think this was the reason for choosing this model, I thought that if my mother looks so good with such a haircut, I would definitely look good too. 😛 But there is a small, „insignificant” …. detail: the mother has very small, up in the air nose and I have the royal, long and straight nose of my father’s … :), in other words, the breton is a an absolute ban. However, I do not dislike the outcome, and even consider the idea of having a haircut with bangs in the future. What do you say? Would that be a good idea? Help me with some comments, please !!!
I do not know if you’re up to date, but this year, wigs are in trend. Of course, it would be preferable to wear genuine hair wigs … but the artificial ones are of great effect. In Tokyo, for example, the street style, known as one of the world’s most declarative, neon or multicolored wigs, are already a trivial accessory. However, a wig is an accessory that can radically change both the outfit and the person that wears it, so it has a special charm. On this point, in my opinion, a wig can never be a trivial element. 🙂

In motion.

The coolest thing about these wigs is that for a few hours you can play the role of another person. Obviously, just visually … 🙂 , which seems to me a bit sexy. It caused me a „mask” effect…  in other words, I had a state of complete disinhibition and I enjoyed its effects. It’s not a mystery that I get the same effect from a  beer, or a glass of wine … 🙂 but the wig does not affect my liver at all! 😉 And if some of you think about me now, that I would need substances to loosen up, you are perfectly right. But who does not need „substances”? I will now quote Teo from Deko Cafe, who said many years ago that „even the soup is a substance,” so we all have to some extent, an „innocent” addiction. 🙂 Mine are the morning coffee and the evening beer, so to speak … I’m not „good friends” with the soup… 🙂 😛 What’s yours?

Yes, I admitted: I’m far from being the perfect woman I try to display. That is just a facade I impose for the sake of my children and my parents, whom I respect enormously and to whom I would never do anything image-harmful. It is a matter of education and of choice. But the same education tells me that, from time to time, it’s good to be myself, to do what I like, to drink a beer, two or three, to put on a short skirt and go with the girls in the club for a night of dancing and fun, then spend half of the next day in bed, struggling with a sticky and annoying hangover. It’s my way of charging the batteries. This does not make me less mother, woman, daughter or wife, but gives me the dose of „Ana” needed for future weeks spent on the „battlefield” of family life. I get a similar effect when „Iplaying” fashion. Others relax by doing yoga, stretching or meditation. Me…all I need is an open closet and 2 hours of loneliness. I can find this time in the morning, when the children are in school and the household duties are already done. I love those mornings … although at the end of the two hours, the room looks like after the war … „The hangover”. I may not wear this wig too often, but only the fact that I can enjoy myself with it through the house, making selfies, dancing, singing and playing my own theater, makes it a very good investment. Ana is a baby girl. And she does not want to grow. 🙂

I do not know to what extent you liked the article today. Maybe a little too … personal? It’s my blog, I’m doing what I want! 😉 And sometimes I like to autoironize myself. Basically, I admitted that I have a slight dependence on beer 😉 … and that I dance alone in the house, wearing wigs. It does not sound like a self-praise, so it smells good! 😛 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Calvin Klein leinen jacket

Emporio Armani pants

Castaner shoes

John Galliano sunglasses

Photos by Handra Diana