
Puncte, linii si buline.
Varsta e doar un numar. 🙂
Buline la un punct de fuga. 🙂
Detalii care fac diferenta.

Buna ziua dragi cititoare si cititori. Rasfoind folder-ul cu poze pentru blog, am dat peste acestea si am realizat ca nu le-am scris nici un articol aferent. 🙂 Cred ca pozele sunt facute pe la final de martie, ceea ce face ca aceata tinuta sa fie una de primavara. Nu-i bai, mai sunt si vara zile mai putin dogoritoare (cum este cea de azi in Timisoara, care a facut ca atmosfera sa fie mai respirabila), fapt ce-mi legitimeaza tinuta. 🙂
Am de vreo 3 ani in dulap aceasta pereche de jeggins albi de la Pull&Bear, dar de purtat, i-am purtat de maxim 3 ori. Motivul este unul lesne de ghicit: sunt putin cam prea „young” pentru varsta mea. 🙂 Da, stiu discursul: „varsta este doar un numar!” Corect! Dar este o mare diferenta intre a fi o „baba” moderna si a fi una penibila. Fiecare varsta are do’s and don’ts, care tin de bun simt, bun gust si educatie. Eu asa vad lucrurile, iar daca ma considerati „invechita” in gandire, voi fi extrem de fericita, caci „invechit” e mult mai ok decat „indolent”. Am creat un prag psihologic prin titlul articolului: 35 de ani. Din proprie experienta, sa stiti ca este o varsta „cu cantec”. Si sa nu ma intelegeti gresit, ma simt mult mai bine in pielea mea acum, la 39 (peste o luna si jumatate………….), decat ma simteam la 34. S-a produs o schimbare majora de mentalitate undeva pe la 35-36 de ani, cand am incetat sa ma mai compar cu „fatuci” de 26 de ani si am realizat ca sunt o femeie extrem de „bine” 🙂 pentru varsta mea, cand am realizat ca unele defecte nu vor disparea niciodata si am invatat sa mi le accept si sa mi le fentez in acelasi timp, cand mi-au crescut pretentiile vis a vis de mine si de ceilalti, cand nu am mai inghitit „bullshit” de la rude sau apropiati, care pareau sa stie mai bine decat mine ce-mi trebuie  in viata, cand am triat multi dintre acesti prieteni printr-o sita fina si am ajuns (fara regret!) sa mi-i numar pe degetele de la o mana pe cei ramasi, cand am redescoperit stima de sine si increderea in mine ca mama si femeie, cand mi-am dorit o evolutie, fara sa ma mai gandesc la ce sacrificii presupune aceasta, s.a.m.d. Multe, multe si „cornute” rezolutii, mon cher! 🙂

Femeia de 38 de ani. 🙂

Asa ca da, port jeggins alb la 38 de ani, dar o fac cu eleganta, bun gust si rafinament. Nu ma veti prinde cu „popoul” la vedere 🙂 , desi imi permit sa nu port „nimic pe sub tricou”. 😛 Este o miscare pe care fetele de 25 de ani nu prea o fac, tupeul acesta venind  o data cu varsta. Poti fi deziderabila la orice varsta, draga cititoare. Iata cateva dintre „secretele” ce mi s-au aratat dupa varsta de 35 de ani. Se pot extrapola in toate aspectele vietii.

  • Asuma-ti, invata, domina si foloseste!
  • Nu uita de importanta detaliilor si foloseste-le in favoarea ta.
  • Daca tie nu iti place cum arati, nici celorlalti nu le va place.
  • Atitudinea face diferenta intre „chic” si „nimic”.
  • Mereu va exista cineva mai bine imbracat si mai prost imbracat decat tine, nu te complexa si nu jubila.
  • O eticheta nu justifica continutul si in acelasi timp, nu-l salveaza.
  • Oamenii nu stiu sa primeasca complimente, asa ca nici nu stiu sa le ofere. Un compliment real (in lipsa oricarui „interes”) este ceva rarisim si trebuie pretuit.
  • Principiile sanatoase sunt singura sursa reala de eleganta si stil.

Nu stiu in ce masura ati digerat sau nu acest articol. 🙂 Poate m-am simtit datoare sa justific putin impresia de „persoana cu nasul pe sus” pe care o las, evident, fara sa vreau. Noblesse oblige, eleganta se intipareste pe fata in egala masura in care o face si promiscuitatea. La un prim impact cu cineva, dialogul ce apare, atat verbal sau non-verbal, este sustinut integral de educatie. Si o sa va zic un mare secret: eleganta nu deschide atat de multe usi, dar cele pe care le deschide… duc in locuri de o valoare incontestabila. Fiti elegante, dragile mele, chiar si atunci cand purati o pereche de jeggins (vai cum suna cuvantul asta in limba romana… 🙂 ) albi! 😉 Va pup tare si apasat!


That man…  🙂 😛
Rocket science 😉
38 years old lady… 🙂
And some black and white vibe

Hello dear readers! Browsing the blog picures folder, I came across those ones and realized I did not write any related article. 🙂 I think the pictures were taken at the end of March, which makes this outfit a spring one. Do not be afraid, there are also cold summer days (like the one in Timisoara today, which made the atmosphere more breathable), fact that legitimizes my attire. 🙂
I’ve had this pair of white jeggins from Pull & Bear for about three years, but I wore them  maximum 3 times. The reason is easy to guess: they are a little too „young” for me. 🙂 Yes, I know the speech: „age is just a number!” Correct! But there is a big difference between being a modern „old lady” and being an ungainly one. Every age has do’s and don’ts, which come from common sense, good taste and education. That’s the way I see things and if you consider me „outdated”, I will be extremely happy, because „outdated” is better than „indolent”. I have created a psychological threshold through the title of the article: 35 years of age. From my own experience, I dare say this age is quite tricky. And do not get me wrong, I feel much better in my skin now, at 39 (in a month and a half ………….) than I felt at 34. There was a dramatic change of mentality somewhere around 35-36 years old, when I stopped comparing myself to 26-year-old „girls” and I realized that I was a pretty „hot” woman 🙂 for my age, when I realized that some faults will never disappear and I have learned to accept and fool them at the same time, as my expectations have grown , when both myself and others were concerned, when I have stoped „swallowing” bullshit from relatives or friends, who seemed to know better what I needed in my life, when I sorted many of these friends through a fine sieve and came (without regrets!) to count them on the fingers of one hand,  when I rediscovered my  self-confidence and self-trust  as mother and woman, when I wanted an evolution, without thinking about what sacrifices that implied and so on… Many, many and „loud” resolutions, mon cher! 🙂

Details that make a difference

So yes, I wear white jeggins are 38, but I do it with elegance, good taste and refinement. You will not catch me with „behind” in sight 🙂 , although I allow myself not to wear „anything under the shirt”. 😛 It’s a trick that 25-year-old girls do not try much, this „gut” coming up with age. You can be desirable at any age, dear readers. Here are some of the „secrets” I embraced since I was 35 years old. They can extrapolate to all aspects of life.

  • Assume, study, dominate and use!
  • Do not forget the importance of details and use them in your advantage.
  • If you do not like the way you look, others won’t like it too!
  • Attitude makes the difference between „chic” and „vapid”.
  • There will always be someone better and worse dressed than you, do not create complex and do not rejoice.
  • A label does not justify the content and at the same time, it does not save it.
  • People do not know how to take compliments, so they do not even know how to offer them. A real compliment (in the absence of any „interest”) is something extremely rare and should be appreciated.
  • Healthy principles are the only real source of elegance and style.

I do not know to what extent you digested this article or not. 🙂 Maybe I felt obliged to slightly justify the impression of „smug person”, that I obviously leave without wanting. „Noblesse oblige”, elegance is imprinted on one’s face in equal measure as promiscuity. At first impact with someone, the dialogue that appears, verbally or non-verbally, is fully supported by education. And I’m going to tell you a great secret: elegance does not open so many doors, but the ones it openes … lead to places of undeniable value. Be elegant my dear ones, even when you are wearing a pair of white jeggins (in Romanian, this word is pretty close to „dirt” … 🙂 ). 😉 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Pull&Bear jeggins

United Colors of Benneton top

Clockhouse jacket

Guban shoes

Sinsay sunglasses

vintage brooches

Billionaire bag