
Sunt din film, nu? 😉
Dress code: funny casual. 🙂

Sambata trecuta a fost una destul de intensa, deoarece am avut invitatie la doua evenimente in oras. Total intamplator (oare?! 😛 ), cele doua locatii sunt oarecum diametral opuse, iar dress code-ul a fost simtitor diferit. Prin urmare, de la ora 13 pana ma ora 19 am fost ba pe drum, ba schimbandu-ma acasa, ba refacandu-mi machiajul (parte care ma solicita cel mai tare… ),  timpul efectiv acordat evenimentelor in sine nedepasind 90 de minute… cumulat. Adrenalina domn’le, nu gluma! 🙂

Kapa Center stie sa-si faca invitatiile memorabile: in urma unei scurte discutii pe Facebook, m-am trezit cu Andra la poarta casei, zambitoare si calda ca de obicei. Si nu a venit singura! Nu! A venit „la brat” cu o minunata briosa oferita cadou de cei de la The Cupcake Shop. Evenimentul se numea Kapa Fun Day, iar briosa a fost un preview… 😛 In esenta, ne asteptau reduceri, „medicanemte” pentru suflet (inghetata si alte ciocolatoase, fructoase, friscoase, si glazuroase d-astea ) si un mega concurs. Acum… voi fi sincera: oricat de dragi imi sunt mie dulciurile, partea cu „reducerile” m-a atras cel mai tare…
Pentru suport moral si tehnic 😉  am luat-o pe Diana cu mine. Din nefericire, am ajuns putin cam tarziu si am pierdut din partea de socializare, discutii si distractie. 🙁 100% vina mea, nu mi-am gestionat bine timpul. Dar… nu am ratat shoppingul. 🙂 M-am pozat in mai multe tinute. As fi probat mult mai multe, credeti-ma, dar hainele cu care venisem  s-au dovedit a fi usor neinspirate: pana imi scoteam salopeta si pantofii, mi se termina „stamina”. 😉
Toate tinutele acestui articol au un aer usor vintage. De vina sunt accesoriile, respectiv „plasa” si palaria din garderoba personala. Nici sandalele nu sunt tocmai noi…  Va dati seama ca nu m-a deranjat deloc acest aspect, dimpotriva. Sa aveti in vedere insa, ca daca as fi avut un rucsac „punk”, o pereche de tenisi si o sapca, styling-urile propuse ar fi fost fix pe trendul actual.

Nelipsita salopeta.
Galbena lamaie.
Un deux piece, care nu e deux piece… 🙂
Granny chic 😛 

Ce vedeti in pozele de mai sus, sunt piese vestimentare din numai doua magazine. Dar Kapa inseamna mult mai mult decat atat: foarte bine aspectata este zona destinata pantofilor, in marea lor majoritate din piele, preturile fiind mai mult decat accesibile; avem apoi magazine de accesorii si bijuterii, magazine destinate celor mici, de la sugari la adolescenti, croitorii unde hainele achizitionate pot fi modificate, iar de curand a fost inaugurat magazinul de mobila si decor, Kapa Home Decor. Daca tura de shopping ne usuca gatul si ne oboseste aparatul locomotor, putem poposi la terasa complexului, situata in curtea interioara din zona parcarilor. 🙂

Eu revin in Timisoara pe 13 august si asta pentru ca vreau sa sarbatoresc Sfanta Marie Mare si ziua mea de nastere,  acasa. (Pana atunci ma gasiti la mama, la Constanta 😉 ). Am pus ochii pe o rochie la Kapa Center, pe care intentionez sa o cumpar pentru ziua mea. Nu implineste omul 39 de ani in fiecare an… 🙂 😉 Nu va spun care… caci vreau s-o mai gasesc si peste trei saptamani… 😛 (Culmea nerealismului, as putea spune!) Va pup tare si apasat!

Dupa atat dezbracat-imbracat, sprijin zidul ca sa nu ma scurg pe langa el… 😉
Si daca e Fun Day, fun sa fie! Cu Andra. 🙂


Blending in. 🙂
Standing out. 😛

Last Saturday was quite intense, because I had invitation for two events in the city. Totally random (was it? 😛 ), the two locations are somewhat diametrically opposed, and the dress code was quite different. So, from 13am to 19am, I was in my car inbetween locations, or changing clothes at home, or changing the makeup (the part that is tiring me the most …), the actual time spent to the events, was not exceeding 90 minutes, cumulated. Adrenaline rush, no joke! 🙂

Kapa Center knows how to make memorable invitations: after a brief discussion on Facebook,  Andra ended up at my doorway, smiling and warm as usual. And she did not come alone! Not! She came accompanied by a wonderful brioche, gift from The Cupcake Shop. The event was called Kapa Fun Day, and the briosche was a preview … 😛 Essentially, we were to espect discounts, soul „medicine” (ice cream and other chocolate, fruity, frizzy, and glazed surprises) and a mega contest . Now … I will be honest: no matter how much I love the sweets, the part regarding „discount” attracted me the most …
For moral and technical support 😉 I took Diana with me. Unfortunately, we arrived a bit late and lost the socializing, talking and fun part of the day. 🙁 100% of my fault, I did not manage my time well, but … I did not miss the shopping  part too. 🙂 🙂 I’ve been posing in several outfits. I would have tried many more on, believe me, but the clothes I came with, proved to be slightly uninspired: until I took my jumppsuit and my shoes off, my „stamina” vanished. 😉
All the outfits of this article have a light vintage „air”. It is the accessories, the „bag” and the hat, I took from my personal wardrobe. Sandals are not exactly new also … You realize that I did not mind this at all, on the contrary. But keep in mind that if I had a „punk” backpack, a pair of sneakers and a cap, the proposed styles would have been of a  current trend.

My everyday jumpsuit 🙂
The roman toga 🙂
Stripes and more stripes.
The granny chic outfit. 🙂

What you see in the pictures above, are clothing pieces from only two stores. But Kapa means a lot more than that: the shoe area is very well equipped, the majority of them are leather shoes, the prices being more than affordable;  then there are accessory and jewelery stores, shops for the little ones, from infants to teenagers, tailors where purchased clothes can be modified and the furniture and decoration store, Kapa Home Decor, that has recently been inaugurated. If the shopping tour dries your throat and wears the „engine” off, we can take a minute on the terrace of the complex, located in the inner courtyard, next to the parking area. 🙂

I return to Timisoara on August 13th and that’s because I want to celebrate Saint Mary’s and my birthday at home. (Until then, you find me at my mom’s, in Constanta 😉 ). I noticed a beautiful dress  at Kapa Center, which I intend to buy for my birthday. One is not turning 39 each year… 🙂 😉 I will not tell you which one … because I want to find it still there in three weeks from now … 😛 (Very unrealistic, I dare say!) Kiss you all, loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Stefanel jumpsuit

Ash sandals

vintage bag

Sinsay sunglasses

Photos by Handra Diana

looking good, mama! 🙂
Fun time with Andra 🙂