Buna ziua dragile mele si dragii mei! Marturisesc ca scriu acest articol in balconul parintilor mei din Constanta, in timp ce afara ploua torential. Aerul miroase a sare, a scoici, a alge si a nisip. Este mirosul in care am crescut. Interesant cum o simpla adulmecare, poate sterge 20 de ani de instrainare… Retraiesc asta an de an: e propria mea masina a timpului. 🙂 Fete cunoascute de jur imprejur, decoruri foarte putin alterate, altele complet metamorfozate, nisipul sub talpi, soarele pe pielea mirosinda a crema de protectie, zgomotul, miresmele. Sunt acasa.
Si acasa fiind, imi e dor de noua mea casa, Timisoara. Dama cocheta, Timisoara asta… E colorata, maestra la mixat texturi, are un frumos aer vintage, dar se tine bine in pas cu moda, este romantica, delicata, miroase a flori, a ploaie de vara si a zambete. Iar daca aceasta caracterizare este mult prea ambigua pentru a fi asociata unui intreg oras, cu siguranta se preteaza la descrierea anumitor locuri din aceasta frumoasa asezare banateana… 😉
Ati fost pana acum la D.T Store? Acolo e „Timisoara frumoasa”. Musai sa mergeti. Eu am vizitat locatia cu prilejul sarbatoririi celor cinci ani de activitate, la invitatia Deliei. 😉 Si primul sentiment care m-a incercat la intrarea in cochetul spatiu, a fost regretul ca nu o fac mult mai des. Macar pentru a sta la o cafea si un fursec raw-vegan cu patroana, daca nu pentru a cumpara vreuna dintre comorile de pe umerase… 🙂
Despre haine, ce sa va mai zic?! Personal, le gasesc incantatoare. Iubesc aerul usor vintage pe care il au si felul demential in care alcatuiesc tinute ultimul racnet. Iubesc faptul ca sunt colorate ca niste campuri cu flori si ca fiecare in parte aduce un print nou colectiei. Sa stiti ca sunt caracteristici ce se pastreaza atat in colectiile de vara, cat si de iarna. Aceste stative sunt adevarate declaratii impotriva monotoniei. In principiu, nu ai cum sa pleci cu mainile goale.
Mai exista aspectul uman al „problemei” 🙂 : de fiecare data cand am fost la Delia, am dat peste personaje extrem de faine, genul acela de oameni care devin instantaneu o „amintire placuta”. Cred ca acest aspect este unul dintre cele mai atragatoare, din punctul meu de vedere. Sunt avida dupa oameni de calitate.
Recunosc, elementele vestimentare care mi-au atras atentia imediat, au fost cele in alb-negru. 😛 Nu ma feresc de culori, dar daca mi se da varianta alegerii… cele „non-colore” vor castiga mereu. Obiceiurile vechi, obiceiuri noi. 🙂 Mi-a placut la nebunie cum vin pe mine, desi decolteurilor extrem de adanci, le-ar fi stat mult mai bine pe o pereche de sani „seriosi”. 🙂 😛 Totusi, m-am simtit cat se poate de sexy si feminina. Ma bucur ca sunt exemplul viu al „contraexemplului”. 😛
Una peste alta, am petrecut o dupa-amiaza de sambata minunata. Si voi avea grija sa nu mai las sa treaca atat de mult timp intre vizite. Mi-o datorez mie, in primul rand. 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!
Multumesc D.T Store si Oana Vedinas pentru poze! :*
Hello dear ones! I must say that I am writing this article on my parent’s balcony in Constanta, while outside it’s heavily raining. The air smells of salt, shell, algae and sand. It’s the smell I grew up with. Interestingly, how a simple smuggling can erase 20 years of alienation …And that is repeating year after year: it’s my own time machine. 🙂 Familiar faces all around, very little alterations, other completely metamorphosed scenarios, sand beneath the soles, the sun on the skin smelling the protective cream, the noise, the scents. I’m home.
Being at home, I miss my new home, Timisoara. Chic Dame, this Timisoara … It’s colorful, master in mixing textures, it has a beautiful vintage air, but it keeps up with fashion, it is romantic, delicate, smells of flowers, summer rain and smiles. And if this characterization is too ambiguous to be associated with a whole city, it certainly is suitable for describing certain places in this beautiful town … 😉
Have you ever been to D.T Store? There you can find the „beautiful Timisoara”. You have to go. I visited the location on the occasion of celebrating the five years of activity, at Delia’s invitation. 😉 And the first feeling that I got when entering the cozy space, was the regret that I do not do it much more often. At least to sit for a coffee and a raw-vegan cookie with the beautiful owner, if not to buy any of the treasures on the hangers … 🙂
About the clothes, what can I say to you ?! Personally, I find them delightful. I love the light vintage air they have and the outstanding way in which they combine in fashionable outfits. I love the fact that they are colored like flower fields and that each one brings a new print to the collection. These features are kept both in summer and winter. These staples are true statements against monotony. In principle, you can not walk away empty handed.
There is also the human aspect of the „problem” 🙂 : every time I was at Delia’s, I came across extremely pleasant characters, the kind of people that transform in „nice memories.” I think this is one of the most appealing part of D.T. I’m desperate for high-quality people.
I admit, the clothes that immediately caught my attention, were the black and white ones. 😛 I do not hide from colors, but if I’m given a choosing option … the „non-colored” ones will always win. Old habits, new habits. 🙂 I liked the way they looked on me, although for the deep decolletage, I would have needed of „serious” pair of boobs. 🙂 😛 But I am killing it! I’m glad to be the living example of „counterexample”. 😛
One over the other, I spent a wonderful afternoon at DT. And I’m going to try not to take so much time inbetween visits. I owe it to myself, first of all. 🙂 Kiss you all loud and pressed!
Thanks D.T Store and Oana Vedinas for pictures! : *
Remember that you cand buy stuff from D.T Store, online too! 😉 Get in touch with Delia!