
Este un titlu pleonastic: hainele sunt volume din start, nu avem cum sa le transformam pe parcurs. Deci cand le pui pe tine, inseamna ca te-ai acoperit in volume. Totusi, pentru un greenhorn 😉  notiunea aceasta este mai usor de explicat atunci cand hainele folosite ca exemplu chiar au forme apropiate de cele geometrice: cilindri, paralelipipede, sfere, conuri, etc… Nu este mare filosofie, sa stiti… iar „saua” in care bat eu este accea ca hainele pe care le alegem in orice tinuta de zi sau de seara,  alcatuiesc o compozitie volumetrica. Depinde de noi daca aceasta este una armonioasa au ba… 🙂

Din punct de vedere coloristic, tinuta de astazi este inspirata de imaginea iernii. Alb, marouri si negru. De fapt, daca priviti poza de mai sus, o sa vedeti ca am pe mine exact culorile mediului inconjurator. Daca va plac peisajele de iarna, o sa intelegeti ca o asemenea combinatie nu poate fi decat una reusita. 🙂 Sunt una dintre persoanele care-si gaseste inspiratia in imagini, peisaje, compozitii, orice… numai „vizual” sa fie. Iar daca nu e ceva vizual (spre exemplu o melodie), cu siguranta imi va provoca o reactie vizuala asociata (un fel de videoclip 😛 )… Banuiesc ca asta inseamna sa fii un om creativ. Este greu sa fiu „eu”, dar este si fascinant in acelasi timp.. 🙂

Pentru mine volumele nu sunt mari mistere. Fusera candva, inainte de cursurile de geometrie descriptiva facute la meditatiile la desen din clasa a XI-a.. Ce vremuri… 🙂 Acolo am invatat fiecare corp geometric in parte si mai mult decat atat… am invatat sa vizualizez intersectiile si suprapunerile dintre ele. De aci usurinta cu care „vad” tinuta ca pe o compozitie.

Pentru a obtine volume trebuie ca hainele pe care le purtam sa aiba o anumita tinuta. Cu alte cuvinte, mare grija la materialele pe care le alegem! In general, cele care sunt considerate „grele” au potential pentru a obtine efect de volum: tricotajele din bumbac sau din lana groasa lucrate „strans”, stofa groasa, pielea, materialele de tip „teddy”, blana naturala sau artificiala, materialul tip „costum de scafandru” a.k.a neopren, care s-a purtat atat de intens acum doi ani.
Alte materiale cu aspect de „volum”  sunt cele „tridimensionale”, spre exemplu cele plisate sau incretite, cele vatuite sau cele umplute cu puf. Probabil credeti ca va iau la misto… 😉 😛 sau va intrebati de ce ati avea in vedere aceste aspecte atunci cand va alcatuiti tinutele. Este o estetica care poate armoniza o silueta sau poate ascunde diferite defecte fizice. Personal, la asta ma gandesc cand imi concep volumetria tinutei.

Cred ca un aspect foarte important in jonglarea cu volume este cel al siluetei pe care o aveti. Mai exact, daca aveti forme, feriti-va de volume! 😉 Voi sunteti un volum in sine, incercati sa nu supralicitati cu altele! Vad pe strada sau la diversele evenimente la care particip, multe fete cu forme frumoase, apetisante, rubensiene… care poarta fuste plisate sau pe cele tip „clopot”. Gresit! Nu faceti decat sa stricati o armonie care este acolo de la mama natura. Pentru dumneavoastra, fusta „creion” este cea mai buna alegere, credeti-ma! 😉

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In egala masura, dragile mele slabanoage… 😛 , caci se spune (in mod gresit) ca si eu fac parte din aceasta categorie, daca sunteti privilegiatele care se pot juca cu volume… faceti-o! Nimic nu este mai dizgratios decat o silueta snur, fara …, fara …  (stiti cu totii vorba noastra romaneasca). Imi pare rau daca suna urat sau lipsit de bun simt, dar este „as good as it gets”.

Sursa pozelor Pinterest

A te imbraca in functie de tipul de silueta pe care il ai este o adevarata arta si se fac cursuri despre asta. Eu am participat la un asemnea curs acum vreo 2 ani, unul organizat de Georgiana Medrea. Sa-i dea Dumnezeu sanatate! Rar s-a mai intamplat ca ulterior s-o mai dau in bara din punct de vedere compozitional, a.k.a volumetric… 😉

Hai ca daca mai folosesc cuvantul „volum” inca o data (si… o facui 😛 ) ma vede good-old Google ca pe un spam. Nu vrem asta… Asadar, prin urmare , in concluzie… atentie la imaginea de ansamblu, dar in egala masura, atentie la detaliile care o alcatuiesc. Ce sta bine pe vecina NU va sta bine si pe noi! Jucati-va, studiati-va si incercati sa mentineti o balanta intre „less is more” si „less is a bore”.

Faine poze a facut astazi Diana mea.. Dar si modelul… pe masura!! 😉 Va pup tare si apasat!! :*


It’s a pleonastic title: clothes are volumes from the beginning, they can not become ones. So when we put them on us, it means we covered ourselfes in volumes. However, for a greenhorn 😉 this notion is easier to understand when the clothes used as an example even have shapes close to geometric ones: cylinders, parallelepipeds, spheres, cones, etc. There is no great philosophy, you know … and the great „knowledge” I aim for is that the clothes we choose in any day or evening outfit become a volumetric composition. It depends on us if it is a harmonious one or not … 🙂

From a color-spectrum point of view, today’s outfit is inspired by winter images. White, brown and black. In fact, if you look at the picture above, you will see that I wear exactly the colors of the environment. If you like winter landscapes, you will understand that such combination can only be a successful one. 🙂 I am one of the people who find their inspiration in pictures, landscapes, compositions, anything … „visual”.  And if it’s not visual (for example, a song), it will definitely cause me an associated visual reaction (some kind of video clip 😛 ) … I guess that’s what it means to be a creative person. It’s hard to be „me,” but it’s fascinating at the same time 🙂 .

For me, volumes are not great mysteries. There were times of „darkness” 😉 but only  before the descriptive geometry courses I took in the XIth grade, when I was studying to take the admission exam for the University of Architecture in Bucharest.  Such times … 🙂 There I learned every geometric figure in part and more than that … I learned to visualize the intersections and overlaps between them. This is why I have an easy approach to compositions.

To get volumes, the clothes we wear should have a certain demeanor. In other words, take great care to the materials you choose! Generally, those that are considered „heavy” have the potential to achieve volume effects: cotton knitwear or thick wool „tight” knitted, thick cloth, leather, „teddy” fabrics, natural or artificial fur, „diving suit” aka neoprene, which was so intense weared two years ago.
Other „volume” materials are the „three-dimensional” ones, for example pleated or rippled, wavy or puffed. You probably think I’m joking … 😉 😛 or you wonder why you would consider these issues when you compose  your outfits. It’s an aesthetics that can harmonize a silhouette or hide different physical defects. Personally, that’s what I think while I figure out the volume of the outfit.

I think a very important aspect in juggling with volumes is your silhouette type. More specifically, if you have nice round shapes, volumes are not such good ideas! 😉 You are a volume yourself, try not to rise it adding others! I see on the street or at various events I attend to, many girls with beautiful, appetizing, rubensian shapes … wearing pleated skirts or „bells” shaped ones. Wrong! You are destroying a harmony that’s been there from forever and it’s been given to you by mother nature! For you, the „pencil skirt” is the best choice, believe me! 😉

Equally, my dear skinny friend-ladies … 😛 , because they say (wrongly) that I am part of this category, if you are the privileges that can play with volumes … do it! Nothing is less interesting to look at than a „string” silhouette, without t..ts and a.. (it is a romanian saying). I’m sorry if it sounds bad, but it’s „as good as it gets”.

Dressing up according to the type of silhouette we have is a real art and there are courses about it. I attended a course like this about 2 years ago, one organized by Georgiana Medrea. Let God give her health! Hardly had I taken a wrong turn from the composition point of view afterwards…  😉

Well, I am sure that if I use the word „volume” once more (and … I just did.. :P),  good-old Google will see ma as spam. We do not want this … In conclusion:  attention to the overall picture, but also to the details that compose it. What looks  good on the neighbor will NOT look good on us! Play, study and try to keep a balance between „less is more” and „less is a bore”. Turn clothes into good volumes, people! 😉

Cool pictures taken today by my Diana .. And the model … as well !! 😉 Kiss you all loud and pressed !! :*

I was wearing

Zara knitwear culottes

Monki turtleneck

designer necklace

traditional vintage coat

Epica sunglasses

vintage flared boots

Photos by my Handra Diana