
Revin periodic la a purta tinute de spectru elegant. Nu zic ca m-ar caracteriza, dar mi se potrivesc cel mai bine. Bine… nu ma pot abtine, si le „stric” folosind anamarisme. V-am introdus acest termen de la articolul precedent, o sa va rog sa va obisnuiti cu el. 😉 „Anamarismele” sunt acele adaosuri care o fac pe maica-mea sa strambe din nas. 🙂 Asa le-am detectat in prima faza, caci fiind parte integranta a stilului meu, nu le-am putut evidentia fara ajutor. Mama imi este in acelasi timp cel mai mare fan si cel mai aspru critic. De ce reprezinta un reper? Pentru ca este cea mai stilata femeie pe care am cunoscut-o vreodata. 😉 Avem multe in comun 😛 , dar ei ii lipsesc cu desavarsire anamarismele… 🙂 Sac!

Acum vreo 2 saptamani am fost la un fashion swap organizat de Girls Talk -Timisoara. Stiti ca sunt innebunita dupa asemenea evenimente, nu? Pentru cine nu cunoaste acest concept, explic scurt: se aduna multe fete la un loc si fac schimb de haine. E ca o reiterare a vietii de camin, dar la cu totul alt nivel. 😉 Iar de data asta, colegele stiu ca le iei hainele… 🙂 😉
Mi-a placut mult organizarea evenimentului. Am fost chemate cu o ora inainte de inceperea propriu-zisa, pentru ca organizatoarele sa poata aseza hainele pe umerase si pentru a avea ragaz pentru socializare. S-au acordat, in acest mod,  sanse egale tuturor participantelor. Si s-au strans multe haine, pe alese. Am cunoscut oameni frumosi, am participat la un scurt curs despre cum ar trebui curatat si hidratat tenul (si am realizat ca sunt departe de „adevar”) am servit o cafea buna si m-am bucurat de o dupa-amiaza misto. Am gasit si haine! 🙂 Rochia pe care o vedeti in aceste poze este o prada „swap”. Nu, nu e Prada 😛 , dar are un model deosebit, imi sta foarte bine si… practic, am luat-o gratis.

Hainele ramase la finalul acestui eveniment au fost donate Fundatiei Estera. Ca om, te bucuri cand poti ajuta chiar si intr-o infima masura la facilitarea unui proces atat de complex cum este educatia. Educatie, consiliere, sprijin material, psihologic si spiritual… Toate imi suna a fapte, nu a vorbe. Gasiti mai multe detalii accesand link-ul de mai sus. 😉

Artificiul de a purta un turban pe sub palarie intra la categoria numita anamarism. Nu il recomand celor cu probleme cardiace 😛 , sau celor ce nu pot gandi outside the box. Poate dauna grav rectiliniului si uniformului. Pericol de a fi considerate ciudate, excentrice, sau pur si simplu „artiste”. Doamne ajuta! 😉

Astept primavara aceea, la nivelul ei absolut. Intarzie. La poze mi-au inghetat toate organele interne. Cred ca erau maxim 4 grade afara. Didi, mai plina de idei ca niciodata, a insistat sa tot facem poze… Dupa ce am simtit ca nu-mi mai simt creierul (repetitie voita, daaah!), i-am cedat. A iesit ce vedeti in articolul de fata. 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!


Periodically, I return to wearing good-old elegant outfits. I’m not saying those characterize me, but they suit me best. Okay … I can not help myself, and I ruin them by using anamarisms. I have introduced this term to you in my previous article, I must ask you to get used to it. 😉 „Anamarisms” are those add-ons that make my mother rise an eyebrow. 🙂 This is how I detected them in the first phase, because being part of my style, I couldn’t notice them at all. My mother is at the same time my biggest fan and the harshest critic. Why is her opinion important? Because she’s the most stylish woman I’ve ever known. 😉 We have a lot in common :P, but she absolutely lacks anamarisms … Nobody is perfect! 🙂

About two weeks ago, I went to a fashion swap organized by Girls Talk – Timisoara. You know I go crazy for such events, right? For those who do not know this concept, I explain briefly: a lot of girls gather together and exchange clothes. It’s like a reiteration of dorm life, but at a whole different level. 😉 And this time, the colleagues know you take their clothes … 🙂 😉 I liked the event’s organization a lot. We were summoned one hour before the actual beginning, so the organizers could place the clothes on the hangers and we had time for socializing.  Thus, equal opportunities for all participants were granted. And there were many clothes gathered! I met beautiful people, I attended a short lesson on how to clean and moisturize the skin (and I realized I am far from „truth”) I tasted a good coffee and I enjoyed a cool afternoon. I found clothes too! 🙂 The little black dress you see in these pictures is a „swap” prade. No, it’s not Prada :P, but it has a great shape, suits me beautifully …and practically, I took it for free.

The clothes left untaken at the end of this event were donated to the Estera Foundation. As an individual, you are happy when you can help even in a small measure at facilitating a process as complex as education. Education, counseling, material, psychological and spiritual support … It all sounds like action, not conversation.

The fact of wearing a turban under the hat goes into the category called anamarism. I do not recommend it to those with heart problems :P, or those who can not think outside the box. It can seriously damage all rectilinear and uniform. You may be in danger of being considered strange, eccentric, or simply „artistic.” God Help! 😉

I expect that spring, at her absolute level. Delays. White taking the pictures, I had all the internal organs frozen. I think they were at most 4 degrees Celsius outside. Didi, with more ideas than ever, insisted on taking more and more pictures … After I felt I could not feel my brain anymore , I gave into her wishes. It’s what you see in this article. 🙂 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I was wearing

Swap don’t shop dress

Stradivarius turban

Textile House jacket

Enzo Bertini shoes

Photos by Handra Diana