
Ieri am intrat intr-un magazin foarte drag mine, in sensul ca ne cunoastem de mai bine de 10 ani. Acum nu mai este in voga, asa cum era pe vremea cand abia se deschidea al doilea mall din Bucuresti, dar pentru mine are valoare sentimentala: din primul salariu castigat vreodata in viata mea, am venit la Colin’s si mi-am luat o pereche de blugi. 🙂 Si s-a dus salariul… Din urmatorul salariu mi-am luat si o geaca din denim… asa, petru ca puteam! 😛  Stiti ca si anul acesta, ca multi ani pana acum, se poarta tricouri si bluze inscriptionate? Ei bine, la http://shoppingcitytm.ro/unitati/colins/ aproape totul este inscriptionat.

Partea misto este ca, fiind atat de multe, ai posibilitatea sa alegi un mesaj care chiar sa te reprezinte 😉 . A doua parte si mai misto, este ca preturile sunt extraordinar de mici (in opinia mea) – de exemplu, acest bluzon m-a costat 25 Ron 😮 redus de la 49. Cred ca cel mai scump din tot magazinul, costa undeva la 120Ron, deci un pret decent pe care multi si-l permit. Si vine vara, dragii mei!! Iar paleta de tricouri „print-uite”, „message-uite”, design-uite” este extrem de bine aspectata in toate magazinele. 🙂 La Colin’s am vazut multe „mesage” cu parfum „fashion”, de exemplu, anul trecut, mi-am cumparat un tricou cu un citat din Coco, pe care l-am purtat intens.


Este evident ca m-am regasit imediat in mesajul bluzonului pe care il port, caci doar eu stiu cu cate frici m-am luptat pentru a avea curajul sa creez ceva. Rectific: eu si mama. Saraca! 🙂 Poate mai stie si sotul meu cate ceva, eventual… 😛

Pentru ideea outfit-ului, m-a inspirat vremea de afara (e vant ), asa ca am cautat elemente ce „dau bine” in miscare: tiul si matase 😉 . Acest tip de styling, sa-l numesc soft punk, sau „wanna be” punk 😛 , ma reprezinta total si cine ma cunoaste, stie despre ce vorbesc. Esarfa „skull” e un element cheie  in multitudinea de accesorii pe care o detin si incerc sa o port cat mai des, mai ales pe zona asta climatica 🙂 . Arata bine batuta de vant, ca sa zic asa.. Vantul se asorteaza foarte bine cu chestii vaporoase, tiul-oase, matasoase, voluminoase, asa ca… doamnele mele, scoteti-va esarfele la o plimbare! 😉

Am ales a ma prezenta in aceasta paleta cromatica a gri-urilor spalate in sepia, pentru a accentua putin jocul de umbra si lumina, ce imi dau o nota de mister si pentru a estompa putin fundalul (foarte colorat, acum cu primavara asta faina care ne-a cotropit). Oricum, acest ponton micut, pe care acum l-am descoperit, m-a inspirat pentru urmatorul outfit pe care vi-l pregatesc.. 😛   Pup la voi, tare si apasat!


Yesterday I entered a shop I am very found of, because of our long relationsip (over 10 years). It is not so much in vogue like it was when Bucharest had only 2 shopping malls, Colin’s is of emotional importance to me: when I got my first salary, spent it all on a pair of jeans there… and the second month, I also bought a denim jacket.. just because I could! 😛 Did you know that, this year, like the last years, printed t-shirts and sweaters are still a „thing” ? Well, at Colin’s almost everything has a print on! 🙂 I find this rather exciting, because there is a „message” there for everybody, just waiting to be worn. Secondly, the prices are really appealing ( my sweater was on sale at only 25 Ron :O , full price on it was 49 ). I believe, the most expensive one is 120 Ron, wich is still extremly affordable for a lot of us.

And the summer is upon us, darlings! Every store has a good supply of printed, designed, „written on” shirts we can choose from. At Colin’s I saw a bunch of „fashion messages” , last year I bought myself a „Coco” quote that I wore a lot… and proud! 😉

Uuups, I did it again 😝😊 #chanelquotes #tshirt #blackandwhite #strawhat

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Of course, I resonated instantly with the ” To be creative is to be fearless” message I am wearing today. Only I know how many fights I had to win on my fears, in order to create something.. Ok, not only me. My mom too. 🙂 My husband may also know a ting or two… 😛

The outfit idea came along with the weather outside –  windy – so I looked for materials that rime with the blowing of the wind.. f.e tulle and silk 🙂 . This soft punk, or „wanna be” punk, styling is something I wear often, the ones that know me good, know this side of me. This particular skull scarf has an important place among my accessories, and I try to wear it as often as I can… this windy weather creates a nice opportunity! Yap… tulle, silk, volumes, loose materials, all look great in the wind, so ladies…take your scarfs for a walk. 🙂

I chose to present myself in this palette of grays washed in sepia, to accentuate a little the game of shadow and light that adds a touch of mystery, and to blur a little the background (colorful, now that this spring occupied us). However, this small pontoon, which  I found today, inspired me for the next outfit i will present  😛 . Pup you, loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Colin’s sweater from Shopping City Timisoara

 Zara top with tulle extensions

Pull and Bear  jeggins

Alexander McQueen skull scarf

Biker boots from Stone Creek

Gai Mattiolo bag