
Marti am avut o zi  productiva. Inca de luni imi pregatisem sarguincioasa outfit-ul pentru palaria mea preferata de la Meli Melo, incercand sa ma „aliniez” la culoarea ei total dubioasa. Probasem intens cam tot ce se putea, camera arata ca dupa razboi, dar eram fericita: in sfarsit faceam poze sub bolta de ciresi japonezi infloriti! Zis si facut: dupa ce am depus progeniturile pe la „locurile de munca” 🙂 , m-am prezentat punctuala la intalnirea cu fotografa, emotionata, dar plina de avant pionieresc (n-am cravata mea…..dar nu conteaza, Jean boxeaza…  🙂 ). Mergem razand spre locul cu pricina, ajungem…aproape ca trecem mai departe…cand realizez cu stupoare ca am ajuns prea tarziu!!! Florile erau acum doar mormane de pistile si stamine, ce zaceau inert, inodor si incolor, ca dupa o partida fatala de amor… Moment de panica si teroare… 🙁  O secunda am avut o lacrima in coltul ochiului… dar m-am repliat rapid, doar ma chinuisem destul cu machiajul. M-am uitat plina de speranta spre copila care contempla deja alte variante pentru „marele” shooting… cand, imi picara ochii pe un perete cu un graffiti bestial si voila revelatia: oricum arat ca un graffiti pe doua picioare, de ce sa nu merg „acasa”?? 🙂

Cu rusine recunosc ca  nu stiam de peretii cu graffiti de pe malul Begai, care mi se par fabulosi. Cine are nevoie de flori de cires, cand ai posibilitatea sa faci parte dintr-o expozitie de arta murala urbana?? ( Zic eu, inca simtind lacrima in coltul ochiului… 🙂 ). M-am uitat la Elena, tanara fotografa care m-a insotit in aceasta mica aventura, o moldoveanca „de dincolo” 😉 , frumoasa, boema, pozitiva, haioasa si… mi-am dat seama ca, ciresii „mei” s-au scuturat exact la timp… 🙂

Am facut poze la fiecare zid, pom, ponton, razand si distrandu-ne, pana am ajuns in parcul copiilor, unde mi-am umflat baloanele din dotare (aaa…nu, alea nu… dar imi place cum ganditi 🙂 ) si am copilarit putin, gandindu-ma ca poate ar trebui sa ma joc mai mult in viata asta. Automat mi-a plecat gandul la baietii mei si mi-am amintit de felul simpatic in care o cunoscusem pe domnisoara fotograf: dadusem anunt pentru gasirea unei bone vorbitoare de limba rusa ( e o poveste lunga, baietii mei vorbesc rusa din frageda pruncie si am vrut sa nu pierdem acest lucru odata cu mutarea in Romania…) si s-au prezentat la interviu nu una, ci 3 fete, dintre care doua  erau interesate de job si una venita pe post de bodyguard 🙂 – Elena.  A fost un moment delicios, mai ales ca ea, pe langa celelalte doua, parea ca la prima suflare de vant, isi va lua zborul ca Dotothy. 🙂 Doar de curand am aflat de veleitatile in ale fotografiei si am de gand sa profit la maxim de ele! 😉  Suntem amandoua la inceput, poate iese un proiect cu viitor fain.

Revenind putin si la obiectul muncii – tinuta- va indemn sa nu va feriti de tricotaje supradimensionate! Flateaza cam orice silueta, se pot combina cu orice (de la fuste de tiul, blugi, colanti pana la pantaloni cu dunga), iti ofera posibilitatea de a-ti lasa sutienul acasa 🙂 , de a te imbraca in „straturi”, sunt perfecte pentru vremea capricioasa a primaverii (cu conditia sa nu fie din lana groasa… in cazul asta puteti trece linistite iarna cu ele), cautati-le cat mai colorate, cat mai „mari” si contrabalansati cu o palarie sau cu o coafura voluminoasa. Va vor asigura un outfit de succes. 😉 Acest pulover imi este foarte drag, e cumparat acum 3 ani de la H&M cu 10 euro 😮  si l-am vazut purtat de multe nume importante de pe latura „fashion” a lumii ! 😉

In rest, daca viata noastra nu este un graffiti… poate e cazul sa mergem la un crash curse! 😉 Pup la voi, tare si apasat!


Tuesday was pretty productive. I had the outfit ready from the evening before, that outfit to go flatter my new Meli Melo hat and it’s weird colour. I had tried all the clothes, my room looked like a war field, but I was happy to finally shoot some photos under the famous japanese cherry trees vault. Said and done: I dropped the infants to their „work places” and filled with positive energy, emotion and „fuchsia” thoughts, I headed to meet with the photographer. We both were excited about this shooting, and started to laugh as we walk towards the designated area…almost passing it by, when I realised we were too late!! The flowers were a bunch of tired stamens and pistils, lifeless, colourless and odourless, as if their little randez-vous had killed them.. Panic and terror moment! 🙁 For a second I had a tear at the corner of my eye, but thinking about the „work” I had done on my makeup, I straightened myself. Full of hope, I looked at the young lady photographer as she was already browsing other ideas, and saw a big graffiti wall in front of me. Than I had an epiphany: as I was a walking graffiti, why not go „home”?? 🙂

I must admit that I had no idea about the existence of the graffiti walls on Bega, which I find fabulous! Who needs cherry trees when you can be part of a real urban art exibition? ( As I say this, I still feel that tear in my eye…) 🙂 I looked at Elena, the young lady I brought along in this adventure, I contemplated her youth, beauty, energy and bohemian spirit, and thought to myself: the cherry trees did a great job! 😉

We took a picture at each wall, tree, pontoon that we found on our way to the children’s park, point in which I inflated my balloons (a…not those ones… but I like the way you think! 🙂 ) and I started to act like a little girl, thinking I should bring more this side of me out in the open. Of course, I thought about my boys, and came to my mind the funny way I got to meet Elena the first time: I was looking for a russian speaking babysitter  (long story, my boys speak russian since their „baby” mode, and we tried not to skip that part, as we moved back to Romania…) and 3 girls came to my place for interview , two interested in the job and another one as treir bodyguard – Elena- 🙂 . The delicious fact of the image was that, next to her friends, she looked as if a little wind will turn her into Dorothy. 🙂 I found out about her photographer skills just a few days ago, and I will take advantage of them! 😉 We are both at the beginning, our „project” may have a nice future ahead.. 🙂

Now… fashion related, I want to tell you not to be afraid of oversized knitwear. They flatter any figure, can be added to a lot of styling ideas (tulle, jeans, collant, enegant pants), they give you the posibility to leave your bra’ at home 😉 , can be a part of a „layer” situation, they go well on spring weather (unless they are made of wool, in which case, you can spend the winter in it) , find the most coloured ones, the most „big” ones and counterbalance with a hat or a „big hair” day… I guarantee a great outfit for that day, too! 🙂  This pullover I am wearing is very dear to me, I bought it 3 years ago for 10 euro 😮 at H&M, and I have seen it on a lot of important fashionistas… 🙂

And…one more thing, if we do not have enough graffiti in our lives, we should all take a crash course! Kiss you all, strong and pressed! 🙂

I am wearing

Meli Melo hat from Shopping City Timisoara, hurry and get one!

H&M pullover

Zara Pants

Il Passo shoes

Photos by Elena Borcan

At the end, I found some pink flowers .. 🙂