
Astazi vorbim despre Fashion Swap-ul cu numarul 11 la care am participat sambata trecuta. Sunt trista pentru ca nu am prea facut poze (eram prea ocupata cu „rasfoirea” umeraselor pline de haine, in majoritate superbe!) si din nefericire, nici in pozele facute de Sfera Timisoareai nu ma prea „vad” 🙂 . Locatia mi s-a parut absolut bestiala. Habar n-am avut de Ambasada pana sambata… Este o vila ascunsa de multa vegetatie, amenajata ca un fel de atelier imens, cu spatiu de expozitie, terasa micuta si cocheta, prajitura cu morcov de vis 😉 , decor minimalist si elegant, lumina multa si „caldura” din abundenta. Colac peste pupaza, am exact 2km din fata casei pana acolo…distanta pe care o pot parcurge si „per pedes”, desi se gasesc locuri de parcare din abundenta in zona.

M-a frapat la acest swap calitatea hainelor aduse de participante. Din punctul meu de vedere, s-a vazut o schimbare de mentalitate. Un eveniment „fashion swap” inseamna mult mai mult decat a merge la un „secound hand”, inseamna a te alinia unui standard „nescris”, impus de buna crestere, decenta si pasiune pentru moda. Ducand 9 produse, am fost limitata la a lua acasa cu mine tot 9 produse si va marturisesc ca am avut dificultati in a decide. 🙂 Dupa multe gandiri si razgandiri, am optat pentru 2 perechi de botine din piele, una neagra si una maro (pe cea din urma o vedeti in pozele acestei postari), doua bluze supradimensionate ( un trend pentru care am facut o obsesie in ultima perioada 🙂 ), o pereche de pantaloni din denim de culoare „mint”, bratara si colierul pe care le vedeti in poze, un sarafan din mohair de culoare rosie (o sa-l admirati cat de curand 🙂 ) si o gecuta „sport” gri de care sunt absolut indragostita! Din punctul meu de vedere a fost un swap-ul perfect!!! 🙂 😛  Voi ce ati „agatat” la acest swap? Poate aveti chef sa-mi impartasiti in comment-uri aici sau pe Facebook cu #fashionswaptimisoara.


Si iata ca am scos „swap-ul” la plimbare pe strazi din oras. Una este foarte aproape de casa 🙂 si din cate am citit, a fost prima strada din Timisoara cu lumini in asfalt si sens dublu pentru biciclisti : Strada Diaconul Coresi – Eneas. Mi se pare o amenajare ce ar trebui luata ca etalon in elaborarea planurilor urbanistice viitoare, atat in Timisoara cat si in alte orase. Sunt foarte mandra ca strada cu pricina, duce la mine… 🙂 😉 In celelalte poze ma puteti admira in toata splendoarea langa una din gropile de gunoi ale Timisoarei 😮 , intre noi fie vorba, daca nu imi spunea sotul meu acest lucru, nu as fi stiut niciodata in viata asta… A fost ascunsa complet sub acel deal verde pe care m-am „proiectat”.  🙂

Tinuta? O bluza glam supradimensionata, partea de sus aminteste de un kimono ( un trend absolut al primaverii lui 2017!), material racoros, nu trebuie calcata 😮 , pe care abia astept sa o port la o pereche de pantaloni scurti si cizme peste genunchi la o iesire viitoare in club.. 😉 Pantlonii din denim imi plac enorm, sunt de la „J Crew” – o firma foarte cunoscuta in Germania de exemplu, iar botinele… sunt extrem de comode si facute 100% din piele! La un calcul simplu, port o tinuta de cateva sute de euro! Colierul de Murano este din categoria „no comment”, iar bratara cu fluturi mi se pare extrem de fashion… Vreau sa multumesc din suflet fetelor de la care am achizitionat aceste piese extrem de faine! 😉  Pup pe toate tare si apasat!

A…. pont: nu purtati niciodata palarie cu boruri largi pe vant!! 🙂


Today we talk about the 11th Fashion Swap that I attended this Saturday. I am a bit sad I did not make pictures (too busy browsing hangers with exquisit pieces…) and unfortunately, I am kind of absent in pictures taken by others too  🙂 . The location was dreamy.  I never was to Ambasada before this Saturday… It’s a villa hidden by vegetation,  a kind of huge studio, with expo space, little and cosy terrace, yummy carrot cake 😉 , minimal but elegant deko, lots of light  and „warmth”. On top of that, it’s only 2km far from my home …distance I can easily walk, thow there are a lot of parking places in the area.

This time I was shocked by the quality of the clothes brought to swap. From my point of view, it’s been a change in menthality.  A „Fashion Swap” Event is more than a walk to a secound hand store, it means you should fallow an „unwritten” standard , imposed by the „7 years from home”, decency and passion for fashion. I went there with 9 products and I had to come home with maximum nine, of course, the thing is that I had dificulties in deciding. 🙂 After a lot of thinking, I choose two pair of shoes, black and brown (the brown one you can see in those pictures), two oversized tops ( it’s my latest obsession 🙂 ), a pair of denim pants in „mint” colour, the bacetet and nacklace from those pictures, one red mohair dress (you will see that soon 🙂 ) and a sports jacket in silver I am in love with! It was a perfect swap this one!!! 🙂 😛  What did you find? Maybe you will share this here in comments or on Facebook using #fashionswaptimisoara.

Here I am walking the „swap” on streets today. One of them is really close to home 🙂 and as I read today, it was the first street in  Timisoara with lights and double ways for cyclists  : Diaconul Coresi – Eneas Street. It seems to me an arrangement that should be taken as a benchmark in the development of future urban plans, both in Timisoara and in other cities. I am proud this street leads to „me” 🙂 😉 In the other photos I am next one of to Timisoara’s landfill 😮 , and allow me to say,  had my husband never told me that, I would have never guessed… it has been very well hidden under a green elevation. 🙂

The outfit? One oversized glam blouse, the upper part looks like a kimono ( absolutly in trend this spring!), does not need ironing 😮 , that I can not wait to wear to a pair of shorts and overknee boots to my next clubbing night.. 😉 The denim pants look very nice, they are from „J Crew” – which is verry known in Germany for example, and the boots… are very cosy and made from leather. At a simple calculation, my outfit worths a few hundreds euro.  The Murano necklace is a wow element , and the butterfly bracelet ads a little „statement” to the whole picture.. Many thanks to the girls that brought those to the swap! 😉 I kiss you all hard and pressed!

A…. word of advice: never wear large hats when it’s windy outside! 🙂

I am wearing

blouse, pants, boots, necklace and bracelet from Fashion Swap 11

Zara hat

Roberto Cavalli sunglasses

vintage bag bought on E-Bay

Photos by Elena Borcan (edited by me 🙁 )