
Draga vara, bine ai venit! Asa napraznica cum ne-ai lovit, cu o canicula de nesuportat, cu vijelii, grindina si inundatii, ai pus totusi pace si lumina pe fete de parinti… si panica totala in ochi de bunici. 😛 Weekendul trecut am fost sa-mi duc copiii in Maramures, la bunica lor. Sunt in vacanta, dragii mei! 😛 Si ei, si eu.
Drumul a fost obositor si lung, caci am ales sa ma intorc in Timisoara in aceeasi zi. Dar a fost si frumos… Romania are (inca) peisaje iubibile. Am prins pe drum mult soare, nori care au personificat pe rand fructul imaginatiei fiecaruia dintre noi, vant si furtuna de fulgere, precum si un apus care a pictat pe cer porti catre alte dimensiuni. Totusi, intre toate minunatiile infatisate ochilor mei, una in mod particular mi-a dat KO artistic: campurile cu baloti proaspeti de paie. 😛
Feerie, frumusete, posibilitati fara numar, un scenariu pe cat de simplu, pe atat de ofertant.
Ajunsa inapoi acasa, am decis sa caut asemenea peisaje in vecinatatea orasului. Am gasit. 😉
Daca doriti poze profesionale in acest tip de peisaj, va sfatuiesc sa luati legatura cu Handra Diana. 😉 Eu sunt extrem de multumita de ce ne-a iesit!
O recomand din suflet, pe langa faptul ca-mi este verisoara prin alianta 😛 , este un om dedicat, perfectionist si serios, care investeste suflet in tot ceea ce face – meserie, familie, hobby-uri.

Despre tinuta… nu sunt multe de spus. Am incercat o combinatie intre stilul country-chic si glamour, pentru a realiza o tinuta de festival actuala. Boho-chicul este demodat. Sau, daca doriti sa il readuceti pe firmament, adaugati-i elemente glam, piese de inspiratie masculina sau army. Cu alte cuvinte, mixati stiluri pentru a obtine o tinuta eclectica. Sunt de efect si va vor face mereu sa iesiti din anonimat, oriunde mergeti. Pentru mine acesta este scopul suprem. 😛

Nu ma mai satur sa privesc pozele acestui articol. Nu-i asa ca sunt faine? 🙂 Am sa atasez multe, si imi cer scuze anticipat, dar nu pot decide care sunt mai bune si care nu. Multumesc frumos Diana pentru ca mi-ai secondat si scos atat de bine in evidenta viziunea si pretentiile. 😛 Te pup!
Don’t cease to amaze, girls!


Dear Summer, welcome! Even though you hit us hard, with unbearable heat, with storms and floods, you still  placed peace and light on parents’ faces … and panic in grandparents’ eyes. 😛 Last weekend I went on a roadtrip to take my children to Maramures, to their grandmother. Vacation is on, dear ones!! 😛 Their and mine alike!
The trip was tedious and long, because I chose to go back to Timisoara the same day. But it was beautiful … because Romania has (still) lovable landscapes. On this road, we caught a lot of sunshine, clouds that personified the fruit of the imagination of each of us, wind and lightning storm, as well as a sunset that painted the sky with doorways to other dimensions. Still, among all the marvels I’ve seen, one particularly gave me an artistic KO: the fields filled with fresh straw bales. 😛
I saw beauty, endless possibilities, a simple but offerer scenario.
Back home, I decided to look for such landscapes in the vicinity of the city. I found one. 😉
If you want professional pictures taken in this type of landscape, I suggest you contact HD Photography. 😉 I am extremely happy with what has come out of our shooting!
I recommend her with all my heart, besides being my cousin,  she is a dedicated, perfectionist and serious individual, who invests soul in everything she does – job, family, hobbies.

About the outfit … there is not much to say. I tried a combination of country-chic and glamor style, to make a fashionable festival outfit. The boho-chic style is outdated. Or, if you want to bring it back to the firmament, add glam elements and masculin or army inspired accessories. In other words, mix styles to get an eclectic outfit. They are effective and will always make you stand out wherever you go. For me this is the ultimate goal. 😛

I can’t get enough of those pictures! Aren’t they just FINE? 🙂 I have a lot of them to attach, and I apologize in advance, but I can not decide which ones are better. Thank you very much Diana because you brought out so well all my visions and the claims. 😛 Kisses!
Don’t cease to amaze, girls!

Pictures by HD Photography

I was wearing

handmade cowboy boots

Basefield denim skirt

D&G swinsuit

Best de la Redoute jacket

Meli Melo hat

Sinsay sunglasses