
A venit vara, dagilor! Nu ne mai pacalesc nici macar diminetile mai racoroase, nici norii cenusii, nici ocazionalele „geci” plecate la plimbare prin oras. Iunie si-a trimis deja buzduganul sa bata in geamuri,  cu pajnice indemnuri de a scoate nasucurile la soare (cu sau fara creme protectoare), de a inchide centralele si caloriferele spre ciuda facturilor la gaz si de a ne aerisi casele si sufletele. La ora la care scriu acest articol, am avut deja prieteni in vizita, am mirosit deja a fum de la gratar, m-am certat deja de 3 ori cu odraslele mele, care refuza cu stoicism sa faca curat in camera lor,  am stat deja tolanita la soare pentru a-mi fauri „invelisul” de vara si mi-am admirat cu multa mandrie fiul cel mare manuind cu indemanare un „boogie” pe pista prafuita si ciuruita (la propriu!) a unui poligon auto din apropiere. A fost o zi minunata! 🙂

Dar sa va povestesc ce dimineata de vis am trait, nu-i asa? Partea cu trezitul la 5.30 nu m-a prea incantat…dar imi dadusem intalnire la Elena la 7.30 in Piata Unirii si stiam ca „aranjatul” imi va lua mai bine de o ora si jumatate… 🙂 Stiti de ce iubesc, printre altele,  diminetile de weekend in Timisoara? Pentru ca ai locuri de parcare la discretie in centru!! Chiar si pentru mine, care nu execut cu placere parcari laterale cu spatele.. ca de, „leul” din mine refuza sa faca pe „racul” cand este cazul..! 🙂 😉 Dar diminetile in Timisoara au un farmec aparte, indiferent de ziua saptamanii… daca ai sansa de a le admira splendoarea, pozitionat fiind in Piata Unirii… Ce fac lumina si umbra, in mod egal, cu arhitectura acestei piete, la orele diminetii, este poezie pura! Va provoc sa mergeti acolo intre 7 si 8 dimineata. O sa imi multumiti… in gand. 😛

Mi-am vizitat nu de mult o prietena buna si nu am putut pleca de la ea, fara rochia pe care o veti vedea in aceasta postare… Ghinionul ei, avea usa deschisa la dressing si retina mi s-a ventuzat efectiv pe „creata” cu pricina . 😛 Din nefericire, e doar cu titlu de imprumut… dar am incredere ca poate in august… cand e ziua mea… 🙂 😉 Este o rochie a creatoarei de moda Mihaela Cretescu, de care, marturisesc cu rusine, nu auzisem pana acum. Dupa ce am i-am studiat si apreciat creatiile si stilul, ma declar mandra ca am ocazia sa pozez (sper, sa si detin in curand… 😉 ) o piesa semnata de ea. Multumesc frumos prietenei mele pentru ajutor si ingaduinta! 🙂 Povestea ansamblului este una simpla: mi-am dorit sa realizez o tinuta monocroma. Este in voga, este dificil de realizat (drept urmare, a mea e mai mult o monocroma „wannabe”) 🙂 , deci iti solicita putin imaginatia si maiestria in ale styling-ului. Botinele sunt luate de multi ani din Germania, de la Aldo, si le ador pur si simplu! Nu stiu de ce, dar ma duc cu gandul la un stil „army” reinterpretat…

In rest, hai cu dimineti de vara petrecute cu porumbei, pisici si „maimute”… ( Derulati pozele pana la final si veti sti despre ce vorbesc!) 🙂 Pup la voi tare si apasat! A… P.S: Am avut si o geanta asortata la mine, dar nu stiu pe unde am pierdut-o la poze…! 🙂 Am ajuns insa cu ea in siguranta acasa…


Darlings, it’s summer! We do not get fooled by cooler mornings anymore, nor some gray clouds, nor the occasional „jackets” going out for a walk through the city. June has already sent its buzz to the windows, with word to take our noses out in the sun (with or without protective creams), to shut down power plants and radiators, despite gas bills and to refresh our houses and souls. At the time I wrote this article, I already have had friends visiting, I already have smelled of barbecue smoke, I have already quarreled 3 times with my offsprings, who stoically refuse to clean up their room, I already stood sunbathing to give me the summer „cover” and I admired the big son with great pride, maneuvering a boogie car on the dusty and scarred road of a nearby car polygon. It was a wonderful day! 🙂

But let me tell you what dreamy morning I had, shall I? The part with waking up at 5.30 did not really excite me … but I had a meeting with Elena at 7.30 in Unirii Square and I knew the „preparation” will take me more than an hour and a half … 🙂 You know why I love, among others, weekend mornings in Timisoara? Because you have parking places at your discretion in the center !! Even for me, an enemy of rear-backward parking … as if, the „lion” in me refuses to do the „cancer” when in need ..! 🙂 😉 But the morning in Timisoara have a special charm, regardless of the day of the week … if you have the chance to admire their splendor from Unirii Square … What makes light and shadow, equally, with the architecture of this space in the morning is pure poetry! I challenge you to go there between 7 am and 8 am. You’re gonna thank me … word!  😛

I visited a good friend of mine a few days ago and I couldn’t get out of her beautiful home without the dress you will admire in today’s post. She had her dressing door open, unluckily for her… 🙂 and my retina ventured on this „wrinkled” beauty… It is a creation of the fashion designer Mihaela Cretescu , of which, I am not proud to admit, I never heard before… After studying and appreciating her creations and style, I am proud to have the opportunity to pose (hopefully, soon to have … 🙂 ) a piece signed by her. Thank you dear friend for the loan! The story of the ensemble is a simple one: I wanted to make a monochrome outfit. It is in vogue, it is difficult to achieve (as a result, mine is more of a „wannabe” monochrome) 🙂 , so you need imagination and craftsmanship in styling. The booties were bought in Germany  many years ago from Aldo, and I simply love them! I do not know why, but they make me think about a reinterpreted „army” style …

Otherwise, viva summer mornings with pigeons, cats and „monkeys” … (Scroll the pictures to the end and you’ll know what I’m talking about 🙂 ) Kiss you loud and pressed! A…. P.S: I also had a matching bag with me, but I do not know where I lost it in the pictures …! 🙂 It got safely home thow … 🙂

I am wearing:

Mihaela Cretescu dress (they are all stunning!)

Aldo shoes

Zara hat

Max Mara sunglasses

handmade necklace bought at one of the many fairs from Iulius Mall Timisoara (I don not know the artist)

Photos by Elena Borcan   🙂

My favourite bilding in Timisoara with my favourite cafe „Eclipse”

The pigeons
The trademark


The happy one
With the cat


The Monkeys and their timeless advice… 😉