Sunt extrem de racita. Dar, va spun, o raceala d-aia care te seaca la inimioara si iti suge energia ca un vampir… Asa ca, oricat m-am incurajat sa ma urc la volan si sa conduc catre un cadru cu „iq” vizualo-structural (febra, nu va speriati… ) superior umilei mele curti (adica, cam orice locsor din orasul asta!), nu m-am incumetat. Nu am dorit sub nici o forma sa treaca o saptamana fara o postare pe blog legata de fashion, caci postari au tot fost in ultima perioada… dar de alta factura. Va invit pe blog pentru a vedea despre ce este vorba. 😉 Asa ca, iata al doilea articol „pozat” la mine in ograda, ca sa zic asa (a mai fost unul la inceputuri, in care vi l-am prezentat pe Ajax). Ce m-a convins ca e o idee buna? Bolta de vie plina ochi, ce se desfasoara pe 60% din suprafata terenului, aflata foarte aproape de „termen”. Imediat va intra in travaliu si in putin timp va naste cel mai gustos must la care va puteti gandi. 🙂 Personal, sunt mult mai interesata de partea de vie care se va transforma in vin… 😉 Cred ca voi avea grija sa fie exact cea sub care m-am pozat azi. 🙂
Intr-un articol trecut, am mentionat ca voi exemplifica trendurile toamnei lui 2017 conform revistei Glamour, cu elemente vestimentare din propriul dressing. Astazi este randul tinutei Scufita Rosie. 🙂 La pagina 44 a numarului din luna septembrie, gasiti o minunata tinuta Fendi all red, „de-a dreptul pur si simplu”… 🙂 Sfaturile aferente? Cizme rosii peste genunchi (I wish!!! 🙁 ) si alaturari de piese vestimentare cu material diferit, evident, toate rosii. Cizmele nu „e” inca… 😉 , dar treaba cu materialele am bifat-o: port lana, vascoza, catifea, piele, piele intoarsa si nailon. 🙂 Mi-ar fi placut ca pantalonii scurti sa aiba talia inalta, caci 38 de ani si „buricul la vedere”, nu prea fac casa buna, dar, pana la urma, varsta nu e decat un numar… iar eu ma simt, din toate punctele de vedere, blocata undeva pe la 27-28 de ani… 😛
Ideea este urmatoarea: magazinele gem de haine de culoare rosie; am fost azi la Shopping City Timisoara si efectiv, am vazut rosu in toate directiile. Sfatul meu este sa va cumparati maxim 2 elemente (eu mi-am cumparat azi ciorapii de la Penti, iar ghetele biker sunt cumparate de mama de la un targ de pielarie din Constanta), de exemplu niste pantaloni eleganti si o palarie (caciula), sau un pulover si niste botine, posibilitatile sunt infinite… si sa completati restul tinutei cu haine de culoare rosie pe care deja le aveti in dulap: o camasa, niste pantofi de sport si un cardigan, sau o fusta, un sal si niste egari, etc… Veti fi uimite de rezultat. Bine ati venit in toamna lui 2017! Va pup tare si apasat. 🙂
I caught a cold. Let me break it down for you… That type of cold, that drowns the joy out of you and sucks the energy like a vampire … So, no matter how much I have encouraged myself, to get behind the wheel and drive to an environement with a visual „iq” (fever, don’t be scared …) greater than the one presented by my humble courtyard (meaning, about any place in this city!), I did not succed. I couldn’t have let an entire week between my fashion related posts, because I have posted a lot lately, but on other subjects. I invite you to browse the blog, to see what am I talking about. 😉 So here is the second article „fotographed” in my backyard, so to speak. (There was one in the beginning, where I introduced Ajax to you). What convinced me it was a good idea? The vineyard, which occupates more than 60% of the land surface, very close to „term”. Immediately it will go into „labor” and soon will give birth to the sweetest grape-juice you ever tasted. 🙂 Personally, I’m more interested in the part that will turn into wine … 😉 I think I’ll make sure it will be exactly the one I posed under today. 🙂
In a past article, I mentioned that I will exemplify the fall trends of 2017, according to Glamor magazine, with clothing from my own dressing. Today is the: Red Riding Hood 🙂 . On page 44 of the September issue, you find a wonderful, all red, Fendi, „ish” outfit … 🙂 Related tips? Over the knees red boots (I wish !!! 🙁 ) and asociations of clothes with different material, obviously all red. The boots are not here „yet” 😉 , but the different matherials mix, I checked: wool, viscose, velvet, leather, suede and nylon. 🙂 I would have liked my shorts to have a high waist, for a 38 years old woman is not likely to wear a crop top, but after all… age is just a number. And I feel, from all points of view, stuck somewhere around 27-28 years of age … 😛
The idea is the following: stores are filled with red clothes; I was today at Shopping City Timisoara and actually, I saw „red” everywhere. My advice is to buy maximum 2 items (I bought my stockings from Penti today, and the biker boots were bought by my mom, at a leather fair in Constanta), for example some elegant trousers and a hat (cap), or a sweater and boots, the possibilities are infinite … and fill the rest of the outfit with red clothes that you already have in your closet: a shirt, some sports shoes and a cardigan, or a skirt, a shawl and some tights, etc. You will be amazed by the result. Welcome to the fall of 2017! Kiss you all loud and pressed! 🙂
I am wearing
No name red coat, I saw one identical at Motivi in Shopping City Timisoara, or a similar one here
Vintage velvet shorts
Penti stockings from Shopping City Timisoara
H&M hat, similar here
Boots were bought from a leather fair, there is no name on them 🙁
Guess crop top, you can find similar at Stradivarius, Bershka or Zara