
Insusindu-mi critica unui foarte drag prieten, care s-a saturat de zidul gri de care am tot abuzat in ultima vreme, am iesit azi la poze in centru. Bastionul Theresia mi s-a parut varianta optima, insa ulterior am ajuns sa regret enorm alegerea. Dupa o ora si jumatate de cautari inca nu gasisem loc de parcare in zona… 🙁 Am consumat o jumatate din rezervorul masinii electrice, un pachet intreg de guma de mestecat, am impartit sute de injuraturi in dreapta si stanga (da, sunt sofer d-ala’… ), am descoperit stradute impanate cu masini parcate „tridimensional”… prin urmare, o zi buna, nu?? 🙂 😛

Scopul plimbarii de azi a fost unul cat se poate de nobil: trebuia sa va arat a.s.a.p caciula tricotata de soacra mea. Inspiratia mi-a venit frunzarind numarul de ianuarie al revistei Glamour, in care pe la paginile 26-27, apare un tip cu o caciula-„casca de aviator” asemanatoare, absolut fabuloasa. Am mai avut asa ceva in copilarie si dintr-un motiv extrem de ciudat, mi-o amintesc in detaliu. E dubios ca un reper major al copilariei tale sa fie o caciula? 😮

Despre tinuta, prea multe nu sunt de zis. Am facut o suprapunere, un asa numit „layering”, urmand o reteta prestabilita de altele mai experimentate ca mine 🙂 : un palton camel pe umeri, o geaca din denim, geanta purtata oblic. Ce-mi apartine 100% este fix caciula cea excentrica, care modifica intregul banal al combinatiei. Mie imi place la nebunie, pentru ca ma caracterizeaza. 😉 Cred ca ceea ce incerc sa transmit aici este faptul ca, nu gresim in a copia o tinuta frumoasa de pe Pinterest sau Instagram, atat timp cat avem grija sa ne punem tusa persoanala pe ea. La cat de multi bloggeri si influenceri exista in domeniu la ora actuala, este extrem de greu sa mai aduci noutati. Realistic vorbind! Dar partea frumoasa este ca nici nu trebuie! Aceeasi tinuta poate arata in milioane de feluri complet diferite, adaptata fiind de milioane de oameni diferiti.

Am decis ca incepand de la acest articol, sa va marturisesc chestii despre mine, care nu transpun dincolo de pozele si textele postarilor. Evident, o „sama” dintre voi ma cunosc bine 🙂 , dar  multi m-au cunoscut prin intermediul blogului. Sunt sigura ca exista curiozitati… 🙂

Daca tot am ajuns azi in copilarie, vreau sa fac un foarte scurt arbore genealogic, pentru ca voi, cititorii mei, sa intelegeti mai multe (sau mai putine… 😉 ) in legatura cu subsemnata. Sunt o corcitura. 🙂 Si mandra! Mai exact, in proportie de 50% sunt olteanca… iar in celelalte 50 de procente sunt concentrate urmatoarele descendente: germana (un strabunic a fost un neamt stabilit in Romania dupa cel de-al doilea razboi mondial), evreiasca (strabunicul din partea mamei avea numele de familie Morman), moldoveneasca (bunica din partea tatalui se trage de langa Humulestii lui Creanga) si sarbeasca (bunicul din partea tatalui se trage de la sud de Dunare, de unde si numele meu de fata, Sarbu). Atatea semintii intr-un singur suflet, care tocmai de aceea, a fost toata viata lui un nomad… 🙂 Voila, primul schelet din dulap. Va pup tare si apasat!


By accepting the criticism of a very dear friend, who was tired of the gray wall that I have been abusing lately, I went out today for pictures, in the city center. The Theresia Bastion seemed to me a very good idea, but later I regreted the choice. After one hour and a half of searches, I still did not find a parking place in the area … 🙁 I used half of the electric car battery, a whole pack of chewing gum, I gave the world around a swearing dictionary  (yes, I am that kind of driver…), I discovered stunted streets, with cars parket after  „three-dimensional” diagrams … therefore a good day, right ?? 🙂 😛

The purpose of today’s walk was one of noblest: I was going to show you a.s.a.p the knitted beanie my mother-in-law did for me these days. The inspiration came to me by lbrowsing  the January issue of Glamor magazine, romanian version, in which at pages 26-27, appears a guy with a helmet-like beanie, absolutely fabulous. I’ve had such a thing in my childhood and for a very strange reason, I remember it in detail. Is it dubious that a major landmark of your childhood is a hat? 😮

About the outfit, there is not much to say. I made an overlay, a so-called „layering”,  following a pre-established recipe, determined by others more experienced than me :): a camel coat on the shoulders, a denim jacket, the bag weared oblique. What belongs 100% to me is the eccentric hat, which changes the whole banal of the combination. I am crazy about it, because it characterizes me. 😉 I think, what I’m trying to say here is that, we’re not mistaken in copying a beautiful outfit from Pinterest or Instagram, as long as we’re careful to put our personal touch on it. As to how many bloggers and influences exist in the field today, it is extremely difficult to bring novelty. Realistically speaking! But the beautiful part is that you do not even have to! The same outfit can look in millions of completely different ways, adapted by millions of different people.

I decided that, starting with this article, I will tell you things about me that do not transpose beyond post pictures and texts. Obviously, some of you know me well 🙂 , but there are some who have met me through the blog. I’m sure there are curiosities … 🙂

Seing that I went back to my childhood today, I want to make a very short genealogical tree, so you, my readers, understand more (or fewer …;) ) about the undersigned. I’m a „multi-breed”. 🙂 And proud! More precisely, in proportion of 50% I am „olteanca” (a woman born in Oltenia, a large part of the south-west of Romania; people speak here the most funny version of the romanian language, they are usually merry, loud and passionate)… and in the other 50 percent are concentrated the following descendants: German (a grandfather was a German settled in Romania after the Second World War), Jewish (the grandfather from my  mother’s side had the family name Morman), Moldavian (grandmother from my father’s side is from near Humulesti – place of birth of a famous romanian writer Ion Creanga) and Serbian (my father’s father came to Romania from the south of the Danube, that is why my made-name is Sarbu). So many tribes in one soul…  which is why,  it was a nomade it’s whole life … 🙂 Voila, the first skeleton in the closet. Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Mango camel jacket, similar here

Mango trousers, better ones here

Only denim jacket , similar here

Yellow Cab New York shoes

Liu Jo sun glasses

similar bag here