
-Anutza, ia-ti ceva pe tine ca vreau sa te duc undeva!

„Mai pisoi, pe mine nu prea poti sa ma iei asa… adica, zi-mi… e cu tocuri, e cu pantofi sport, e afara, e in interior, e cu muzica, se danseaza, se mananca, se bea… etc?” (Toate intrebarile astea rasunau la mine in cap doar, caci sotul meu nu prea e omul care sa ia in serios asemenea „probleme existentiale” ..) Asta se intampla fix acum doi ani, in pragul zilei mele de nastere. Sotul meu, care mereu a avut grija ca zilele mele de nastere sa fie memorabile (nu de altceva, dar suntem nascuti in aceeasi zi… 🙂 , deci practic, si-o facea si lui 😉 ), parea destul de entuziasmat de aceasta iesire. Daca imi amintesc eu bine,  mi-am pus o rochie si niste sandale cu toc, nimic special. Al meu… imbracat de sus pana jos in Burberry. Deh… are gusturi bune, doar s-a insurat cu mine! 🙂 „E cam misto imbracat… unde mergem oare? Hmm…”
Am plecat spre Iulius Mall, dar l-am depasit… si am intrat pe Amurgului, cea care devine Miresei dupa intersectia cu Calea Aradului. „Ca doar nu mergem la Epic… E miezul zilei, nu are cum”. Dar nu am mai ajuns la Epic, caci am intrat pe prima la dreapta si ne-am trezit intr-o curte interioara a unor hali industriale. Peisajul… va marturisesc, total lipsit de „promisiuni”. Pentru un plus de dramatism, in boxe bubuiau cei de la Bug Mafia.
-Unde ma duci mai? Dupa blocurile gri…? 🙂 „Mi-am si pus tocuri, ca o pupaza…”
-Ai putintica rabdare ca nu am ajuns inca, aici doar lasam masina.
Ah, cat suspans… Am intrat intr-o cladire si am urcam mult… sau cel putin, asa am simtit eu. Tocurile. Apoi am strabatut cateva incaperi neamenajate, parctic un spatiu deschis lasat de constructori „la rosu”. Am inceput sa injur in gand ca nu mi-am luat niste tenisi…
-Nu te mai stramba Anutza, iti promit ca o sa-ti placa la nebunie!
Am ajuns la o usa metalica masiva, bordata de camere de luat vederi. „Mai sa fie… pare un fel de club privat. Dar ce securitate! Si asa, in mijlocul unei cladiri „parasite”?” Evident, daca as fi fost atenta la inscriptiile de pe pereti, menite sa te ghideze catre locul cu pricina, surpriza ar fi disparut, caci oricine stie ce este acela un „shooting range”. In acelasi timp, as fi avut ragaz sa ma razgandesc… caci la primul impuls, ideea de a trage cu o arma mi se parea respingatoare. Dar eu l-am urmat orbeste pe sotul meu. 😉 Ca multe altele…nu? 🙂

Exact la intrarea in poligon, usa se poate vedea in partea dreapta. 🙂

In spatele usii… surprize extrem de placute: o sala ca de pub underground cu cateva mese din lemn prinse cu lanturi de fiecare colt, muzica,  neaone, lumina putina dar plasata exact unde trebuia, un bar micut, in spatele caruia trebaluia o tipa foarte draguta si o canapea. Din coltul opus intrarii, s-a desprins silueta unui tanar barbat, inalt, imbracat la costum, care s-a apropiat sa dea noroc cu sotul meu. S-a intors apoi catre mine si mi-a intins mana, moment in care… m-am blocat. Vlad, caci asa il cheama, are capacitatea de a bloca pe oricine, femeie sau barbat deopotriva. Este unul dintre fondatorii poligonului, practic el se ocupa de tot ce inseamna Blue Line. Si… este si instructor. 🙂 Nu am sa zic mai multe despre el… cine a fost acolo stie exact la ce ma refer, iar cine nu a fost inca, este invitat sa o faca. 😉
-Stai linistita Anutza, asa m-am blocat si eu cand l-am cunoscut.
„Deci de aia te-ai imbracat asa de frumos…” mi-am zis eu, zambind cu gura pana la urechi. Apoi am intrat in sala de trageri.

Cu Walter 😉

Arata ca un fel de sala de sport de scoala generala, doar ca e capitonata cu lemn (asa cum se poate observa in poze). Pe jos era un „covor” de cartuse folosite, ceea ce mi s-a parut foarte tare. Era prima data cand realizam… „bai, eu chiar o sa trag cu arma!” Mi s-a recomandat sa trag cu o arma mai mica, un Walter P22… si nu m-am impotrivit, caci pistolul cu care tragea sotul meu, era foarte greu. Vlad mi-a aratat cum se tine arma, cum se armeaza, cum se trage piedica. Apoi mi-a zis sa apas pe tragaci. Nimic… dar nimic, nu te poate pregati pentru momentul cand tragi prima oara. Adrenalina, reculul armei, zgomotul, ecoul zgomotului, mirosul… parca toate simturile iti sunt „atacate” simultan. Respiri, fixezi catarea… si tragi inca o data. S-a pus in functiune mecanismul ce aduce tinta aproape, pentru a vedea cum am tras. Surpriza! (Poate pentru ei, ca eu stiu cate de bine vad… 😉 😛 ) Am tras foarte bine! Unul in centru si unul pe linia de 9. I-am zis sa duca tinta mai departe. Barbatii zambeau toti. Mai erau un instructor cu un client in boxa de langa mine. Doar ultimul glont mi-a fugit pe linia de 7, caci imi obosise mana. Restul, in proportie de 90%, mortale. 🙂 Nu am cuvinte sa va descriu senzatia pe care am trait-o la Blue Line… dar pot sa zic ca a fost o experienta de factura cvasi-erotica. Si ma refer aici la reactiile mele vis a vis de valul de serotonina care m-a innecat. 🙂 Traire 100% fizica: descarcare, energie, extaz. Pe langa masina de 450 de cai putere primita acum 5 ani de ziua mea  😛 , acesta a fost cel mai tare cadou ever! 🙂 Multumesc din suflet, draga Adi. :*

Prima si a doua data cand am tras cu arma. 🙂

Revenind in zilele noastre 🙂 , am luat-o pe Diana sa facem niste poze la fata locului. Am mers insotite de finul meu, care este de fapt, primul din gasca care a descoperit acest loc si de departe, cel mai infocat dintre noi. In doi ani si-a luat permis de port arma, si-a luat brevet de instructor si a participat la numeroase concursuri (cu premii si medalii castigate 😛 ), atat la foc static cat si dinamic. Chiar si astazi, cand i-am scris sa-l intreb cum se numeste pistolul cu care trag eu de obicei, tot la Blue Line era… Asta numesc eu, pasiune adevarata. Am vazut ulterior, ca au un mare concurs in desfasurare si ca tot weekend-ul a fost „la foc continuu”. 🙂
Sa stiti ca nu este un hobby pentru oricine si nici nu ar trebui sa fie. Cred ca arma isi alege singura „manuitorul” 😉 . Si chiar daca devii pasionat, nu e musai sa te „muti” la poligon. Ce imi doresc eu sa fac prin acest articol, este sa vin in intampinarea barbatilor lipsiti de inspiratie in legatura cu un cadou memorabil pentru neveste/ prietene, de Valentine’s Day, sau de Dragobete 😉 , sau de ziua lor de nastere si de nume… Nu garantez ca la toate va fi acelasi efect pe care l-am simtit eu, dar merita incercat. Este ceva unic. Exita o serie de abonamente si oferte, despre care puteti afla mai multe la fata locului. Ii puteti gasi aici . Timisoara este „mai mult” decat pare la prima vedere si ca uneori, gasesti reale comori in cele mai neasteptate locatii. 🙂

Si chiar daca nu tragi cu arma, poti doar sa iti faci niste poze in spatiile special amenajate pentru acestea… sa asculti muzica buna si sa te bucuri de o companie de exceptie. Oricum, sentimentul cu care pleci de la Blue Line, este unul de castig. Pentru asta pot baga mana in foc. Va pup tare si apasat!

Acest graffiti este unul special. Puteti afla despre ce este vorba daca veniti la Blue Line.
Motorul…. la fel.


-Babe, put something on you, cause I want to take you somewhere.

„You don’t say!? Well, you can not adress to me that way… You have to give details … it’s a „heels” situation, it’s with sports shoes, it’s out, it’s inside, it’s with music, it’s with dancing, it involves eating, drinking … etc? ” (All these questions echoed only in my head, because my husband is not the man who takes seriously such „existential problems”…) That was happening two years ago, round my birthday. My husband, who always took care that my birthdays are memorable (not so, but we were born the same day … :), so basically,  he did it  for himself too 😉 ), he seemed quite excited about this trip. If I remember well, I dressed in a simple dress and some sandals, nothing special. My „better half” though … was in Burberry from head to toe. Well, he has exquisite taste, he married me! 🙂 „He’s very well dressed … where are we going? Hmm …”
We went direction Iulius Mall, but we surpassed it … and we entered on Amurgului Street, the one that becomes Miresei Street, after the intersection with Calea Aradului. „Are we going to Epic? … It’s the middle of the day, this can not be it.” But we did not get to Epic, because we went first to the right and arrived in an inner courtyard of some industrial halls. The landscape … I will confess, totally lacking „promises”. For added drama, the Bug Mafia (romanian rap/ hip-hop band) was loud in speakers.
-Where are you taking me? Behind the gray blocks …? 🙂 „And I’m in heels like a bimbo …”
-Be patient, we have not yet arrived, here we just leave the car.
Ah, how dramatic … We went into a building and climbed to the last floor … or at least, that’s how I felt. Heels. Then we walked through some open spaces, left by builders „in red”. I started to curse cause I did not have some sport shoes on…
– Babe, stop fidgeting. I promise you’ll love it!
We reached a massive metal door, borded by cameras. „Such heavy security … It looks like a private club, but in the middle of an „abandoned” building?” Obviously, had I payed attention to the inscriptions on the walls, meant to guide you to the place, the surprise would have disappeared, for anyone knows what a „shooting range” is. At the same time, I would have had time to change my mind … for at first impulse, the idea of shooting with a weapon seemed to me repellent. But I blindly followed my husband. 😉 Like many others … right? 🙂

This graffiti is a special one.

Behind the door … extremely pleasant surprises: an „underground pub” room, with a few wooden tables, fitted with chains at every corner, music, neons, little light… but placed exactly where it was supposed to be, a small bar, behind which there was a nice woman and a sofa. From the opposite corner of the entrance, the silhouette of a young, tall, elegantly dressed man, came close to greet my husband. He then turned to me and took my hand in a firm hold, moment when … I blocked. Vlad, cause that’s the name of the man, has the ability to block anyone, woman or man alike. He is one of the founders of the polygon, basically he deals with everything that Blue Line means. And … he’s also an instructor. 🙂 I will not say more about him … who was there knows exactly what I am referring to and who has not yet been there yet, is invited to do so. 😉
-Don’t worry baby, I was just as blocked when I firts met him.
„So that’s why you dressed so nicely …” I said to myself, smiling from ear to ear. Then I went into the shooting room.


With Walter 😉

It looks like a kind of school gym, just that it is covered with wood (as can be seen in the pictures). On the floor was a „carpet” of used cartridges, which seemed very cool to me. It was the first time I realised… „Oh, God, I’ll shoot with a gun!” I was recommended to shoot with a smaller gun, a Walter P22 … and I did not mind, because the gun my husband was shooting with, was very heavy. Vlad showed me how to hold the gun, how to arm, how to get the safety off. Then he told me to pull the trigger. Nothing … but nothing, can prepare you for the moment when you first shoot. Adrenaline, weapon’s recoil, the noise, the echo of noise, the smell … like all your senses are „attacked” simultaneously. Breathe, lock the target… and shoot again. Vlad started the mechanism that brings the target near,  to see how I did. Surprise! (Maybe for them, I know how well I see … 🙂 😛 ) I aimed very well! One in the center and one on the 9th line. I told him to take the target further. All the men smiled. There was another instructor with a client in the box next to me. Only the last bullet ran on the 7th line, for my hand was tired. The rest, in a proportion of 90%, deadly. 🙂 I have no words to describe the feeling that I have experienced at Blue Line … but I can say it was a quasi-erotic one. And here I refer to my reactions to the wave of dopamine that drowned me. 🙂 100% physical sensations: discharge, energy, ecstasy. Besides the 450 hp car I received 5 years ago on my birthday :P, this was the hottest gift ever! 🙂 Thank you, dear Adi (my husband). :*

Coming back nowadays :), I took Diana to take some pictures on the spot. We went with godson (me and my husband were godparents at his weeding), which is, in fact, the first of the gang that discovered this place and by far, the most passionate from all of us. In two years he got a gun license, took his instructor’s certificate and participated in numerous contests (with prizes and medals won :P), both in static and dynamic fire. Even today, when I wrote to ask him, what the gun that I usually shoot with is called, he was at Blue Line … That’s what I call, true passion. I have seen later that they have a great contest going on and that the whole weekend has been „on fire”. 🙂
You must know that it is not a hobby for anyone and should not be. I think the weapon chooses it’s „handler” 😉 . And even if you become passionate, you do not have to „move” to the polygon. What I want to do with this article is to come up with an interesting idea for men who lack inspiration in getting memorable gift for wives / girlfriends, on Valentine’s Day, or Dragobete 😉 , or their birthday and name day. I do not guarantee that at all of them will feel the same things that I felt, but it is worth trying. It’s something unique. There are a series of subscriptions and offers, about which you can find out more on the spot. You can find them here. Timisoara is „more” than it seems at first sight and sometimes, one can find real treasures in the most unexpected locations. 🙂

And even if you do not shoot with the gun, you can just take some pictures in the specially arranged corners … listen to the good music and enjoy an exceptional company. Anyway, the feeling you’ll get when living Blue Line, is a winning one. This I can bet on! Kiss you all loud and pressed!

This is one special „bike”.

You cand find the body top that I am wearing at Cropp

Photos by Handra Diana