O fi oare un curent „fashion-blogger-ist” acela de a-ti indesa in jeans sau fusta, stratul exterior de haine? Mai exact, un sacou… o geaca, un hanorac, un pulover voluminos… In ultimul timp, Instagram-ul si Pinterest-ul par asaltate de acest tip de styling, iar rezultatul, cu multa franchete va spun, mi se pare extraordinar de chic! Eu ma regasesc complet in acest tip de abordare stilistica. De ce ar trebui sa exploram acest trend? Pentru ca permite revitalizarea unor haine, care de mult timp ne zac in dulap, nebagate in seama: sacouri mai scurte si cambrate, gecile scurte din fas colorat, gecile bomber, pulovere ample, tricotate… dar nu destul de voluminoase cat sa se poata numi „oversize” 🙂 , sau incomodele top-uri cu maneca „aripa de liliac”. Trebuie sa fim atente insa, la tipul de element vestimetar in care le varam.
Mai exact, dragile mele cititoare, trebuie sa ne asiguram ca ceea ce purtam de la brau in jos, are talie medie spre inalta. Este imperativ sa ne marcam talia! Exista putine exceptii, cand femeile cu forme mai putin proeminente, pot alege un jeans cu talie medie spre joasa, dar in acest caz, ar fi binevenita prezenta unei curele cu catarama mare, statement. Centrul de greutate al imaginii este preluat de aceasta.
Astazi am ales sa port o fusta din piele, petrecuta, cu franjuri, care imi este foarte draga, dar care a fost o greseala de cumparare. Vi se intampla vreodata sa cumparati fara sa probati? Din lipsa de timp, din comoditate… etc. O am in dulap de ceva timp, nu ma indur sa o dau, dar nici nu o pot purta in alta varianta, pentru ca este numarul 38…iar eu intru bine in 34. 🙁 Nu ca mi-ar parea rau ca port 34 la varsta mea..! Ador asta, chiar! 😉 Dar…
Sunt foarte fericita ca nu am dat-o, pentru ca mai am cateva „asocieri” prietenoase pregatite pentru ea. 🙂 Un denim, un reiat, un ecosez, o blana artificiala… pielea suporta orice mix de materiale. Acestea fiind spuse, va doresc un weekend placut, odihnitor, cu o doza de lascivitate, una de lene, una de alint si inca vreo 3 de efervescenta, euforie si dulce uitare. Va pup tare si apasat!
Ah, am uitat de episoadele cu marturisiri… sunt o mica laptuca, ca sa nu spun varza.. 🙂 Pai, sa va zic putin despre ce ador eu sa fac in weekenduri, daca tot suntem intr-unul..
Sa dansez. Este activitatea care imi aduce cele mai multe beneficii, atat la nivel psihic cat si fizic.
Sa stau singura la o cafenea si sa privesc oamenii. Nu conteaza unde este amplasata, daca am in fata o cafea cu lapte si frisca, o prajitura si wifi, pot petrece ore in sir admirand oamenii ce trec pe langa mine, facandu-mi scenarii despre vietile lor, atribuindu-le povesti, nume si indeletniciri. Suna dubios? Probabil pentru ca… este putin dubios. 🙂
Sa ma documentez pentru viitoare tinute abordate pe blog. Carti, reviste, canale TV, internet, orice imi poate aduce un nou articol cu subiect interesant, atat pentru mine cat si pentru cititorii mei. Voi cum va relaxati in weekend?
Is there a „fashion-blogger” trend, to put into your jeans or skirt, the outer layer of the clothes? More specifically, a jacket … a sakko, a sweatshirt, a large sweater … Lately, Instagram and Pinterest seem to be assaulted by this type of styling, and the result, I am telling you frankly, it looks extraordinary chic! I find myself vibrating completely with this type of stylistic approach. Why should we explore this trend? Because it allows the revitalization of clothes that have long been lying in the closett: shorter and waist-shaped jackets, short coloured winter jackets, bomber jackets, ample sweaters, knitters … but not quite bulky enough can call them”oversized” :), or the inconvenient tops, with „bat wing” sleeves. There is a catch, because we have to be extra careful with the type of clothing element in which we stuff them.
More specifically, my dear lady-readers, we have to make sure that what we wear in the lower part of our outfit, has high waist. It is imperative to mark our waistline! There are few exceptions, when women with less prominent shapes can choose a medium or low waisted pair of jeans, but in this case it would be nice to have a big buckle on our belt, a statement one. The center of gravity to our image, is taken over by it.
Today I chose to wear a leather skirt, side on side, with fringes, which is very dear to me, but it was a buying mistake. Did you ever buy something without trying it first on? Maybe because of lack of time, convenience, or any other reason … It has been in the closet for some time and I do not indulge in giving it away just yet, but I can’t wear it in another combo, because it is size 38 … and I’m good in 34. 🙁 Not that I feel sorry for wearing size 34 at my age! 😉 But ..
I’m very happy that I did not give it away, because I have a couple of matherial-friendly items ready for her. 🙂 Denim, striped, checked, some artificial fur … leather supports any mix of materials. Having said that, I wish you a pleasant, relaxing weekend with a dose of lasciviousness, laziness and endearment.. and another three of effervescence, euphoria and sweet oblivion. Kiss you all loud and pressed!
Oh, I forgot about the my confessions episodes … Sometimes, my ignorance amuses me .. 🙂 Well, let me tell you a little about what I love doing on weekends, because it is weekend now, isn’t it? 🙂
To dance. It is the activity that brings me the most benefits, both on psychical and physical levels.
To stay alone at a café and watch people going by. It does not matter where it is located, if I have in front of me a coffee with milk and cream, a cake and wifi, I can spend hours admiring the people passing by me, making scenarios about their lives, attributing them stories, names and occupations. Sounds dubious? Probably because … it’s a little dubious. 🙂
To document myself for future stories addressed on the blog. Books, magazines, TV channels, the internet, anything that can bring me a new interesting article for me and my readers. How do you relax on the weekend?
I am wearing
dj85°c jacket , similar here here
fringed leather skirt similar here
vintage Esprit hand bag
Ovye by Cristina Lucchi boots
Reserved cap