
Va spuneam in articolul precedent ca imi gasesc inspiratia in cadrul orasului, a imaginilor urbane pline de culori si de oameni, acestia din urma nu atat de „tipatori” pe cat mi-ar placea mie sa fie… (vorbesc strict din punct de vedere vestimentar). Imi place sa sfidez vremea si vremurile, sa contrastez. Exact asta am simtit sa fac astazi, pe o ploaie marunta, stearpa si deprimanta… m-am invaluit in culori tari, complementare, caci asa-i si orasul… fie ploaie fie vant, casele raman „creioane colorate” in „penare” stradale… 🙂 How poetic… 🙂 😛

 Mai dragile mele drage…  nu-i asa ca-i frumos ca, din cand in cand, sa ne purtam razvratirea pe strada? Sa ne „urlam” din rarunchi feminitatea si delicatetea? Intr-o lume dominata (inca… 😛 ) de pantaloni, cat de frumos si „Fata Morganic” (oare am voie sa scriu asa ceva?? 🙂 ) este sa vedem picioare invaluite in fineturi colorate, talii stranse de centuri sau palarii cu boruri largi? Apropos… va place palaria mea? Am luat-o de la ultimul Fashion Swap la care am participat… Camasa pe care o  port, desi nu se vede foarte bine, este tot de acolo… O minunatie din matase naturala. Ador aceste schimburi de haine si… desi, de multe ori imi zic ca poate exagerez, ca poate imi creeaza un handicap in mediul online din punctul de vedere al potentialilor colaboratori, sunt absolut sigura ca nimeni nu poate trata asemenea evenimente in sens peiorativ.

Vreau sa scriu astazi un text scurt dar foarte concentrat, sa semene cu o amprenta: incredibil de mica, dar mare cat „o viata” de om. 🙂 Scumpe doamne si domnisoare, va invit sa colorati strazile oraselor! Haideti cu rosu, haideti cu verde, cu albastru, cu galben sau cu portocaliu! Haideti cu unicorni, curcubee, brocart, campuri de flori si desene de copii… Va pup tare si apasat! 🙂


I was telling you in the previous article that I find inspiration in the city, colorful urban images and its people… the latter not so „guilty” of over-coloring … (I speak strictly from the fashion point of view). I like to defy the weather and the times, to contrast. That’s exactly what I felt like doing today, on a rainy day, sterile and depressive … I enveloped myself in strong, complementary colors, for that is how the city is … rain or wind, the houses remain „colored pencils” in the street’s „pencil cases” … 🙂 How poetic … 🙂 😛

My dear ones … is it not nice, from time to time, to wear this rebellion on the street? Let us frenzy  „scream” our femininity and delicacy! In a world dominated (still … :P) by pants, how beautiful and „Fata Morganic” (am I allowed to write something like this?! 🙂 🙂 ) is to see the legs wrapped in colored fine tights, waists fastened by belts, or broad-bored hats? By the way … do you like my hat? I took it from the last Swap Fashion I attended … The shirt I wear, although it does not show very well, is also from there … A wonderful natural silked one. I love these clothes shifts and … although I often say that I exaggerate, that it can put myself in disadvantage on the online environment, from the point of view of potential collaborators,  I am absolutely sure that no one can treat such events in a pejorative way.

I want to write today a short but very concentrated text, to make it look like a fingerprint: incredibly small, but as big as a living individual. 🙂 Dear Ladies, I invite you to color the streets of the cities! Come out in red, come out in green, blue, yellow or orange! Come on with unicorns, rainbows, brocades, flower fields and children’s drawings … Kiss you all loud and pressed! 🙂

I am wearing

Fashion Swap Timisoara hat and shirt

similar coat here

Hallhuber suede dress here

Laura Baldini olive tights

Astore Acquerello bag here

vintage shoes