
Asa cum v-am promis in precedentul articol, revin cu alte tinute alcatuite pe baza paltonului gri de la Bon Prix. (Rima involuntara.) De data aceasta, i-am adaugat o pereche de pantofi sport cu platforma, achizitionati la acelasi magazin. Imi plac mult. Sunt comozi, usori si integrabili intr-o sumedenie de tinute. Fiind piese de factura diferita, alaturarea lor in cadrul aceluiasi ansamblu, asigura din start o doza de „chic”. Griurile si argintiul continua sa se poarte si in 2019. Vorbim despre investitii pe termen lung, deci. 😉

Tinutele urbane presupun combinatii inedite, moda urbana in sine fiind un amalgam de stiluri. Bugetul este unul mediu spre mic. Cu alte cuvinte, avem liber la a combina haine noi cu haine SH sau vintage. De obicei, iese ceva fain. Te poti imbraca asa la 15, 20, 30, 40 sau chiar 50 de ani, de aici si larga aplicabilitate. Nu mai vorbim de comoditate si de sentimentul acela ca „azi arat misto” pe care il afisam. Imi doresc ca acest stil vestimentar sa fie mai des abordat, mai des vazut pe strazile orasului. Nu cere multe. Ofera destule.

Primavara bate la usa. Cel putin asa ne face sa credem. Eu o astept cu anticipatie si cu dulapurile aerisite. Vreau elemente noi, care sa-mi puna in valoare piesele „de baza”. La acest capitol, integrez paltoane in mai multe nuante si lungimi, o pereche de ciocate, mai multe malete, doua-trei perechi de pantaloni cu talie inalta, doua perechi de jeans, ghete negre tip biker, cateva sepci si palarii, o geaca de piele, una de jeans si mai multe perechi de pantofi sport. Aceasta este colectie „de baza” a primaverii lui 2019. Cu alte cuvinte, paltonul gri lung si pantofii argintii de sport de la Bon Prix vor vedea des soarele in aceasta primavara… 😉 Pe buna dreptate!
Le pot adauga rochiilor inflorate, pantalonilor cu modele geometrice, in combinatii de tip „color block”, sau in tinute office. Sunt potivite in egala masura pentru cand duc copiii la scoala, sau iesirilor cu prietenele la cafea. Probabil, as face diferenta intre eventuale styling-uri, prin strict accesorizarea aleasa.

Personal, cand aleg variante urbane de syling, optez pentru stilurile sport sau chic. Pe Bon Prix gasim elemente vestimentare potrivite ambelor variante. 🙂 Mi-am permis sa fac cateva sugestii… Tot ce vedeti mai jos se gaseste pe site-ul acestora. Uitandu-ma la ce a iesit, realizez ca m-ar putea angaja linistiti sa fac tinute pentru ecranizari 50 Shades of Gray…. 🙂 😛

Stilul sport chic sau athleisure


Stilul urban chic

Stilul urban, indiferent de factura lui, este preferatul meu. Imbracandu-ma asa par automat cu 10 ani mai tanara, lucru care conteaza si pe care il caut la orice tinuta. Nu sunt cu nimic mai speciala decat tine, sa stii! Daca eu arat bine asa, mai mult ca sigur vei arata si tu. Incearca! 🙂 Te pup tare si apasat, cititorule! :*


As promised in my previous article, I am presenting today other outfits made round the Bon Prix gray maxi coat.  This time, I added a pair of sport shoes with platform, bought from the same online store. I like them a lot. They are comfortable, light and integrable in a large variety of outfits. Being of different nature, joining them both in the same ensemble, provides a „chic” dose from the very start. The grays and the silver continue to fashionable in 2019. We are talking about long-term investments, so. 😉

Urban styles imply interesting combinations, urban fashion itself being a mix of styles. The budget is medium to low. In other words, we are free to combine new clothes with SH or vintage clothes. Usually, the outcome is stylish. You can dress like this at 15, 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years of age, hence the wide applicability. Not to mention the cosyness and that feeling that „I look cool today” we were showing. I want this fashion style to be more often approached, more often seen on the streets of the city. It does not ask for much. Offers plenty.

Spring is knocking at the door. At least that’s what it makes us believe. I expect her with anticipation and airy closets. I want new elements to make my „basic” collection worthwhile. Talking about this chapter, it integrates coats in several shades and lengths, a pair of cow boy shoes, several turtle necks, two to three pairs of high waisted pants, two pairs of jeans, black biker boots, some hats and caps, a leather jacket, a jeans one and several pairs of sport shoes. This is the „base” collection of the spring of 2019. In other words, the long gray coat and silver sports shoes from Bon Prix will often see the sun this spring … 😉
I can add them to blooming dresses, geometric pattern pants, color block combinations, or office outfits. They are equally poised for taking the children to school, or getting out with my girlfriends at coffee. Probably, I would make the difference between possible styles, by strictly the accessory I choose.

Personally, when choosing urban syling, I go for sporty or chic ones. On Bon Prix, we find matching items for both variants. 🙂 I decided to make some suggestions … All you see below is on their site. Looking at what came out, I realize I could get hired to make the 50 Shades of Gray outfits…. 🙂 😛

The urban style, whatever it’s form, is my favorite. Dressing like that, I automatically look 10 years younger, which matters and I look for in any outfit I wear. I’m not more special than you are, you know! If it looks good on me, it may look good on you too! Try it! With Bon Prix, the urban style is easy to get. 🙂 Kiss you loud and hard, dear reader! :*

I was wearing

Bon Prix coat here

Bon Prix shoes here

Liu Jo dress and sunglasses

Meli Melo black hat

vintage plaid coat and sports overall

Photos by HD Photography