
Ati fumat vreodata? Eu da. Am fumat 20 de ani, ca sa fiu mai exacta. Si imi amintesc totul despre prima mea tigara: clasa a VIII-a, chiul la o ora de chimie, prietena mea cea mai buna de atunci, a carei porecla era „Zeus” – Alina, daca citesti cumva asta, imi e dor de tine femeie!! – digul plajei Trei Papuci, un stabilopod ce ne servea ca fotoliu, sare, mare, valuri, fum, tuse  puternica, rasete, iar fum, iar tuse, mandrie…iar eu, cea de acum, as adauga: inconstienta, nebunie, tinerete. Au mai fost tigari nenumarate dupa aceea, dar nici una ca prima – femeile si obsesiile lor legate de primul/prima orice: prima intalnire, primul sutien, primul sarut, primul iubit, etc.

Acum aproape 3 ani mi-am scos amigdalele. De fapt, altcineva le-a scos pentru mine, evident. Nu am vrut, m-am luptat, dar am pierdut batalia. A trebuit sa renunt la fumat pentru 2 saptamani. Va spun: pentru mine NU nicotina a fost problema, ci nenorocitul de gest! Fumat = a da periodic din mana, uneori timp indelungat, singur sau in grup. 🙂 Unii cauta a redobandi uzul gestului prin a manca necontrolat, de obicei numai tampenii. Eu nu. Silfida fiind, imi doresc a mea talie sa tinda spre 60 cm… Cand sfanta cafea de dimineata s-a transformat in oribila tortura de dimineata, am luat cheile de la masina si dusa am fost! Aveam o chestie: la volan nu fumam. Problema a fost ca pe vremea aceea conduceam un Chayenne Turbo de 450 cp care a provocat, intr-o saptamana, o gaura neagra in contul meu bancar. In timpul uneia din nenumaratele alimentari la peco, mi-au cazut ochii pe un numar al revistei In Style. Locuiam in Germania. Revista costa 5 Euro, deci cat un pachet de tigari. Economisisem multi bani, asa ca am luat-o. Acasa mi-am facut oribila cafea, m-am pus la masa si am inceput sa rasfoiesc revista. „Nu pot sa cred! Iata gestul!! Eurika!”

Asa a inceput totul: fashion, lifestyle, calatorii, modele, designeri, prezentari de moda, produse de infrumusetare, brand-uri, Fashion Tv, E Entertainment, Glamour, Elle, Harper’s Bazar, bloguri, blogerite, Instagram, Pinterest si tot ce cu gandul nu ganditi legat de aceasta lume colorata, stiintifico-fantastica, paranormala, dar frumoasa! A devenit noua mea lume, m-am reinventat, am evoluat, am inflorit, am imaginat, am visat, iar incununarea tuturor lucrurilor pe care le-am trait in ultimii 3 ani se vor concretiza prin acest blog.

Nimic nu se intampla fara un scop: amigdalele, tigarile, Germania, contul bancar, toate au coroborat la formarea fashionistei care sunt/ma consider a fi in ziua de azi. In postari viitoare va voi povesti cum am cunoscut-o pe contesa Morodan, care mi-a dat ABC-ul in ale „bloghismelor”, cum am castigat ceva concursuri de moda pe alte blog-uri cunoscute din Ro, cum am patruns in lumea fashionistelor din Timisoara si ce alte planuri fashion de viitor am. 🙂

Imi este dor sa fumez. Iubesc fumatorii, nimic nu mi se pare mai sexy ca un barbat care miroase a whisky si trabuc, voi avea toata viata mea scrumiere in casa, dar … multumesc providentei ca m-a lipsit de gest si ca m-a facut sa il caut in alte parti! 🙂

Nu stiu daca aceasta istorisire tocmai v-a dat o idee, voua, fumatorilor care ma cititi si care doriti sa renuntati la fumat. La mine a functionat. Dar este posibil sa fiu exceptia care confirma regula. Daca nu reusiti, nu renuntati! Oricine are „amigdalele” sale. 🙂


Have you ever smoked? I did. I did it for 20 long years. I remember my first one, as if I am smoking it right now: VIII-th grade, skipping a chemistry class, my best friend back than a girl nicknamed „Zeus” – Alina, if you ever read this, please know that I miss you woman – the pier on the „Three slippers” beach, the tetrapod that served us as armchair, salt, sea, waves, smoke, strong cough, laughing, smoke, pride… and the „me” writing today would add: recklessness, madness, youthfulness. I smoked plenty since than, but none felt like my first one – women and their obsession about „firsts”: first bra, first date, first kiss, first lover, etc.

Almost three years ago I removed my tonsils. Well, someone else did that for me, naturally. I didn’t want that, I fought but I lost the battle. For two long weeks I wasn’t allowed to smoke. I’m telling you folks: it’s not about the nicotine, it’s about the „fockin'” gesture! To smoke = periodic motion of the hand, sometimes may last long, practicable alone or in groups. 🙂 Some people find the gesture again by eating without controll, mainly junk. Not me, people! I’m sylphide and I wish my waist to go around 60cm. By the time the holy morning coffee turned to the morning crap, I knew I had to do something.  I got my car keys and just drove away – while in my car, I never smoked. The only problem was that my 450 HP Chayenne Turbo drilled, in just one week, a black hole in my bank account. During one of the many refills at the gas station, my eyes dropped on a magazine I always liked : In Style. We were living in Germany. The magazine was 5 Euro, just as much as a pack of cigarettes and I bought it. Back home I made myself a crap coffee, sat at my table and started to browse it. „I can’t believe it! Here’s the gesture!! Eurika!”

And so, all begun: fashion, lifestyle, travel, models, designers, fashion shows, beauty products, brands, Fashion TV, E Entertainment, Glamour, Elle, Harper’s Bazar, blogs, bloggers, Instagram, Pinterest, and all that a human can’t even dream about this colourful, science-fiction, paranormal but beautiful world! All of this became my world, I reinvented myself, I evolved, I flourished, I imagined, I dreamed and everything I lived in the last 3 years, will be shaped by this blog.

Nothing happens without a purpose: tonsils, cigarettes, Germany, bank accounts, all corroborated to the formation of the fashionista  I consider myself to be today. In future posts I will tell you about how I met my lady countess Morodan, who gave me the basics about „bloggisms”, how I won a few contests on other well known blogs, how I entered the fashionistas world from Timisoara, and what other future fashion plans I have.

I miss smoking. I love smokers, I do not find anything sexier than a man smelling of whisky and cigars, I will always have ashtrays in my house…but thank you providence for taking the gesture away from me and making me search for it somewhere else!

I don’t know if I gave ideas to my smokers visitors (love you, btw) that are trying to quit, I may be the exception that confirms the rule. It worked for me. The most important conclusion one can draw is never to give up. We all have our „tonsils”.  🙂