
Explozie de culori, imaginatie debordanta, mise en scene, cete de floristi, fotografi, modele, fashioniste, bloggeri, trubaduri, artisti stradali, concerte, targuri de obiecte artizanale, piata de flori, tonete cu mancare, si… puzderie de oameni, cata frunza cata iarba… au animat in acest weekend centrul istoric al orasului. L-au umplut pana la refuz. Nu mi-am imaginat ca orasul poate suporta atat puhoi galagios si atatea telefoane mobile declansandu-se simultan. Fiecare dintre noi am fost protagonisti in propriile poze si in cele a zeci de oameni din jurul nostru. Probabil am intalnit cu privirea cam 80% din populatia orasului… 🙂 , si asta numai duminica. Ca o adevarata maree, noi toti am inundat pietele, aleile si spatiile comerciale adiacente acestora… Numai bine s-o punem de-o revolutie… 🙂 😉

Sa nu intelegeti ca tonul meu este unul critic, dar nu ma feresc sa marturisesc o unda de sarcasm. Succesul evenimentului a fost evident, insa. Mi-as fi dorit totusi ca organizatorii sa anunte ca targul floral ar putea sa se prelungeasca si dincolo de weekend. S-ar fi evitat, macar intr-o mica masura, interminabilele cozi si… poate mi-as fi gasit si eu loc de parcare, alaturi de multi altii,  intr-un timp mai scazut de 70 de minute…  Norocul meu a fost ca, fiind insotita de una din bunicele copiilor mei, am avut posibilitatea sa ii „depun” la Opera pentru a se bucura de expozitii, timp in care am cautat infamul loc de parcare. Va marturisesc ca, de n-ar fi fost asa, as fi plecat dupa 30 de minute cu baietii acasa… multumindu-ma cu shooting-ul realizat de Diana la orele diminetii. 7.30 dimineata… 🙂 Sa fi ajuns la 8, n-am fi prins toate exponatele disponibile, mon cher! 😛

Tinuta aleasa pentru acest articol a fost inspirata de fluturele de mai sus… 🙂 V-am spus in nenumarate randuri ca imi gasesc inspiratia in orice. L-am vazut vineri si m-am indragostit. Ma simt legata cumva de tot ce simbolizeaza aceasta mica insecta… in special de partea cu metamorfoza. Candva, cand am fost rugata sa ma reprezint grafic, am simtit nevoia sa schitez un mic fluture. L-am gasit mult mai potrivit decat, sa zicem, o pasare Phoenix. 😛
Am cautat in dulap elemente vestimentare in culori asemanatoare… si ce n-am gasit, am cautat prin magazine vintage si second hand. Gasit-am si iata-ma-s! 😉 Piesa de rezistenta a constat in casca de inot vintage pe care am purtat-o in cateva dintre poze… Trebuia sa introduc si „anamarismul” de rigoare… 🙂 Stiu ca ma face sa arat ca o baba la coafor, sub lampa pentru permanent… 😛 dar imi asum.

A fost un Timfloralis intens, iar ingeniozitatea floristilor a facut mare cinste orasului. Ma intreb ce va rezerva viitorul pentru acest eveniment… Eu prevad care alegorice, spectacole grandioase si vizitatori ce-si vor programa concediile in jurul lui… 🙂 Timisoara va mai suporta aglomeratii de acest fel… pentru ca Timisoara poate! 🙂 Sa vedem daca vor putea si autoritatile 😉 …
„Don’t cease to amaze, people!”

(derulati pana la finanul articolului pentru restul pozelor 😉 )


Explosions of colors, overflowing imagination, mise en scenes, „hordes” of florists, photographers, models, fashionists, bloggers, troubadours, street artists, concerts, handicraft fairs, flower market, food stalls, and … many, many, too many people… animated this weekend the historical center of the city. They filled it up to refuse. I have not imagined that the city can support such density of noisy waves of people and so many mobile phones triggering simultaneously. Each of us have been protagonists in our own pictures and in dozens’s of people around us. Probably I met about 80% of the city’s population … 🙂 , and this only Sunday. As a real tide, we all flooded the markets, alleys and commercial spaces adjacent to them … It was the perfect opportunity to start a revolution … 🙂 😉

My tone is not a critical one, but I do not avoid confessing a bit of sarcasm. The success of the event was obvious, however. I would have liked the organizers to announce that the floral fair could extend beyond the weekend. It would have avoided, at least to a small extent, the endless queues and … maybe I would have found a parking lot, like many others, in a less than 70 minutes… My luck was that, being accompanied by one of my kid’s grandmothers, I had the opportunity to „lodge” them at the Opera House, and let them enjoy the exhibitions while I searched for the infamous parking place. I confess that, if it were not so, I would have left 30 minutes later with my  boys at home … and remain with Diana’s (my photographer) shooting time from that same morning. 7:30 morning … 🙂 Had we arrived at 8, we would not have find all the exhibits available, mon cher! 😛

The chosen outfit for this article was inspired by the handcrafted butterfly you see above … 🙂 I’ve been telling you many times that I find my inspiration everywhere. I saw him on Friday and fell in love. I feel somehow connected to anything that  this little insect symbolizes… especially regarding the metamorphosis part. Sometime ago, when I was asked to represent myself, I felt the need to draw a small butterfly. I found it more appropriate than, let’s say, a Phoenix bird. 😛 I looked in the wardrobe for elements in similar colors … and what I did not find, I searched through vintage and second-hand shops. I found some and here I am! 😉 The „piece de resistance” consisted of the vintage swimming helmet that I wore in some of the pictures … I had to introduce the „anamarism”  in the picture … 🙂 I know it makes me look like an old lady at the hairdresser’s, getting a perm … 😛 but I assume it!

It was an intense Timfloralis, and the ingenuity of the florists made great honor to the city. I wonder what the future will hold for this event … I foresee allegorical chariots, grandiose performances and visitors who will schedule their holidays around it… 🙂 Timisoara will bear more agglomerations of this kind … because Timisoara can ! 🙂 Let’s see if the authorities will be able too 😉 …
„Don’t cease to amaze, people!”

Photos were taken by HD Photography

I was wearing

Zara shoes

Penti stockings

Adidas shorts&top

vintage coat and helmet