
100% romanca 🙂
Melancolica. Sau nu…
Momentul „sirena urbana” 🙂
La dublu.

Neata dragilor! Desi am adormit la ora 5 dimineata, iata-ma-s la ora 9 in fata ecranului, cu o uriasa ceasca de cafea aburinda sub nas. Nu prea execut eu nopti albe, 🙂 dar uneori… nu pot rezista tentatiei. Am fost intr-un club, la concertul formatiei The Motans. 😉 Prrrrrr….. inca torc. 🙂 Si nu imi simt picioarele de la genunchi in jos…
Totusi, astazi avem subiecte mult mai interesante de dezbatut, decat slabiciunile mele in materie de muzica si dans. Astazi voi face niste declaratii, raspuns la cateva intrebari „indiscrete” primite de la voi, intrebari legate de operatii estetice, botox, augmentari sau reductii.

Ca sa lamurim un lucru de la bun inceput: nu sunt impotriva operatiilor estetice. Daca am lasat aceasta impresie, imi cer scuze si va asigur ca nu am facut-o intentionat. Sunt convinsa ca ma voi „retusa” si eu cand va veni momentul, dar vreau sa cred ca acel moment… este inca destul de departe.
Am fost intrebata de ce nu imi operez nasul… 🙂 Mai, sincera sa fiu, imi place nasul meu la nebunie! 😮 Soc si groaza! 🙂 In plus, nu stiu daca ati fost foarte atenti, dar eu am o fata extrem de mare. Cum ar fi sa apar dintr-o data cu un nas finut, micut si eventual carn, amplasat pe ditaimai intinderea faciala… lata, lunga, cu frunte foarte inalta, tesita, pometi impunatori si maxilar patrat? As deveni un foarte frumos cap, in mana lui Hamlet… 🙂 Si pana una alta, eram Julieta.

Jucand-o pe Julieta

Nu, nu imi voi opera niciodata nasul. Si cu asta, consider acest subiect incheiat! A, uneori apelez la machiaj corector (dar rarisim) pentru a-l subtia putin, mai ales cand am un „smokey eyes”… in felul acesta, sustin acest centu de interes al compozitiei. Nu vad nimic rau in asta si imi asum. Nu subestimati puterea machiajului! 🙂

Un alt subiect „fierbinte” este acela al augmentarii buzelor prin injectii cu acid hialuronic. Aici, pentru moment, trebuie sa spun: pas! Spun „pentru moment”, pentru ca nu este o procedura pe care o scot complet din ecuatie. Probabil, dupa ce voi intra la menopauza si intregul chip va „cadea” (din nefericre, este o realitate), marirea buzelor va fi o modalitate de a intinde pielea din jurul acestora. Ma uit in jur si vad o tendita de uniformizare a chipurilor. Toate femeile incep sa arate la fel. 🙁 Din punctul meu de vedere, tragismul acestei realitati echivaleaza cu un genocid: se urmareste exterminarea frumusetii autentice. Mai este si aspectul etic al situatiei: copiii acestor domnisoare vor semana cu variantele lor originale, nu vor fi papusi, nu vor fi „icoane” la care sa te prosternezi. Rezultatul? Frustrari, crize si depresii ale viitorilor adolescenti, care se vor trezi „ratuste urate” in cuibar de lebede. Solutia? Operatii estetice, fratilor! 🙁
Sa stiti ca am trait ceva asemanator. Mama mea a fost (si inca este) o femeie extrem de frumoasa, lucru care a facut ca adolescenta-mi sa fie un real calvar. Eu in faza „caricatura”, cu nas mare… fata mica, grasa, paroasa, invadata de cosuri, etc… vis a vis de o mama pe tipar Sophia Loren. Nu sunt egala mamei mele nici in zi de azi 🙂 , dar am realizat ca nici nu-mi doresc acest lucru. Frumusetea mea este mult diferita. Sunt un fel de Julia Roberts. (Ma rog, asa mi se spune 😛 ). Ma multumesc cu Julia mea… 🙂 si nu as transforma-o niciodata in Sophia!
Ca o concluzie, imi voi augmenta buzele strict de nevoie si doar dupa ce baietii mei vor fi suficient de mari, cat sa nu ma priveasca stramb. 🙂

Despre botox nu prea vreau sa ma pronunt, pentru ca am norocul de a fi una dintre acele persoane care nu are riduri. Ma rog, am unul adanc intre ochi 🙂 care este un barometru al nivelului de stres si nefericire, asa ca nu l-as elimina… Le mai am pe cele doua din stanga si dreapta buzelor, care ma anunta ca am slabit prea mult si ca ar fi cazul sa ma pun cu burta pe mancare. 😉 Am deci o relatie interesanta cu ridurile mele, nu as vrea sa o alterez… Deocamdata! 🙂 Nu stiu in ce masura am raspuns intrebarilor voastre… sau in ce masura m-am facut inteleasa. La momentul la care scriu acest articol nu ma pot gandi la vreo operatie estetica care sa ma faca mai fericita cu mine…

Ca sa ne ocupam putin si de tinuta, vreau sa va marturisesc ca tot ce port astazi este achizitionat din magazine second hand sau de la pop-up store-uri la care am participat. Hainele vechi au un farmec aparte, pe care eu l-am sesizat si de care profit la maxim. Nu am mereu bani pentru tinute noi, dar blogul ma obliga la postari dese (pentru ca asa vreau eu!) si trebuie sa prestez. Noblesse oblige. Tot ce port azi se incadreaza in 200 Ron – si asta pentru ca geanta este Calvin Klein originala, altfel pretul ar fi fost simtitor mai scazut. Cel mai bine dotat lant de magazine second hand din Timisoara ramane Fashion House, dar Humana era preferatul mea! Nu imi vine sa cred ca nu mai are sediu in Timisoara… 🙁 Accesoriul de la brau este in realitate ceva de purtat la gat, dar faptul ca are o versatilitate fantastica… m-a determinat sa investesc 40 Ron in el. A apartinut unei fashioniste de vaza din oras 😉 si am sa il port mereu cu mare placere!

Astazi am ales sa fac statement-uri atat prin tinuta cat si prin discurs. Daca v-a placut, dati un semn… Va pup tare si apasat!


Love that balls situation…. 😉 🙂
Like…I know better
Like he knows better…
And some great architecture.

Good morning, darlings! Although I went to sleep around 5 o’clock in the morning, I was at 9 o’clock in front of the screen, with a huge cup of coffee steaming under my nose. I do not really do white nights, but sometimes … I can not resist the temptation. I was in a club, at a concert The Motans . 😉 Prrrrrr ….. I am still purring. 🙂 And I cannot feel my legs, knees down …
However, today we have much more interesting topics to discuss than my music and dance obsessions. Today I will make some statements, as answers to some „indiscrete” questions I have received from you, questions about aesthetic surgery, botox, augmentation or reductions.

To clarify a thing from the beginning: I’m not against aesthetic operations. If I left this impression, I apologize and assure you I did not intentionally misled you.. I’m sure I will „retouch” myself when the time comes, but I want to believe that the moment … is still quite far away.
I was asked why I didn’t have a nose job … 🙂 Well, honestly, I love my nose! 😛 To everybody’s horror! 🙂 In addition, I do not know if you were attentive towards my features, but I have a very big face. How would it suddenly appear with a fine, small and snobby nose, placed on a very large facial display … long, wide, with high forehead, imposing cheeks and square maxillary? I would become a very beautiful „head”, in the hand of Hamlet … 🙂 And I just discovered that I was Juliet! 🙂

Suave like the breeze

No, I will never operate my nose. And with that, I consider this topic closed for good! A, sometimes I use corrective makeup (rarely indeed) to thin it up a little, especially when I have „smokey eyes” … this way, I support this center of interest in the composition. I do not see anything bad about it and I assume it. Do not underestimate the power of makeup! 🙂

Another „hot” subject is that of lip augmentation by hyaluronic acid injections. Here, for the moment, I have to say: no! I say „for the moment” because it is not a procedure that I completely remove from the equation. Probably, after I get into menopause and the whole face will „fall” (unfortunately, it’s a reality), lip augmentation will be a way to stretch the skin around them. I look around and see a tendency towards face uniformization.  All women start to look the same. 🙁 From my point of view, the tragedy of this reality is equivalent to a genocide: the extermination of authentic beauty. There is also the ethical aspect of the situation: the children of these princesses will resemble their original variants, they will not be dolls, they will not be „icons „to which one can prostrate. The result – frustrations, crises and depressions of future teenagers, who will find themselves” ugly ducklings” in swan nests.
I have lived something like this. My mother was (and still is) an extremely beautiful woman, which made my adolescence a real ordeal. I was in the „caricature” phase, with a large nose … a little face, I was fat, I was hairy, I was invaded by pimples, etc. … and I had a Sophia Loren mother at home. I am not the equal tof my mother, not even today… but I realized I do not want that. My beauty is very different. I’m sort of a Julia Roberts. (So I am told… 😛 ). I am greatful for this Julia of mine … 🙂 and I would never turn her into Sophia!
As a conclusion, I will increase my lips strictly when needed and only after my boys will be big enough, not to stare funny at me. 🙂

To turn the attention to the outfit, I must confess, all the items you see on me today are from second hand stores or pop-up stores I have been to. Old clothes have a certain „je ne sais quois”, that turns outfits into walking statements. I do not always have money to buy new clothes, but my blog is forcying me to post weekly new outfits  (that’s the way I want it!) ans I am obligated to keep the standards. „Noblesse oblige”. Everything I wear today sums under 40$ – and that only because the bag is an original Calvin Klein, otherwise the prise would have been lower. The best second hand store from Timisoara is Fashion House , but Humana remains my favourite. NI can not believe they do not have a store in Timisoara anymore 🙁 .The waist accessory is really something to wear round the neck, but the fact that it has a fantastic versatility … has made me invest 15$ in it. It belonged to a strong fashionista in ourcity 😉 and I will always wear it with great pleasure!

Today I chose to make statements through both the outfit and the discourse. If you liked it, give me a sign … Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

H&M Conscious pants

United Colors of Benneton shirt

Zara shoes

Calvin Klein bag

Photos by Handra Diana