
Salutare dragi fashioniste si prietene, de mult nu am mai asternut randuri (sau poze) pe aci… asa ca rectificam „situatiunea” pronto! 🙂 Am simtit nevoia sa ma duc intr-o zona „office” astazi, pentru ca o fac foarte rar… si sunt convinsa ca majoritatea cititoarelor mele sunt femei „de birou” 🙂 . Personal am lucrat 7 ani intr-un birou, stiu foarte bine ce inseamna sa te imbraci zi de zi pentru un acelasi gen de activitate si acelasi public, mai mult sau mai putin ingaduitor. E plictisitor, obositor si pe alocuri, „ucigator” de pasiune si chef de viata.

Cand vine vorba de a ma imbraca „elegant with a twist”, primul fashion icon care imi vine in minte este Olivia Palermo. Fashionistele mele stiu exact cine este si ce stil vestimentar are. Pe mine m-a invatat, daca mai era nevoie, ca stilul clasic este singurul potrivit situatiilor „office” ale vietii. Dar… Olivia completeaza mereu o tinuta simpla, eleganta, cu un element neasteptat: o esarfa innodata peste umeri, un sal pus pe un umar si strans in talie peste haine cu o curea, o palarie „army” supradimensionata la niste pantaloni cu dunga, o caciula „ruseasca” de blana la o tinuta palton+pantalon cat se poate de simpla… etc. Astazi m-am jucat si eu cu un sal in cele 2 variante „oliviene” deja consacrate (inventie proprie, nu dati cu pietre! 🙂 ).

In timpul acestui exercitiu, am obtinut 2 tipuri diferite de tinuta: una pentru filiforme si una pentru restul femeilor. 🙂 Dragile mele, daca aveti forme, nu luati niciodata un pulover larg, in special cu dungi orizontale, fara a va marca in vreun fel talia. Am castigat si eu cateva kilograme in ultima vreme si deja… sunt la limita pentru genul de styling din prima poza de mai sus. 😉

Dar… ce mi-a placut cel mai mult la aceasta tinuta este combinatia de culori, categoric favorita mea cand vine vorba de combinatii si color blocking. Va recomand sa alaturati la orice ora din zi sau din noapte 😉 un verde petrol unui bleumarin/albastru inchis si punctati cu un accent rosu sau o „umbra” de marsala. Genial! Este o combinatie minunata si pentru birou: odihnitoare ochiului, dar chic si magnetica.

Servieta… hi hi hi… este o geanta de cosmetice Estee Lauder, parte integranta a cadoului de Black Friday achizitionat la Douglas. Voi face o postare pe larg despre produsele din pachet, dar vreau intai sa le probez. 😛 NU o voi folosi niciodata in scopul ei initial, este mult prea frumoasa pentru a „deceda” intr-un raft pe etajera… Daca era putin mai mare chiar imi incapea laptop-ul in ea, dar… intra tableta, carti, caiete studentesti, mape, dulciuri, servetele, umbrela, manusi, etc… si ramane si loc! Mi se pare ideala pentru birou. 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!


Hello there dear fashionists and girlfriends, since a long time I have not posted any writen words (or pictures) on the site, so … let me rectify the situation, „pronto”! 🙂 I felt the need to go „office” today, because I rarely do it … and I’m convinced that most of my readers are „office” women 🙂 . Personally, I worked for 7 years in an office, I know very well what it means to dress everyday for the same kind of activity and the same audience, more or less admirable. It’s boring, tiring, and sometimes a „killer” of passion and life.

When it comes to dressing „elegant with a twist”, the first fashion icon that comes to my mind is Olivia Palermo. My fashionistas know exactly who she is and what dressing style she has. It taught me, as if was ever needed, that the classic style is the only one apropriate for the „office” situations of life. But … Olivia always completes a simple, elegant outfit with an unexpected feature: a knoted scarf over shoulders, a shawl on one shoulder, tightened on the waist  with a belt, an oversized „army” hat to some elegant pants, a „russian” fur hat to a basic coat and pants outfit … etc. Today I have also played with the two „oliviene” variants already established (own invention, do not throw rocks! 🙂 ).

I played with Photoshop a little bit… I am still a beginner 🙂

During this exercise, I obtained 2 different types of outfit: one for filiform figures and one for the rest of the women. 🙂 My dear, if you have curves, never take a large sweater, especially with horizontal stripes, without marking the waist in any way. I have gained a few kilos lately and  … I have almost reached the limit for the type of styling shown by the secound lady in the picture above . 😉

But … what I like most at this outfit is thecolor combination, definitely my favorite when it comes to mixing shades and color blocking. I recommend  you to try , no matter the hour of the day or the night 😉 , a petrol-green and a navy/ dark blue shade, with a red or a marsala accent. Brilliant! It’s a great combination for the office too: it doesn’t tire the eye, but it is chic and magnetic.

The briefcase … hi hi hi … is a Estee Lauder cosmetic bag , a part of the Black Friday gift that I purchased at Douglas. I will make a  post about the products in the package, but I want to try them all on first. 😛 I will never use it for its original purpose, it’s too beautiful to „die” in a shelf… If it was a little bigger, I could get my laptop in it, but … the still, there is room for a tablet , books, student notebooks, folders, sweets, napkins, umbrella, gloves, etc … and it is not full yet! I find it ideal for the office. 🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed!

I am wearing

Koton pullover bought at Shopping City Timisoara with 39 Ron! Super!!

Zara skirt from last year, any midi strech skirt will do

Similar shawl here

Penti stocking from Shopping City Timisoara

hat and skarf pin from Peru, something similar here

Hugo Boss shoes

Estee Lauder cosmetic bag from Douglas