
Azi la ceas de dupa-amiaza am avut parte de vreo 2 ore de soare, exact la momentul acela din zi, cand lumina e calda si umbrele lungi… in traducere, catre apus. 😉 M-am hotarat sa ies la cateva poze, nu prea multe, caci nesomnul din noaptea precedenta, datorat unei infame crize de bila (CNP-ul doamnelor, e nemilos..! 😉 ), si-a lasat urme adanci intre, sub si deasupra ochilor mei… De aci ochelarii reflectorizanti si cozorocul generos al palariei. Ce-i sigur e sigur! 🙂

Daca tot m-am pornit „pe” tinute office/ corporatiste… si subiectul acestei postari este in aceeasi arie curiculara. Mai exact, putem purta panataloni „de trening” la birou? Categoric da, dar… trebuie sa alegem cu grija modelul acestora. Spre norocul nostru, marile brand-uri „de mall” au fost vizionare si au creat pantalonii perfecti pentru tinute elegante: musai sa aiba dunga pe lateral, simpla sau compusa (2-3-4 dungi de culori diferite, dar nu stridente); daca sunt largi pe picior, tipl acela de „pantaloni de pijama” atat de vehiculati in ultima vreme, ar fi minunat sa aiba capse sau macar un fermoar in ultima treime a lungimii, pentru a se aseza mai frumos pe pantof; daca sunt mai stramti pe picior (dar nu mulati!!), ar fi bine sa se termine fix pe glezna si sa fie usor „baggy” – cu turul pantalonului putin mai lasat.

Din punctul meu de vedere, exista doua modalitati de a compune o tinuta de birou „with a twist”: ne imbracam ca de obicei, adica o camasa, un sacou, botine sau pantofi cu toc, coada de cal sau coc… si „trantim” o pereche de pantaloni de sport „peste” toate, exact cat sa confere ineditul si in acelasi timp, dezechilibrul, tinutei; sau… mentinem sacoul si pantofii cu toc, luam aceiasi pantaloni de sport, un hoodie si o sapca… si mergem intr-o zona mult mai chic a tinutelor corporatiste… 😉 , unde cele doua stiluri vestimentare vorbesc „de la egal la egal”, dezechilibrand mai putin tinuta, ci mai mult interlocutorii… 😉 . Cam asta am facut eu azi, desi, neavand nici un hanorac !!? (trebuie sa rectific urgent!), am luat pe sub sacou un fel de cardigan la doua randuri de nasturi, facut din… fleece (asa numitul „polar”). Foarte sporty, din punctul meu de vedere! Nu ma judecati: leoaica fiind, daca nu ies in evidenta cu ceva, nu exist! Poate exista acolo, in lume, altele cu aceeasi problema existentiala ca a mea… 😉 I feel you, my sisters!!

Sacoul alb din reiat este de la firma Laurel si il veti gasi cat de curand in „Shop my closet”. Are inca eticheta originala pe el, l-am folosit doar la shooting-ul de azi. 🙂 In speranta ca am luminat cateva dimineti friguroase petrecute in fata sifonierului, va pup tare si apasat! :*


Today, around the „5 o’clock tea”, we had about two hours of sunshine, right at that moment of the day, when the light is warm and the shadows are long … in translation, before sunset. I decided to get some pictures, not too many, because the last night’s lack of sleep, due to an infamous bile crisis (ladies, the personal identification number is ruthless ..! 🙂 ), it left deep traces between, beneath and above my eyes … Here’s why the reflective glasses and the generous visor at my hat. One can never be too careful! 🙂

If I still started „on” these office / corporate outfits … the subject of this post is in the same curricular area. In particular, can we wear „training” pants to the office? Definitely yes, but … we have to carefully choose their model. To our luck, the big mall brands were visionary and created the perfect pants for elegant outfits: they must have a stripe on the side, simple or composed (2-3-4 stripes of different but not strident colors); if they are wide on the leg, that type of „pijama pants” everyone is going crazy about, it would be great to have staples or, at least, a zipper in the last third of the length, to fit nicer on the shoe; if they are straighter on your leg (but do not skinny!), it would be good if they end on your ankle and if they are lightly „baggy”.

From my point of view, there are two ways to make a „twist” on an office outfit: we wear it as usual, that is, a shirt, a jacket, boots or shoes with heels, our hair in a simple pony tail or a nice loop of hair … and „we add” a pair of sport pants „”on top”, just as the novelty and at the same time,the imbalance, in the outfit; or … we keep the jacket and the heel shoes, we take the same sport pants, a hoodie and a cap … and we go to a more chic area of ​​corporate outfits … 😉 where the two styles of clothing talk ” peer to peer „, unbalancing less the outfit, but more the interlocutors … ;). That’s what I did today, though, having no hoodies !!? (I have to fix it urgently!), I took under the elegant jacket a kind of cardigan in two rows of buttons, made of … fleece (the so-called „polar”). Very sporty, from my point of view! Do not judge me: my lioness inside, if it does not stand out with something, it does not exist! I hope there are in the world others with the same existential problem as mine … 😉 I feel you, my sisters !!

The white elegant jacket is from Laurel and you will soon find it in the „Shop my closet” article I am prepearing. She still has the original label on it, I just used it for shooting today. 🙂 Hoping that I lit a few cold mornings in front of the wardrobe, I kiss you all loud and pressed! :*

I am wearing

Zara sport pants, similar here

Laurel blazer

Meli Melo hat, you find it in any of their shops

Sandwich fleece, take any hoodie you have, or a sweat shirt (must be warm!)

Guban shoes

Similar stockings here