
Buna ziua de duminica, dragi cititoare si prietene! Am senzatia ca tinuta pe care v-o prezint astazi, o sa ridice multe sprancene in randul vostru… 🙂 , pentru ca este altceva. Gandindu-ma la reactiile voastre, simt cum imi cresc niste mici coarne de dracusor… pentru ca, daca este ceva ce urasc in absolut pe acest pamant, acelea sunt platitudinea si rectiliniaritatea in planuri existentiale esentiale, precum: relationarile de orice tip, traiul de zi cu zi, dragostea, materializarea gandurilor si a dorintelor.  (In afara cazurilor in care o datorie morala te obliga la o asemenea atitudine… 😉 ). Pe de alta parte, nu vad aceasta tinuta  ca fiind iesita din comun, ci doar una iesita din zona mea de confort. Este alcatuita intr-o estetica de mare actualitate, dar nu la noi… ci peste ocean. Sa spunem lucrurilor pe nume: surorile Kardashian apeleaza extrem de des la un asemnenea styling. Daca doriti sa va convingeti, efectuati o cautare pe Google cu textul „sport pants Kardashian” si veti vedea ca stiu despre ce vorbesc.

Ce parere aveti despre fetele astea? Pro, contra sau impartita? Intentionez sa fiu cat mai sincera cu voi, inclusiv la nivelul limbajului, asa ca o sa va rog anticipat sa ma scuzati. 🙂 Parerile sunt strict personale, luati-le ca atare. Cand am vazut primul episod din „Keeping up with the Kardashians”, in urma cu vreo 2-3 ani, am fost socata. „Doamne sfinte, Isuse Hristoase… ce-i cu pitipoancele astea si de ce imi ocupa intreg ecranul televizorului cu posteriorul lor?” Va jur, mi s-a parut ca niciodata nu vazusem ceva mai inestetic, desi sunt un mare fan al esteticii uratului… 🙂 Acesta a fost primul impact. S-a intamplat sa mai nimeresc ulterior niste episoade, apoi altele… incet incet, ajungand sa le astept cu nerabdare in fiecare seara. Am realizat ca imi plac si ca m-am pripit, ca am judecat niste oamneni dupa ambalaj… lucru pe care l-am urat din suflet, pentru ca de multe ori am fost si eu in locul lor si am fost judecata de oameni ca „mine”… ba chiar, inca mai sunt! Femeile sunt inteligente, sunt carismatice, simbolizeaza tipologii diferite in care fiecare dintre noi isi gaseste, intr-o anumita masura un corespondent, dar mai presus de orice, ne demonstraza ca nimic pe lumea asta nu este mai important, decat propria familie.
A, ca au profitat de toate acestea si s-au imbogatit de pe urma noastra, a telespectatorilor? Bravo lor! Nu fac decat sa confirme o inteligenta foarte bine mascata de imaginea „la limita imposibilului” 🙂 pe care o afiseaza. Preferata mea? 🙂 Kourtney. Pentru ca e cea mai naturala, pentru ca avem aceeasi varsta, pentru ca e o mama devotata, pentru ca trateaza iubirea cu o naivitate de-a dreptul adorabila, pe care o inteleg perfect 😉 , pentru ca afiseaza un usor aer de superioritate, care mascheaza cu succes ceva complexe, pentru ca stie sa se distreze 😛 , pentru ca are o doza de egoism izvorata din instinctul de autoconservare, pentru ca de fiecare data cand nu-i convine ceva, zambeste de la o ureche la cealalta… 🙂 Va jur, parca m-am descris pe mine.

Revenind la moda si stil, surorile Kardashian stiu sa se imbrace! Daca din unele puncte de vedere par absolut imposibil de digerat, din punct de vedere stilistic… jos palaria! Au realizat ca siluetele lor arata cel mai bine in tinute simple, fara briz-brizuri, elegante, de multe ori monocromatice. Khloe este cea care mai „calca pe de laturi” 🙂 , dar o iertam pentru ca este un personaj absolut delicios si i se potriveste. Asa ca, dragile mele fashioniste, cand nu stiti cum sa obtineti un look sexy, provocator, usor periculos… dar in acelasi timp simplu si elegant, incercati sa purtati o rochie tub, un trench si niste sandale cu toc foarte inalt. Daca vreti sa va simtiti extrem de comod in pantalonii de trening preferati, dar in acelasi timp sa alcatuiti o tinuta „killer” de mers la mall sau la o cafea cu prietenele, combinati-i cu pantofi sau botine cu toc, cu un body de tip „costum intreg de baie” si cu acelasi trench de care va spuneam mai devreme. Si… nu va ganditi ca daca nu aveti formele surorilor Kardashian, nu veti arata bine in asa ceva… Am avut grija sa va arat sa va inselati. 😉 😛

In speranta ca va uitati „in ochii mei” cand priviti pozele acestei postari 😛 , va anunt ca in episodul urmator va voi povesti de ce am decis sa renunt la sutien dupa varsta de 36 de ani si ce a generat aceasta „actie”, atat asupra fizicului cat si psihicului meu. Va pup tare si apasat!


Hello from a beautiful Sunday, dear readers and friends! I have the feeling that the outfit I am presenting you today, will raise many eyebrows among you … 🙂 , because it is something else. While thinking about your reactions, I feel like I’m growing some tiny little horns … because if it’s something that I absolutely hate on this earth, those are platitudes and straightness in essential existential plans, like: any kind of relationships, the everyday life, love, the materialization of thoughts and desires. (Unless a moral duty forces you to adopt such an attitude … 😉 ). On the other hand, I do not see this outfit as out of the ordinary, but just out of my comfort zone. This aesthetics is highly appreciated over the ocean, sadly not so much in Europe.. Let’s speak out loud: the Kardashian sisters often appeal to such a styling. If you want to convince yourself, do a quick  Google search with the text „sport pants Kardashian” and you will see that I know what I’m talking about.

What do you think about these girls? Are you pro, against, or do you have mixed feelings about them? I intend to be sincere with you, including at a language level, so I will beg you to excuse me in advance. 🙂 The opinions are strictly personal, take them as they come, please.  When I saw the first episode of „Keeping up with the Kardashians”, 2-3 years ago, I was shocked. „Holy Lord, Jesus Christ … who are those bimbos and why do they need the whole screen of my TV, for their bottoms?” I swear, I thought I had never seen anything more unaesthetic, though I’m a big fan of the „aesthetics of ugliness”… 🙂 This was the first impact. It happened that in time, I saw other episodes, then even more… and slowly, I started to impatiently wait for new ones every night. I realized I liked them after all and that I was hasty and judged people after their appearance… something I hate with all my heart, because I was often in their place and I was judged by people like „myself” … I even am still judged, as I write to you now! The women are smart, they are charismatic, they symbolize different typologies, in which each of us finds, to a certain extent, a correspondent, but above all, they demonstrate that nothing in this world, is more important than your own family.
Oh, that they have taken advantage of all this and have gained tons of money because of us, the TV audience? Good for them! That only confirms an intelligence very well hidden behind the extreme body-image they  display 🙂 . My favorite one? 🙂 Kourtney. Because she is the most natural, because we have the same age, because she is a devoted mother, because she treats love with an adorable naivety, which I understand perfectly 😉 , because she displays a slight air of superiority, which masks successfully some complexes, because she knows how to have fun 😛 , because she has a dose of egoism springing from the self-conscious instinct, because every time she dislikes something, she smiles from one ear to the other … 🙂 I swear to you, I am almost describing myself!

Returning to fashion and style, the Kardashian sisters know how to dress! If in some ways they seem absolutely impossible to „digest”, from the stylistic point of view … hats down! They realized that their silhouettes look best in plain, no-bling, elegant, often monochromatic outfits. Khloe is the one „walking on the sides” 🙂 , but we forgive her because she is an absolutely delicious character and it suits her. So, my dear fashionistas,  when you do not know how to get a sexy, provocative, slightly dangerous look … but at the same time simple and stylish, try to wear a tube dress, a trench and some very high-heeled sandals. If you want to feel very comfortable in your favorite training pants, but at the same time have a killer look for going to the mall,or to a coffee with your friends, combine them with  high heeld shoes, a body suit type „swim suit” and with the same trench I was telling you earlier about. And … don’t you think that if you do not have the Kardashian curves, you will not look good in that outfit… I was careful to show you that you are wrong! 😉 😛

Hoping that you are contemplating „my eyes” when looking at the pictures of this article 😛 , I announce that in the next episode, I will tell you why at 36 I decided to give up bras and what generated this „action”, both on physical and psychical levels. Kiss you all loud and pressed! 🙂

I am wearing

vintage Puma sport pants, you can find similar ones in any SH you enter

Cinti shoes, similar here and here

similar body suit here

Mabrun trench, similar here

Fritzy aur Preußen bag

Chanel sunglasses, similar here

Photos by Handra Diana, edited by myself