
Sunt blocata din nou in zona lombara… 🙁 . Am inceput sa simt, desi nu vreau sa cred, ca nu mai am 25 de ani… Pregatisem o cu totul alta tinuta pentru pozele de azi, dar pozitia nenaturala a corpului nu a putut fi mascata decat de  bluza over size, superba de altfel, pe care o port. E un camuflaj. 🙂 Realitatea este ca, o asemenea piesa te salveaza in „n” situatii neplacute: un moment fugar de balonare 😉 , o lipsa a chefului de a te incorseta in sutien, bustiera sau „burtiera”, ori pur si simplu, vine in intampinarea nevoii de libertate a miscarilor.  Iti poti tine genunchii la gura sub o asemenea bluza, singurul risc fiind acela de a fi gratulata pentru proaspetele silicoane … 🙂 Stiu, am mai facut poze in zona acelui pod … dar tot spatele este de vina si pentru aceasta „blasfemie”: am vrut sa fiu aproape de casa, inconjurata de un numar minim de persoane. Intr-adevar, doar vreo 5 oameni au trecut prin proximitate in jumatate de ora, asa ca m-am putut vaita de dureri nestingherita. Am surprins chiar cateva grimase graitoare in poze, dar pentru pastrarea aparentei, nu le voi publica.. 😉

Printre articolele pe care le postez in cadrul concursului Super Blog 2017, mi se face un dor autentic de vechile mele postari, cele concentrate pe moda si umor. Pana la urma, asta sunt si cu asta defilez. Seria de articole dedicate trend-urilor toamnei se apropie de sfarsit… intentionez sa mai exemplific doua dintre ele, daca vremea ma va ajuta, caci temperaturile sunt in cadere libera. Mi se pare un exercitiu util si pe termen lung, caci in cativa anisori, voi putea „cuantifica” schimbarile, pentru a putea face predictii 😉 . Ce frumos ar fi ca fiu cu un pas inaintea…modei, nu-i asa?

Suntem la pagina 37 a numarului Glamour de septembrie si putem vedea o frumoasa, imbracata cu un trenci de piele turcoaz pal si manusi de plasa negre. „Se vorbeste” despre cum aceasta culoare pastelata, extrem de deschisa, se poate purta in tinute de seara, in varianta „total look” sau pe anumite piese emblematice, cum ar fi o rochie de cocktail…   As indrazni sa afirm ca, un efect la fel de inedit, se obtine si daca detineti doar o poseta, niste dresuri si o pereche de manusi, asa cum am eu.. Daca aveam si un turban „baby blue”, eram infinit mai stylish. Daca gasiti pe undeva asa ceva, va rog sa ma anuntati si pe mine! 😉

A combina o bluza over-size cu cizme peste genunchi este un artificiu „basic” in moda actuala, asa ca puteti face asta cu incredere. Rezultatul depinde in mare masura de piesele alese si de tinuta cizmelor. Am o solutie pentru cizmele „nesimtite” 🙂 care pica pe picior in jos, dar asta intr-un episod viitor. Va pup tare si apasat, dragile mele! Aveti grija de voi… fara excese si privatiuni! 😉 :*


I’m stuck again at the lumbar area … 🙁 I started to feel, although I do not want to believe it, like I am not 25 anymore… I had a totally different outfit prepared for today’s pictures, but the unnatural position of my body, could not be masked except by the over-sized pullover that I’m wearing. It’s a camouflage 🙂 . The reality is that such a piece saves you in „n” unpleasant situations: a fugitive moment of bloating, a lack of the urge to be prisoner in your bra, bustier or „waist trainer”, or simply supplies the need of freedom in movement. You can put your knees in your chin under such a blouse, the only risk being to be congratulated for the fresh silicones … 🙂 I know, I’ve taken pictures in the area of ​​that bridge before … but my back is also to blame for this ” blasphemy „: I wanted to be close to home, surrounded by a minimum number of people. Indeed, only about five people walked in the proximity in half an hour, so I could moan as much as I wanted. Because of pain, of course…! 🙂  I have surprised even a few grimaces in pictures, but to keep appearances, I will not publish them .. 😉

Among the articles I post almost daily for the Super Blog 2017 competition, I really miss my old posts, those focused on fashion and humor. After all, that’s what the way I roll. The series of articles dedicated to autumn trends is coming to an end … I intend to exemplify two more of them, if the weather will help me, as temperatures are in a free fall. It seems to me a useful exercise for the future, because in a few years I will be able to „quantify” the changes to make predictions 😉 . How nice it would be to have one step ahead … fashion, would it not?

We are on page 37 of September Glamor number and we can see a „beautiful one”, dressed with a pale turquoise leather trench and black gloves. „They talk about” how this pastel, extremely light color can be worn in evening outfits in the „total look” version, or on some emblematic pieces, such as a cocktail dress … I dare say that, an equally fine effect is achieved by wearing a purse, some stockings and a pair of gloves as I am. If I had a „baby blue” turban also, I would have been infinitely more stylish. If you find something like this anywhere, please let me know! 😉

Combining an over-sized blouse with over-knee boots is a „basic” artwork in the current fashion, so you can do it with confidence. The result largely depends on the chosen pieces. I have a solution for the „nasty” long boots that fall down, but this in a future episode. I kiss you all hard and pressed, my ddears! Take care of yourself … without excesses and deprivation! 😉 :*

I am wearing

Stefanel pulover, similar here

HM Studio boots, similar here

Stradivarius turban

Hand made gloves

Carlos bag, the one here is also suitable