
In copilarie am avut o foarte usoara forma de dislexie,  motiv pentru care, am invatat sa citesc cum trebuie, abia prin clasa a IV-a.. In tot acest timp am reusit totusi sa iau premiul I si coronita la scoala… 🙂 caci invatam pe de rost textele pe care stiam ca trebuie sa le citesc in clasa… Proza, poezie, exercitii, etc… haide sa spunem, memoria mea vizuala si cea auditiva nu pot fi intrecute de nimic pe lumea asta! 🙂 😉 Imi amintesc perfect primele carti citite cap-coada cu mandrie si multa fericire: seria Winetou de Karl May. Corina, iti multumesc din suflet ca mi le-ai pus (aproape abuziv 🙂 ) in brate si ca mi-ai deschis ochii catre aceasta minunata lume! De atunci, adica din clasa a V-a nu m-am mai oprit din citit pana printr-a IX-a…cand m-a izbit pubertatea si am luat-o „hais si cea” in dulce spirit de turma… 🙂 De altfel si acea perioada a fost minunata, dar „culturaliceste” vorbind… in moarte clinica. 🙂 Ca sa fac o paralela intre atunci, clasa a V-a si acum: inca sunt greenhorn, dar vis a vis de „blog-uit”, de fashion si de a transforma o pasiune in business. De „citit”, am invatat…urmeaza cei 5 ani de „studiu” in biblioteca. 🙂 Doamne, da-mi rabdare, inspiratie si mult timp liber pentru asta! 🙂

Vestul salbatic? De ce nu? Daca gasesti inspiratie intr-o „roca”, poarta-ti „ispiratia” cu mandrie! 🙂 Cine stie, poate ajungi inspirationala la randul tau.. O copilarie „petrecuta” in mare parte in vestul salbatic, nu putea sa nu lase urme asupra adultului.. 🙂 Mi-am dorit mereu sa port o tinuta inspirata de „Winetou” si iacata! (Bine, elementele apartin mai degraba curentului boho-chic… dar nu imi distrugeti, va rog, aura! 🙂 ). Ce trebuie sa curinda o tinuta de inspiratie western? Pai… piele intoarsa in primul rand…multa, de preferabil de culoarea pielii (aci am zbarcit-o putin 🙂 ); franjuri (bifat!); palarie de tip „cowboy” purtata fie „pe ochi”, fie extrem de „pe spate” (si aici am umblat cu cioara vopsita… dar dintre toate palariile pe care le detin, aceasta s-a apropiat cel mai mult de realitate…); cizma tip moccasin (yap, am bifat-o si pe asta intr-o mare masura… 😉 ); daca vreti sa mergeti „in extremis”, adaugati pene, blana, multe siraguri de margele la gat si cercei supradimensionati. 🙂 Eu am realizat mai mult o fuziune intre indieni si cowboys… 🙂 Cireasa de pe tort este, fara doar si poate, geanta achizitionata la ultimul Fashion Swap Timisoara, pe care scrie „Cowgirls are the best of country”. 🙂 Mai bine nu se poate! 😉 😛

Fiecare suntem produsul copilariei si adolescentei noastre. Eu nu ma plang, am crescut exact unde trebuia si cum trebuia! 🙂 Ce mi-as dori din tot sufletul este ca si baietii mei sa zica exact acelasi lucru in vreo 20 de ani de azi inainte… 🙁 Dar stiti voi, speranta moare ultima! 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!


As a chid, I had a very slight form of dyslexia, which is why, I finally learned to read only in the 4th grade. Meanwhile, I still managed to get the first prize every year … 🙂 because I learn by heart the texts I knew I had to read in class … Prose, poetry, exercises, etc. … let’s say, my visual and auditory memory can not be compared to anything in this world! 🙂 😉 I perfectly remember the first books I read  with pride and happiness: the Winetou series by Karl May. Corina, thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting those books (almost abusively 🙂 ) in my arms and opening my eyes to this wonderful world! Since then, I have not stopped reading untill my 9th grade … when the puberty hit  and I took a turn with the „crowd” … 🙂 That period was wonderful too, but „culturally” speaking … in clinical death. 🙂 To make a parallel between then and now,the V-th grade and now: I’m still a greenhorn, but blogging-related, fashion wise and regarding the capacity of turning a passion into business. „Reading,” I have learned … now I must follow  the 5 years of „study” in the library: good books, good company, good vibe. 🙂 God, give me patience, inspiration and a lot of free time for that! 🙂

The Wild West? Why not? If you find inspiration in a „rock”, wear your „rockin’ outfit” with pride! 🙂 Who knows, you may get inspiring as you do it.  A childhood „spent” mostly in the wild west, could not leave no trace to the adult .. 🙂 I always wanted to wear an outfit inspired by „Winetou”! (Well, the elements belong more to the boho-chic area … but do not destroy my aura, please! 🙂 ). What should a Western inspired outfit have? Well … „suede” first of all … and lots of it! Preferably, in the color of the skin (so I blew this one a bit 🙂 ); fringes (checked!); a „cowboy” hat weared either „in the eyes”, or completly „on the back of your head” (and here I admit I did not do well at all… but of all the hats I own, this one was the closest that got to the real thing…); the moccasin-type boots (yap, this one was a succes … 😉 ); if you want to go „in extreme”, add feathers, fur, many beads-necklaces and oversized earrings. 🙂 I propose more a fusion between indians and cowboys … 🙂 The cherry on the cake is, without a doubt, the bag I found at the latest Fashion Swap Timisoara, which has written on it: „Cowgirls are the best of the country.” 🙂 This is as good as it gets! 😉 😛

Everyone is the product of their own childhood and adolescence. I’m not complaining, I grew up exactly where and how I was supposed to! 🙂 What my soul would just love is for my boys to say exactly the same thing in about 20 years from now… 🙁  But you know, the hope dies the last! 🙂 I kiss you all hard and pressed!

I am wearing

BSB Fashion dress from last year’s collection, to achieve a „western” look, the one they have now is also suitable

Zara hat, a proper cowboy one you can get here

Terranova bag from Fashion Swap Timisoara

Miss Sixty boots, some real moccasin boots here

Reserved  velvet chocker