
Nu o sa scriu despre ce, cum si de ce Institutul Pantone desemneaza culoarea anului, nu sunt avizata sa comentez si nu vreau sa fac vreo gafa, in schimb, prin intermediul acestei postari, am sa va incurajez in a o purta! Nu este o culoare comuna si nici usor de combinat, dar notele sale „regale” (era culoarea purtata de faraoni in Egiptul antic), pe alocuri cosmice, cu ecouri atat in lumea muzicii cat si a filmului, o face cu usurinta „cap de afis” in orice tinuta la care este in vreun fel folosita/asociata. Pentru cele dintre voi care nu stiu despre ce culoare este vorba, sa deslusim misterul, zic! 🙂 ULTRA-VIOLET! V-o asociez cu 3 elemente: galaxii, Purple Rain (cantec), Ultraviolet (film). V-ati pozitionat vis a vis de aceasta culoare? 😉

Va marturisesc ca alegerea ma bucura foarte tare! Am multe piese vestimentare in aceasta culoare, inclusiv un cojoc Versace absolut superb, pe care vi-l voi arata intr-o postare legata de tinute pentru Revelion, dar… de departe, preferatul meu este acest pulover supradimensionat H&M cumparat cu 9,99 Euro in Germania la niste soldari finale de Craciun. Tocmai a devenit vedeta dulapului meu! L-am mai utilizat in postarea „Meli Melo goes playing”, puteti da un search pe blog pentru aprofundare 😉 .

Stiu ca suntem inca in 2017 😉 , dar nu am putut sa ma abtin! Trebuia sa va arat ca este o culoare purtabila, potrivita in alaturarea cu albastriul zapezii, bleu-ul cerului senin, dar in egala masura si cu „galbiorul” nisipului, sideful scoicilor, gri-ul norilor de furtuna si rosiaticul rasaritului/ apusului la mal de mare. 🙂 Totusi, varianta optima de combinare, din punctul meu de vedere (!), este cu un verde inchis. Rafinament, distinctie, eleganta.

Restul tinutei a fost inspirat de colectia „pre-fall” prezentata de Chanel pentru 2018. In esenta, am preluat: puloverul supradimesionat si jambierele foarte lungi, cu mentiunea ca… a gasi jambiere in aceeasi nuanta cu cea a puloverulului, mi se pare un task imposibil la aceasta ora! 🙂 Acest tip de jambiere se pot folosi cu succes pentru a „salva” niste cizme care cad „enervant” spre glezna: cizmele devin o prelungire a faldurilor jambierelor si nu mai deranjeaza vizual. 🙂

Am mai reusit o performanta: in aceeasi tinta port cam toate brand-urile cunoscute si para-vizitate in mall-urile romanesti – Zara, H&M, Stradivarius, Only, C&A si Stefanel. Pam-pam! 🙂 In speranta ca vom avea un ultra-an 2018 (fara conotatii de factura microbista 🙂 ), va pup tare si apasat!


I’m not going to write about what, how and why the Pantone Institute designates the color of the year, I’m not advised to comment and I do not want to go „off-topic” with it, instead, through this post, I will encourage you to wear it! It is not a common color and is not easy to combine, but its „royal” notes (the color worn by pharaohs in ancient Egypt), its cosmic „notes”, its echoes that go deep in both the world of music and film, makes it „the head line” of  any outfit to which it is used/ associated. For those of you who do not know what color it is, let’s unravel the mystery, I say! 🙂 ULTRA-VIOLET! I associate it with 3 elements: galaxies, Purple Rain (song), Ultraviolet (film). Do you „see” it yet? 😉

I must confess that, I enjoy very much the choice of this color! I have many pieces of clothing in this shade, including a super gorgeous Versace „sheepskin” coat, which I will show you in a New Year’s choice of outfit  post, but … by far, my favorite is this oversized sweater from H&M, bought with 9,99 Euros in Germany at some final Christmas sales. It just became the star of my closet! I’ve already used it in a posting called „Meli Melo goes playing”, you can do a blog search for further study ;).

I know that we are still in 2017 😉 but I could not help myself! I was supposed to show you that it is a wearable color, suited to the blue-ish of the snow, the bleu of clean skies, but also to the yellow-ish of the sand, the pearly color of the shells, the gray of the stormy clouds and the rost of the sunrise / sunset by the sea. 🙂 However, the optimal combination is, from my point of view (!), with dark green. Refinement, distinction, elegance.

The rest of the outfit was inspired by Chanel’s „pre-fall” collection for the winter of 2018. In essence, I mentained the oversized sweater and the very long uppers, mentioning the fact that … finding uppers in the same shade as the sweater, seems an impossible task at this time! 🙂 These types of uppers can be successfully used to „save”  boots that are „annoyingly” sliping to the ankle: the boots become an extension of the uppers and they do not disturb from a visually point of view.  🙂

I have achieved a little performance: I am wearing in the same outfit all the well-known and para-visited brands in the Romanian malls – Zara, H&M, Stradivarius, Only, C&A and Stefanel. Pam Pam! 🙂 Hoping we will all have an ultra-year 2018, I kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

H&M oversized pullover, the only one „kind of” alike, that I found online after one hour of searching, althow it is not ultra violet, but only violet… here

another one of the right color here

and here

Stradivarius bag

Only genuine suede skirt I found in a SH

Stefanel uppers

Zara suede boots from a Fashion Swap Timisoara

Brooches (on my boots) from C&A