Soare afara, soare si in suflete! Cel putin eu asa ma prezint: plina de lumina, de idei, de planuri si de… batiste prin toate buzunarele. 🙂 Paza buna, trece primejdia de a ma face de ras.
Caci de cand mama m-a nascut/ N-a fost martie far’ de stranut,/ Far’ de nasuri astupate/ Cu varf rosu si umflate! Uneori chiar si prin mai,/ In nopti calde, cer senin…/ Dorm in pat cu Ventolin!/ Pam-pam! 🙂 😛
O parte dintre voi stie exact despre ce vorbesc, nu-i asa? 🙂 Imi doresc primavara inca de la prima ninsoare, dar pentru dorul meu, natura a gasit remediu fara de cusur: alergiile. Acestea au darul de a elimina orice, de la gust si miros, pana la somn si pofta de viata. 😛 Si nici macar nu fac alergie la ambrozie, ca tot omul „cu sange albastru”… Nu! Eu fac la pufii de plopi (patetic), la praf ( probabil trebuie sa imi cumpar un glob de sticla) si la polen (de aceea singurele plante agreate sunt cactusii…Infloresc rar si florile mor repede!) 🙂 😉

Duminica aceasta a fost o zi superba in Timisoara. Si a venit brusc. Caldura, zic. M-a luat printr-o usoara surprindere. De o luna am o serie de trench-uri atarnate pe usile dulapului de haine, doar-doar voi putea sa le port. Ei bine, duminica dimineata le-am si calcat! 🙂 S-a dat liber la purtat parpalace, trench-uri, „foi de ceapa”, knit-uri finute, geci din denim sau din piele. Am o ceata de asemenea „obecte”. Si ceata se mareste, caci vin soldati noi dupa fiecare drum prin magazine vintage sau SH. Sunt intr-o perioada in care ador sa intru in asemenea magazine. Nu e musai sa si cumpar ceva, dar mereu sfarsesc prin a gasi ceva musai de cumparat! 😉 Voi nu patiti la fel? It’s just me?!?

In aceasta duminica am plimbat pe la Bastionul Theresia o lucrare din Ciclul Ochiul semnata Ion Titoiu, un cunoscut artist plastic constantean contemporan. Am doua lucrari din acest ciclu si amandoua sunt primite cadou de nunta. Am vazut ca piese din aceeasi colectie se gasesc pe peretii caselor catorva seici din Orientul Mijlociu… No comment! Prieten cu taica-miu, domnul Titoiu a fost fascinat de ideea unei nunti traditionale maramuresene si practic, s-a autoinvitat la a mea. 🙂 Cadourile sale se vor transforma in mosteniri pentru baieti. Ma intreb, daca faceam mai multi copii… oare cum gestionam „imparteala”? 🙂 Voi ati primit vreodata cadouri pe care sa le pasati generatiilor urmatoare? 🙂

M-am bucurat sa impart aceasta faramana de Constanta cu voi. Am multe. Poate prea multe. Cand cari atatea cu tine este greu sa faci loc lucrurilor noi… Haideti ca o dau in filosofii si asta chiar nu ma caracterizeaza.  Vorbesc mult, nu am cum sa ma consider filosof! 😉 🙂 Imi este doar ciuda ca punctuatia nu ma ajuta in a transmite tot ceea ce vreau sa zic. De aceea, sunt pe cale sa devin vlogger. Iubesc sa scriu, dar iubesc si mai mult sa transmit! Va pup tare si apasat!
P.S Stiti ca baietii mei au amandoi conturi de Youtube unde posteaza periodic diverse chestii??! Generatii pro sadea, domn’le. Post pro, as putea spune…


Sun out? Sun in also! At least that’s how I feel: full of light, ideas, plans and … handkerchiefs in all my pockets. 🙂 There is no danger of making a fool of myself. For… since when my mother gave birth to me / It was not a March without a sneeze / Without blocket nostrils or Olynth / Without my daily dose of mint! / Sometimes even in late May … / In days with clear skies and soft breeze / My sense of smell could be still freeze! / Pam-pam! Some of you know exactly what I’m talking about, don’t you? 🙂 I wish for spring from the very first snow, but for my longing, nature found faultless remedy: allergies. They have the gift of eliminating everything, from taste and smell, to sleep and lust for life. 😛 And I do not have allergy to ambrosia, like the whole „blue-blooded” individuals … No! I have it to poppy blobs (pathetic), dust (probably I have to buy sphere of glass) and pollen (that’s why the only plants that I approve are cactuses … They rarely bloom and the flowers die quickly!) 🙂 😉

This Sunday was a wonderful day in Timisoara. And it suddenly came. Nice weather, I mean. It caught me with a slight surprise. As for the #ootd problem, for a month I have had a series of trench coats  hanging on the closet doors, just in case…  Well, on Sunday morning, I ironed them too! 🙂 It was free for trenches, „onion sheets”, fine knits, denim or leather jackets. I have a little army of such items.  And their numbers are growing, as new soldiers come after each trip through vintage or SH shops. I’m in aperiod of my life when I like to browse such stores. I do not have to buy anything, but always end up finding something worth buying! ?) Do you do the same? It’s just me?!

This Sunday I walked in town wearing a work from The Eye Cycle signed by Ion Titoiu, a contemporary plastic artist from my home town, Constanta. I have two works of his and both were received as wedding gifts. I saw pieces from this very collection are on the walls of some sheik houses in the Middle East … No comment! As friend of my father’s, Mr. Titoiu was fascinated by the idea of a traditional Maramures wedding and practically, he invited himself to mine. 🙂 His gifts will turn into legacy for boys. I wonder if I were to have more kids … how would I have managed? 🙂 Have you ever received gifts to pass on to the next generation? 🙂

I was glad to share this tiny bit of Constanta with you. I have many more. Maybe too many… When one carry so much information, it is hard to make room for new things … But I do not want to get into philosophy, cause that really does not characterize me. I talk a lot, I can not be a philosopher! 😉 🙂 It’s just because the punctuation does not help me to conver everything I want to say. That’s why I’m about to become a vlogger. I love to write, but I love more to transmit! You know guys, my boys have both Youtube accounts where they regularly post various things ??! New wave, people… 🙂 Kiss you all loud and hard!

I was wearing

Textile House from head to toe 🙂

Estee Lauder red lipstick

Photos were taken by HD Photography