
Acesta este mesajul de pe noul meu Tricou Inteligent Dunia. Scurt, simplu si la obiect. Am zis sa spulber misterul inca de la inceput, ca sa ma pot concentra pe textul articolului si pe fotografii. Acest tricou vine cu o scurta poveste, pe care vreau s-o impartasesc cu voi astazi. Vedem ce iese… 🙂
Pe data de 3 martie imi luai inima in dinti si scrisei Paulei pentru prima data. Aveam de mult in minte o idee, dar nu stiam cum s-o materializez sub forma unei rugaminti adresate unei persoane cu care vorbisem o singura data in viata, in cadrul unui targ (cred ca era un Fashion Fridays, dar nu sunt sigura…). Datorita tipului de discurs pe care il practica pe blogul sau, Paula parea genul de tipa „cu nasul pe sus”, inabordabila. Eu NU stiu sa citesc oamenii si chiar am facut aceasta referire in mesaj, pentru a-mi scuza in avans indrazneata cerinta.

In atitudinea accea „nevinovata”, care m-a salvat de la multe neplaceri de-a lungul vietii 😉

„Buna Paula! Imi cer scuze ca deranjez, m-am gandit de mult sa te intreb (daca ai putea face un tricou Dunia personalizat). Aici am alterat putin textul, deoarece era o referire la bani, eu trecand la vremea respectiva printr-o perioada de trista amintire… 🙂 Mai exact, mesajul sa fie unul care sa mi se potriveasca. Eu nu citesc filosofie sau psihologie, mi s-ar parea tragic ca oamenii sa nu mai prezinte nici un mister 🙂 , dar mi-ar placea un text cu aceasta incadrare, care sa vorbeasca despre mine. Si sa fie unic. Poate te gandesti. E clar ca esti cea mai potrivita pentru a cauta „comori” d-astea. Scuze ca te-am deranjat, dar am zis sa-mi incerc norocul…”
Raspunsul Paulei a venit relativ repede, spulberandu-mi temerile legate de atitudinea-mi lipsita de bun simt de a cere ceva atat de personal unui om care, practic, nu are nici o obligatie vis a vis de situatia creata!
O sa ma gandesc la un mesaj pentru tine. E o idee excelenta.”  In ochii mei, un raspuns cat un eseu. 🙂

Nu a trecut bine o saptamana si imi suna messenger-ul de pe facebook a mesaj nou:
Hei! Am tot cautat un mesaj pentru tine. M-ai pus la treaba si iti multumesc. 🙂 E oarecum incitant.
Uite la ce m-am oprit:
Prea cuminteo si apoi prea rebelo
Julieta din neam disparut.
Sunt versuri de Paunescu.”

„Pana la sange”.

Elegant, romantic, poetic, dramatic, cuminte si rebel. Acesta este textul Dunia despre Ana. 🙂 Si vreti sa stiti ceva? Aceste doua versuri ma descriu mai bine decat m-ar putea descrie o intraga biografie. Draga Paula, ma plec in fata capacitatii tale de a sintetiza vieti in cateva cuvinte. E o superputere. 🙂

In mod previzibil, am ales ca port tricoul inteligent Dunia in doua variante: una de doamna educata, elevata, eleganta, sfioasa, pioasa, nascuta cu aproape un secol prea tarziu – cumintea; si varianta leoaicei usor lasciva, tanara in suflet si-n simtiri, poate prea tanara… pentru varsta din buletin, spirit liber, descatusat, curajoasa, inconstienta, vociferanta, indragostita de tot ce e lumesc – rebela. Ambele sunt eu, pentru ca eu sunt ambele. 🙂 Imi doresc sa cred ca nu sunt o specie pe cale de disparitie totusi… 😉 ,desi de multe ori simt de parca ma incadrez undeva intre lumi. In lumea mea. O lume in alb si negru, fara multe gri-uri, o lume aproape ireala, teatrala, o lume in a carei poveste imi sunt atat printesa cat si zmeu, in care iubesc si ma sacrific pentru iubire, sau in care iubesc si sacrific iubirea pentru a-mi continua traiul lipsit de griji. Un alt fel de Julieta. Parol!

Dama de cupa… 🙂

Am mai avut parte de o surpriza placuta: tricoul a venit insotit de o carte scrisa de autoarea lui, intitulata „Un vis de o zi”. Am devorat-o intr-o singura seara pentru ca mi-a placut in mod sincer. M-am identificat cu una dintre situatiile imaginate de Paula, deci pentru cateva zeci de minute m-a chemat Petra. 🙂 M-am bucurat foarte tare de cartea aia, Paula. Astept o a doua. 😉

Visand la Calin… 🙂
Printre randuri.
Peste „randuri”.
Peste tot.
„Poarta o carte”

Cam asta a fost istoria tricoului meu. Mi-as dori sa mai aud povesti cu tricouri… 🙂 Pana una alta, va pup tare si apasat si va invit sa ne bucuram impreuna de povestile de mai, pe cale sa se faureasca.. 😉


„Either suave or rebellious/ The Juliet of a long gone blood line” Adrian Paunescu

This is the message on my new Tricoul inteligent Dunia. Short, simple and accurate. I wanted to solve this mystery from the beginning, so I can focus on the article’s text and photos. This shirt comes with a short story and I want to share it with you today. Let’s see how this comes out … 🙂
On March 3rd I decided to write to Paula for the first time. I had an idea in my mind, but I did not know how to materialize it in the form of a request, to a person I spoke once in my life at a fair (I think it was Fashion Fridays, but I’m not sure … ). Because of the bitterly speech on her blog, Paula seemed to me like a unapproachable person. I DO NOT KNOW how to read people and I even made this reference in the message, to apologize  in advance for my somewhat bold request.

Practicing my innocent pose. It kept many troubles away.

„Hello Paula! I’m so sorry to bother you, I’ve been wanting long time to ask  (if you could make a custom Dunia T-shirt.) Here I altered the text a little because it was a reference to money… 🙁  I do not read philosophy or psychology, it would seem tragic for people to no longer have that mystery round them :), but it would be nice to have such a reference written on my chest. Somenthing to speak about myself. I believe you are the best person to search for a „treasure” like that…  I hope I didn’t upset you in any way,I just wanted to try my luck…
Paula’s answer came relatively quickly, shaking my fears of my unethical attitude in asking something so personal, to a person who barely knew me!
„I’ll think of a message for you. It’s an excellent idea.” In my eyes, this answer was alike an essay. 🙂

It has not been a week and I the messenger on my facebook rang a new message:
„Hey, I’ve been looking for a message for you. You gave me something to do and I thank you. It’s somewhat exciting.
Here’s my conclusion:
Either suave or rebellious,
The Juliet of a long gone blood line.
There are lyrics by Paunescu.”

To the bone.

Elegant, romantic, poetic, dramatic, delicate and rebellious. This is Dunia’s text about Ana. 🙂 And do you want to know something? These two verses describe me better than a whole biography could. Dear Paula, I am mesmerized by your ability to synthesize entire lives in few words. It’s a superpower. 🙂

Predictably, I chose the wear my Dunia T-shirt in two variants: a ladylike version, educated, elevated, elegant, shy, pious, born nearly a century too late – the suave one; and the slightly lascivious lioness, young at heart and senses, maybe too young … for the age in her identity card , free spirited, unbounded, courageous, unconscious, vociferous, in love with all that is worldly – the rebellious one. Both are me, because I am both. 🙂 I want to think that I am not an extinct species, though … 😉 , although I often feel like I am stuck somewhere between worlds. In my very personal world. A world in black and white, with no grays, an almost unreal world, dramatic, a world in whose story I am both the princess and the witch, in which I love and sacrifice for love, or in which I love but choose to sacrifice that love for my careless living. Another kind of Juliet. Word!

The princess and the witch

I had another pleasant surprise: the Dunia T-Shirt came with a book written by its author, „One Day Dream”. I devoured it in one evening because I honestly liked it a lot. I identified myself with one of the situations imagined by Paula, so for a few tens of minutes I was Petra. 🙂 That book made my day, Paula. I’m waiting for a the second one. 😉

Wear a book
Or be a part of one… 😉


Dreaming about Calin…
Looking for Calin…

That’s what the history was about. I would like to hear other stories with T-shirts… 🙂 ATill than, I kiss you all loud and pressed and invite you to enjoy the May stories about to happen 😉 …

I am wearing

Tricoul Inteligent Dunia 

Zara skirt, similar here

Buffalo sandals similar here

a superb fascinator here

extraordinary  summer boots here

Hand Clothing gloves

Photos by Handra Diana