
Toti suntem tablouri.
Si sculpturi.
Sau incercam sa fim…
La sfarsitul zilei, importanta este experienta acumulata. Si zambetul.

Dragii mei, ieri seara s-a desfasurat in Timisoara „Noaptea Muzeelor”. Este primul eveniment de aceasta factura la care am avut sansa de a participa. Nu ca nu mi-ar placea sa ma dau putin pierduta pe holuri elegante, bordate de rame „mirosinde” a epoci de mult apuse, elemente de mobilier zgariate de istorii de mult intamplate si sculpturi „vorbinde” a sisteme valorice de mult decazute. La muzeu trebuie sa te duci cu timp… iar a avea timp este o tara a societatii, din care cu mandrie, fac si eu parte. Deci da, nu ma duc la muzee din lipsa de timp. Nici macar aseara nu pot spune ca am inteles prea multe din ce-mi vorbea fiecare tablou sau sculptura. Am fost mult prea preocupata de goana dupa cateva poze bune, care v-ar putea arata… cam ce pierdeti. 🙂 In plus, erau si baietii mei pe zona. Ei, oameni de cultura de mici… erau la a treia excursie la muzeul cu pricina, spre deosebire de subsemnata, pentru ca deh… au bunici responsabili. 😛
Vlad, fiul meu cel mare, imi tot atragea atentia ca am luat-o gresit si ca voi rata multe exponate daca nu revin la traiectoria corecta. De-a dreptul enervant! 🙂 Diana sarmana, ma urmarea din priviri in incercarea de a surprinde cu aparatul toate „framantarile” mele, in conditiile in care marea de oameni veniti sa se bucure de aceasta oportunitate, parea ca ne va inghiti cu tot cu aparat, copii, catel, purcel, etc… Va marturisesc, puteam face poze mult mai misto… singure sa fi fost.

In sfarsit singura! 🙂 Sau… ma rog, cu cele doua doamne.

Pentru o venetica, atat vis a vis de Timisoara cat si de acest muzeu in particular, pot sa va spun ca m-am delectat cu multe lucrari in care mi-am regasit franturi de suflet, emotii, amintiri din copilarie si secvente de viitor. Cel mai mult am rezonat cu parterul, acesta fiind destinat abstractei „Loss of Soul”, semnata Reszegh Botond. Initial o ratasem, noroc cu vigilenta Dianei. Zaboviram aci mai mult, pentru ca era putina lume… probabil multi ca mine pe-acolo! 🙂

Multi privesc… putini pricep.

Nu vreau sa scriu un articol despre ce veti gasi in Muzeul de Arta Timisoara, pentru ca nu sunt critic de arta. Vreau doar sa va trezesc o oarecare curiozitate. Atat. Vreau sa imi iau angajament scris ca il voi vizita singura, cu tot timpul din lume la mine, pentru ca ar fi o experienta benefica in ambele sensuri. Cladirea in sine este o opera de arta! Si nu trebuie sa ai studii de specialitate pentru a afirma asta (desi eu am 😉 ). Proiectul Spectrum face ca geamurile imobilului de factura baroca, sa fie colorate intr-un ROGVAIV declarativ, nu doar decorativ. Felicitari initiatorilor! S-a lasat si cu un concert intitulat „Olimpicii Timisoarei”, pe care l-am ratat cu succes, dupa ce in prealabil ne asiguraseram locuri de vip la balcon, printr-o eroare de regie… care ne-a permis accesul in zone interzise 😉 . Nu-i bai… probabil data viitoare vom fi mai atenti.

Despre tinuta am de spus atat: port Chanel. 🙂 Si este o piesa de suflet, deoarece reprezinta cel mai de pret cadou pe care l-am primit in viata mea. Este evident ca ma refer la bluza. 🙂 Si nu este vorba de pretul in sine, ci de cuvintele si expresia fetei persoanei care mi-a daruit-o… in exact momentul cand mi-a daruit-o. 🙂 Ma vazuse pentru prima data in viata (eram prietene pe Instagram… printre alte 1100 de prietene) si mi-a facut cinstea de a ma considera demna de un asemenea cadou. Este vorba despre Bianca, frumoasa si deosebita proprietara a agentiei de voiaj Tripaholic :* .(Eram la un Shop my closet organizat de aceasta si de alte doua fashioniste timisorene cu greutate 😉 ). Am considerat ca o seara la muzeu este ocazia perfecta de a etala aceasta minunatie, pe care efectiv… o tin in dulap ca pe un bibelou, neindraznind sa o port, de frica sa nu pateasca ceva. 😛 (I’m loosing it… 🙂 ).

Dragii mei cititori, probabil multi dintre voi aveti patima artei si sunteti in cunostinta de cauza, haideti sa facem reclama muzeelor in orasele in care locuim! Sa le vada mapamondul. Sa vada ca si noi putem. 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!


We are all paintings…
Or we try to be…
Some of us are trying to much… 🙂
At the end of the day, all that matters is what remained within ourselves and how much fun we had…

My dear ones, yesterday evening took place in Timisoara the „Night of the Museums”. This is the first event of this kind, I had the chance to participate to. Not that I do not like to loose myself in elegant lobbies, flanked by frames smelling of long gone times, furniture pieces scratched by long forgotten stories, and sculptures talking about lost values. At the museum you have to go with time in your pocket … and having time is a big problem of  the society, from which I proudly belong to. So, yes, I’m not going to museums for lack of time. Not even last night can I say that I understood too much of what every painting or sculpture spoke to me. I was too preoccupied with the chase for some good pictures that might show you … what you miss. 🙂 Besides, there were my boys in the area. They, „men” of culture … were at their third trip to the museum, unlike the undersigned, because well … they have responsible grandparents. 😛
Vlad, my eldest, couldn’t stop telling me  that I was taking wrong turns and that I would miss many exhibits if I did not return to the right trajectory. Just annoying! 🙂 Poor Diana was watching me in an attempt to surprise all my „inner struggles”, as the sea of people camed to enjoy this opportunity, seemed to swallow us together with the camera, the children, the cat, the dog, etc. … I will confess, we could have taken cooler pictures… had we been alone…

Finally alone… Well, actually with the cute couple 😉

For an alien, both for Timisoara and this museum in particular, I tell you that I enjoyed many works in which I found  pieces of my soul, emotions, childhood memories and future sequences. I most resonated with the ground floor, this being for the abstract „Loss of Soul,” signed by Reszegh Botond. Initially I missed this part of the exibition, thank God for Diana’s vigilance. We took more pictures there, because there was not many people … probably many like me over there! 🙂


I do not want to write an article about what you will find in the Timisoara Art Museum, because I’m not an art critic. I just want to awaken some curiosity. That is all. I want to make a written commitment that I will visit this museum alone and that I will have all the time in the world with me when I do so, because it would be a beneficial experience in both directions. The building itself is an artwork! And you do not have to have specialized studies to state this (although I have 😉 ). The Spectrum project makes the glass of the windows to this baroque building, to be colored in a declarative, not just decorative, ROGVAIV (romanian abbreviation for the colors of the rainbow). Congratulations to the initiators! There was also a concert titled „The Timisoara’s Olympians”, which we missed successfully, after having previously secured VIP places on the balcony, through a directing error … that allowed us access forbidden areas 😉 . Oh, next time we’ll be more careful.

About my outfit, all I have to say is: I am wearing Chanel. 🙂 And it’s a piece really close to my heart, because it is the most precious gift I’ve ever received in my whole life. It is obvious that I am refering to the blouse. 🙂 And it’s not the price itself, but the words and the expression of the face of the person who gave it to me … at the exact moment when she gave it to me. 🙂 She had never seen me before in flash (I was a friend from Instagram … among 1100 other friends) and honored me by considering me worthy of such a gift. I am talking about Bianca, the beautiful and distinguished owner of Tripaholic . (I was at a Shop my closet organized by her and two other „heavy” fashionists from Timisoara 😉 ). I thought an evening at the museum was the perfect opportunity to show this marvel, that I actually … keep in the closet like a jewel, not wanting to wear it, for fear of doing something to it. 😛 (I’m loosing it … 🙂 ).

My dear readers, probably many of you are art lovers and you are well aware of this… so let’s advertise the museum’s  in the cities we live in! Let them be seen by the entire world. Let them see we can make it too! Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Chanel blouse/shirt

Mabrun trench coat

Zara pants

Rococo shoes

Photos by Handra Diana