
Nu puteti da gres cu o combinatie alb-nebru
Nelipsitul moment „diva”. 🙂
Nu va luati de „carpa” mea, ca e un Givenchy original… 🙂
Poza favorita 😛

Buna ziua dragii mei! Va spun din start ca aceasta este una dintre tinutele favorite prezentate pana acum pe blog. Lesne de inteles de ce: combinatia dintre alb si negru este in 99% din cazuri una castigatoare, salopetele arata extrem de bine pe silueta mea, iar accentele vintage date de „papuci”, palarie si batic, sunt fix acel „je ne sais quoi” necesar. Aceasta este viziuna mea despre minimalism in moda, subliniez „in moda”, pentru ca arhitect fiind, acest cuvant are in lumea-mi, infinit mai multe conotatii. Evident, baticul ar fi putut sa lipseasca… dar atunci tinuta nu m-ar mai fi caracterizat. 🙂 Si as fi putut sa mi-l pun pe cap, sau la o mana pe post de „bratara”, dar am preferat sa il folosesc ca accesoriu de sine statator. Vantul a stiut ce face cu el, pentru a-mi potenta efectul tinutei. 😉 Merci vantu’! Probabil ca aici este diferenta intre pasiune si necesitate vis a vis de moda: pe un om „normal”, baticul tinut in mana, l-ar incomoda. 🙂 😛

Cu vantu’ 🙂

Am foarte multi prieteni din Constanta, Bucuresti, Oradea si chiar din Germania, care vin in Timisoara si raman cu unanima parere ca timisorenii se imbraca „invechit”. Sa stiti ca nu mi-e totuna, cand imi aud timisorenii criticati (mama, cat sentiment de apartenenta dupa doar 3 ani… 😛 ). Eu nu consider asa. Dar realizez ca exista o mare diferenta intre tineri si tot restul… Accesul la informatii si interesul pentru moda si stil sunt mult mai prezente la tineri in comparatie cu parintii acestora, spre exemplu. Exista exceptii, dar acestea, culmea, sunt in special date de bunici: am vazut femei si domni trecuti de 70 de ani, imbracati „neckermann”. Mai mare dragul sa te uiti la ei! Cred ca prapastia apare undeva la generatiile intre 30 si 60 de ani, din care fac deja si eu parte. Este practic perioada din viata cand devii parinte si atentia se muta de la reflexia din oglinda, la reflexia-ti in ochi mari si intrebatori de copil. Tu cazi in plan secund, iti spui ca de acum totul se rezuma la a avea grija de micii oracaitori, pe chipul carora vezi franturi din propria ta fiinta. Si este un sentiment minunat! Si nobil! Dar el poate coexista cu iubirea de sine, ba chiar aceasta… il poate accentua, caci daca stii sa te iubesti pe tine, stii sa iubesti si pe altii.
Am invatat aceasta lectie pe propria mea piele si desi poate suna „oribil” pentru o mama, am invatat sa ma iubesc pe mine in fata iubirii nemarginite, „bolnavicioase” 🙂 si obsesive pe care o port baietilor mei. Si mi-a disparut incrancenarea (e, mai am momente de ratacire… 😛 ), s-a diminuat frustrarea, am invatat sa comunic mai bine si pot, la randul meu, sa le explic ce inseamna iubirea de sine si cat de benefica este aceasta. Sa nu intelegeti ca imi transform copiii in doi egoisti, egocentrici si cu complexe de superioritate. Nu asta inseamna iubirea de sine. 🙂 Respectul de sine, respectul pentru imaginea ta, pentru reflexia aceea din oglina, respectul fata de ceilalti, toleranta scazuta la prostie, exprimare libera a sentimentelor, in egala masura bucurii sau frustrari, dorinta de perfectionare, mica doza de nebunie care te motiveaza in directia indeplinirii visurilor, capacitatea de a citi si tria oamenii cu care te inconjori, toate acestea si multe altele la care nici nu ma pot gandi in secunda aceasta, reprezinta iubirea de sine. Pare usor de zis… nu-i asa? Nu cred ca exista o reteta pentru o ecucatie impecabila. Cred ca exista pasi, situatii, pilde, exemple, trairi, reactii… ce pot face diferenta intre o educatie buna si una precara, sau pur si simplu, diferenta intre o educatie si lipsa acesteia. Se spune ca baietii mei sunt foarte bine educati… 😛 Eu spun ca mai am muuuuult de lucru cu ei. 🙂

Rox de la Fashoniac, mi-a sugerat sa adaug o rubrica de parenting la acest blog. Ma gandesc serios sa o fac. 🙂 Nu sunt o mama model, dar sunt o reprezentanta a generatiei 30-60, aceea care „se imbraca invechit”. Si trebuie sa schimb asta. Pentru mine si pentru voi. 😉 Va pup tare si apasat!


When you feel content with yourself.. 🙂
Or when you want to be more expressive
Or when you have your „diva” moment…
You must always believe in your unicity. 🙂

Hello my dear ones! I will tell you from the start, that this is one of the favorite outfits presented so far on the blog. Easy to understand why: the combination of black and white is, in 99% of cases, a winner one, the jumpsuits look very good on my silhouette and the vintage accents given by the „slippers”, hat and batik, are that  „je ne sais quoi” necessary. This is my vision of minimalism in fashion, I emphasize „in fashion,” because as an architect, this word has in my world, infinitely more connotations. Obviously, I could have done well without the scarf … but then, the outfit would not have been „me” anymore. 🙂 And I could have put it on my head, or a hand as a „bracelet,” but I preferred to use it as a stand alone accessory. The wind knew what to do with it, to boost my outfit. 😉 Thank you wind! Perhaps this is the difference between passion and necessity vis-à-vis fashion: to a „normal” individual, the skarf held in the hand, would be uncomfortable. 🙂 😛

With the Wind 🙂

I have a lot of friends from Constanta, Bucharest, Oradea (cities in Romania) and even from Germany, who come to Timisoara and  unanimously say that the people here dress a bit „outdated”. I do not feel very well when I hear critics about Timisoara (well, what a feeling of belonging after only three years … :P). I do not think people dress outdated. But I realize there is a big difference between the young people and the rest … Access to information and interest in fashion and style are more present in young people than their parents, for example. There are exceptions, but these are, in particular, given by grandparents: I have seen women and gentlemen in their 70s, dressed „neckermann”. They look so good to watch! I think the „missing link” appears somewhere in generations between the ages of 30 and 60, of which I already belong. It is practically the period of life when you become a parent and the attention moves from your own mirror reflection, to a reflection in big, full of questions, children’s eyes. You fall into a second plan, telling yourself that from that moment on everything, is about taking care of the little „crying one”,in whose face you see your own being. And it’s a great feeling! And a noble one! But it can coexist with self-love, it can even even be accentuated by it, because if you know how to love yourself, you know how to love others.
I learned this lesson on my own skin and although it may sound „horrible” for a mother, I learned to love myself in front of the infinite, „sick” and obsessive love that I feel for my boys. And so, my bitterness disappeared (well, not all of it … :P), frustration has diminished, I have learned to communicate better and I can explain to them what self-love is and how beneficial it is. Do not understand that I transform my children into two egotistical, egocentric and „superior” human beings. This is not self-love. 🙂 Self-esteem, respect for your image, for that reflection in the mirror, respect for others, low tolerance to stupidity, free expression of feelings, equally enjoyment or frustration, desire for improvement, the little dose of „insanity” that motivates you in the direction of fulfilling dreams, the ability to read and sort the people you surround yourself with, all these and many others I can not even think of in this second, are self-love. It seems easy to say … is it not? I do not think there is a recipe for impeccable education. I think there are steps, situations, parables, examples, experiences, reactions … that can make a difference between good education and poor education, or simply the difference between education and its lack. They say that my boys are very well educated … 😛 I say I still have a lot of work to do with them. 🙂

Rox from Fashoniac suggested that I add a parenting category to this blog. I seriously think about doing it. 🙂 I’m not a model mother, but I’m a representative of the 30-60 years old generation, that dresses „out of date”. And I have to change that. For me and you. 😉 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

vintage overall (the label is gone, I do not know the brand… 🙁 )

vintage shoes

Givenchy skarf

Magid Hats hat

Reserved sunglasses

C&A bracelet

bag from a second hand store

Photos by Handra Diana