M-a apostrofat multa lume ca nu m-am „postat” in nici o tinuta eleganta pe blog pana acum (exceptie fiind prima postare, „New in town”), desi stilul acesta se potriveste foarte bine cu fiziononia si silueta mea. Poate de asta m-am si ferit oarecum, pentru a evita a ma „auto-exila” intr-o categorie de styling pe care eu o consider destul de rectilinie si uniforma, dar la care mi-ar fi extrem de usor sa ma aliniez: stilul clasic, elegant. Poate pentru ca am vazut-o pe mama, profesoara fiind, mixand toata viata ei deux-piece-uri cu paltoane si pardesie, caciuli de blana si palarii, pantofi cu toc, manusi si esarfe, perle si clipsuri, iar ideile mele despre tinutele elegante stau blocate undeva printre imaginile acestui „colaj”.
Azi am iesit insa din „rectiliniul” de care imi era frica. 🙂 Stiti ca salopetele sunt foarte la moda in sezonul acesta? Eu personal, ma dau in vant dupa ele, detin peste 10 bucati si fiecare este complet diferita de cealalta. A face un styling fain pe o salopeta simpla, clasica, este o jucarie cu care va indemn sa va jucati din cand in cand 🙂 . De ce? Pentru ca permite o gama vasta de accesorizare: de la a combina elemente „statement”, supradimensionate (asa cum am ales eu) sau chiar de tip hatinator-fascinator, pana la a-ti pune o sapca si niste tenisi, o „funie” legata in talie si o racheta de tenis pe umar, sau niste balerini pretiosi, o palarie de plaja si cosul de rafie aferent, totul este posibil cu putin studiu si un minim simt al ridicolului. 🙂 Ce incerc eu sa transmit este, sa nu excludeti salopetele din tinutele voastre de zi cu zi, ba chiar din cele destinate evenimentelor, caci de … a inceput sezonul nuntilor, nu? 😛
Azi am dus-o pe Elena intr-un loc din Timisoara pe care nu-l stia: parcul de sculptura „Triade”, primul parc de acest gen din tara, inaugurat pe data de 7 mai a anului 2003. In esenta, acest parc ar fi trebuit sa fie un muzeu in aer liber, care sa ilustreze tendintele sculpturii post-brancusiene in tara noastra. In realitate, 14 ani mai tarziu, parcul mi se pare un loc parasit si neingrijit, unde intalnim, pe langa sculpturi fantastice realizate de sculptori banateni precum Ingo Glass, Peter Jecza, Stefan Calarasanu sau Rudolf Kocsis, si multe doamne care isi plimba cainii, pungi de gunoaie, sticle de plastic si tristete… Oare nu este pacat sa se lase asa o bijuterie a Timisoarei in paragina? 🙁
De ce port, in cateva poze, casca de calarie a sotului meu? 🙂 Pentru ca am „calarit”, pe alocuri chiar la propriu 🙂 , niste „fiare” urbane … Exista asa ceva??!! 🙂 M-as fi urcat oricand si pe un cal adevarat, sau pe un motor, imbracata asa… eventual, as fi schimbat doar incaltarile. 😛 Pup la voi tare si apasat!
A lot of people have apostropied me that I have not „posted” in any elegant outfit on the blog so far (except for the first post, „New in town”), although this style fits well with my physiogony and my silhouette. Maybe that’s why I have been somehow avoiding it, in order to not to „self-exile” in a category of styling that I consider quite straightforward and uniform, but to which it would be extremely easy for me to line up : Classic, elegant style. Maybe because I saw my mother as a teacher, mixing her deux-pieces with coats and overcoats, fur hats and hats, heel shoes, gloves and scarves, pearls and clips, and my ideas about the elegant outfits are stuck somewhere among the images of this „collage”.
Today I came out of the „rectilinear” I was so afraid of. 🙂 Do you know that overalls are very fashionable this season? Personally, I’m into them „over my head”. I own over 10 pieces and each is completely different from the other. Making a fancy styling on a simple, classic overall is a game that you should toy with, every now and than. Why? Because it allows a wide range of accessorys: from combining „statement”, oversized elements (as I chose for my outfit today) or even fascinators-hatinators, till a cap and some Converse shoes, or a „rope” tied to the waist and a tennis racket on the shoulder, maybe even some precious ballerinas, a beach hat and the matching raffia basket, everything is possible with little study and a minimal sense of ridicule. 🙂 The message I am trying to send your way is not exclude the jumpsuits/overalls from your everyday outfits, or the ones you consider to try at events, because … you know, the wedding season started, right? 😛
Today I took Elena to a place in Timisoara she did not know: the „Triade” sculpture park, the first park of its kind in the country, inaugurated on May 7, 2003. Essentially, this park should have been an outdoor museum, illustrating the post-brancusian sculpture trends in our country. In fact, 14 years later, the park seems to me a deserted place, where we meet, besides the fantastic sculptures made by blocal sculptors like Ingo Glass, Peter Jecza, Stefan Calarasanu or Rudolf Kocsis, many ladies walking their dogs, garbage bags, plastic bottles and sadness … Isn’t it a shame to leave such a Timisoara jewel in cradle? 🙁
Why do I wear my husband’s riding helmet in a few pictures? 🙂 Because I rided, sometimes for real, 🙂 some urban „beasts” … Is there such a thing ?? !! 🙂 I would have climbed anytime on a real horse, or on a motorcycle, dressed like that … eventually, I would only have changed the shoes. 😛 I kiss you hard and pressed!
I am wearing
Zara Jumpsuit (you cand find similar simple ones here)
Satement accessories from C&A (they were all a gift from a good friend)
Blink shoes