
Tablou urban.

Mai mult retro decat actual, sau mai mult actual decat retro… functie de viziunea fiecaruia. 🙂 Buna ziua dragii mei! Da, sunt inca in Constanta. Ceva neprevazut a intervenit si sunt nevoita sa mai raman aici o vreme. Viata mea a devenit exemplificare grotesca a unor proverbe romanesti de tipul: „frate, frate, dar branza e pe bani” si „pe cine nu lasi sa moara, nu te lasa sa traiesti”. Nu va ingrijorati, leul e o pisica mai mare… Pica in picoare si are noua vieti, cica. 😉 In plus, poporul mai are cateva proverbe ce ma consoleaza… 😉 Dar cam atat despre acest subiect. 😉

In lipsa Dianei, incerc sa mentin un anumit standard pentru fotografiile postarilor; uneori imi iese, alteori nu. Va dati seama ca mai exista si problema lipsei unui numar variat de elemente vestimentare in dotare, caci sunt in vacanta. Dar invatam sa jonglam cu ce avem. 🙂
In Constanta, magazinul „second-hand” este inca o mare noutate. Culmea! 😉 Timisoara este impanzita de ele, iar aici nu am gasit decat 3 sau 4, 2 dintre ele fiind detinute de Humana. Cred ca daca m-as reloca in Constanta cu intreaga familie, plus catel si purcel… 🙂  as deschide cu siguranta o asemenea pravalie… Succes garantat! Pentru ca sunt o mare amatoare de vintage-uri si haine retro, am fost de cateva ori „la vanatoare”. 🙂 Am o dexteritate fantastica in a gasi haine de brand printre sutele de umerase inghesuite, iar flerul nu m-a inselat nici de data aceasta. 😛  François Marithé Girbaud, Gil Bret, Red Valentino, Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss sunt doar cateva dintre comorile ce s-au ascuns initial vederii mele… dar am „harta comorii” in sange. 😛

Sa ne mai umbrim nitel..

Zgubiliticii pantaloni pe care ii puteti admira in articolul de azi apartin unui brand pe care am avut norocul sa il intalnesc des in asemenea magazine, prin urmare detin deja o mica colectie. Este brand-ul francez care i-a imbracat pe raperii de la Kriss Kross in bine cunoscutul videoclip al melodiei Jump, sau creatorii tinutelor personajelor principale ale filmului Flashdance – Marithé et Gribaud François. Desi au avut apogeul stilistic in anii 80-90, hainele lor sunt cat se poate de cautate si la ora actuala, vintage sau nu. Mi una, imi plac la nebunie. 😉 Exact acesta este motivul pentru care merita investit in hainele de brand: oricat de vechi ar deveni, pot fi folosite in combinatii cat se poate de actuale; linia, lucratura, detaliile, materialele… Si am spus tot. Acesti pantaloni arata impecabil si stau impecabil. Gaselnita mea a fost sa ii prind cu o curea in talie, pentru ca imi sunt usor mari.

Acum doua zile a fost ziua mea. 😛 Am implinit onorabila varsta de 39 de anisori. Stiu ca nu-i arat, asa ca sunt impacata cu acest numar. E un numar bun. Imi propun sa ajung la 93, dar  sa arat de 73… 🙂 Este rezolutia acestei veri. 😛 Sunt pregatita pentru ce va urma si sunt convinsa ca „viata” mea va debuta la 40 de ani. Mai stiu ca va fi personaj principal intr-un film de Oscar. Nu zambiti va rog… 😉 😛 Va pup tare si apasat!

In alb si negru.


Ninja. 🙂

More retro than actual, or more actual than retro … depending on everyone’s vision. 🙂 Hello my dear ones! Yes, I’m still in Constanta. Something unforeseen has occurred and I have to stay here for a while. My life has become a grotesque example of the romanian proverbs such as „you may be my brother, but cheese costs money” and „who you do not let die, do not let you live.” Do not worry, the lion is just a bigger cat … It has nine lives, they says. 😉 You know what consoles me? The romanian people has also a reaction to this type of deeds: „who digs the pit of another, sinks alone in it.” But enough about that. 😉

In the absence of Diana, I’m trying to keep a certain standard for my photos; sometimes I succeed, sometimes not. You realize that there is also the problem of lacking a wide range of clothing items, as I am still on vacation. But we learn to juggle with what we have. 🙂
In Constanta, the second-hand shops are still a great novelty. Crazy! 😉 Timisoara is filled with them and here I found only 3 or 4, 2 of which are owned by Humana. I think that, if I would relocate to Constanta with the whole family, plus puppy and piglet … 🙂 I would definitely open such a store … Succes guaranteed! Because I’m a great fan of vintage and retro clothes, I went hunting a few times. 🙂 I have a fantastic dexterity in finding brand clothes among hundreds of cluttered hangers and the flair has not cheated on me this time either. : François Marithé Girbaud, Gil Bret, Red Valentino, Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss are just a few of the treasures that hid at first sight … but I have the „treasure map” in my  blood. 😛

Center of gravity.

The edgy pants that you can admire in today’s article, belong to a brand I was fortunate to often find in such stores, so tI already have a small collection. It is the french brand that dressed Kriss Kross rappers in the well-known Jump video, or the creators of the outfits from Flashdance – Marithé et Gribaud François. Although they had their stylistic apogee in the 80s and 90s, their clothes are as popular as ever, vintage or not. I like them a lot! Vive la France! 🙂  😉 That’s exactly why it’s worth investing in brand clothes: no matter how old they become, they can be used in the fashionable combinations; line, work, details, materials … they say it all. These pants look impeccable and stand impeccable. My intervention was to use a belt on my waist, because they’re slightly big for me.


It was my birthday two days ago. 😛 I have arrived to the honorable age of 39. I know I do not look like 39, so I’m at peace with this number. There’s a good number. I aim to get to 93, but to look like 73 … 🙂 It’s the resolution of this summer. 😛 I’m ready for what’s coming and I’m convinced that my „life” will start at the age of 40. I know it will be the main character in an Oscar movie. Do not smile please … 😉 😛 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

Stylish all around!
Pop art.

I am wearing

François Marithé Girbaud pants

Calvin Klein shoes

Zara hat

Mango belt