
Frumoasa zi am prins astazi in Timisoara, dragii mei! Soare, flori, cantec de pasarici, susurat de apa (cam involburata pentru gustul meu…), suieratoare adieri de vant, nori pufosi si vazduhuri senine. Primavara s-a instalat ca un virus in dulapurile noastre si incepe sa stearga „fisiere” burdusite cu pufoaice, cojoace, UGG-uri, caciuli de blana, manusi si alte acareturi ale partitiei numita scurt, dar extrem de cuprinzator: „Iarna”. Este probabil singurul virus pe care il astept cu cea mai mare anticipatie si dorinta. Urasc frigul. Punct.

Este cea mai buna vreme pentru a purta vestele. Ce fel de veste? De toate felurile! 🙂 Este unul dintre elementele vestimentare pe care le caut si le achizitionez frecvent, indiferent de anotimp sau conditiile meteo. Am vesta sport, am cateva din fas, umplute cu puf (cum este cea din tinuta acestei zile), am mai multe veste cu rever… elegante, am o vesta punk-rock (aceea taiata exact ca un dreptunghi si lunga pana la genunchi), am vesta din piele, vesta din material reiat, vesta din denim, vesta din blana artificiala, etc, etc… 🙂 Toate acestea vor inlocui cu mare succes in urmatoarea perioada gecile, paltoanele si sacourile groase sub care m-am ascuns de 4 luni incoace. Si stiu ca nu sunt singura care detine mai multe tipuri de veste… 🙂 Astazi am avut surpriza ca Diana sa apara la shooting tot cu o vesta de fas… 😉 M-a distrat foarte tare coincidenta, caci in mod evident, nu vorbiseram in prealabil sa ne imbracam la fel.

Vestele ne permit sa purtam maneci supradimesionate, in special pe cele de tip clopot. Sunt foarte potrivite pentru mers la mall, la supermarket sau in oricare alt spatiu inchis, in care trebuie sa ne petrecem mai mult timp. Daca incercati sa faceti o retrospectiva a momentelor si locurilor din viata voastra cand ati purtat asa ceva, veti vedea ca probabil, este sigurul element vestimentar care v-a fost alaturi din copilarie pana in zilele noastre: la mare, la munte, la bunici sau la scoala, in parcuri, la intalniri cu prietenii sau cu iubitul/iubita, cand ati coborat noaptea la non-stop-ul din colt pentru un pachet de tigari, cand ati dansat in jurul focului de tabara impreuna cu colegii de liceu, cand v-ati culcat in cort, dupa o baie in mare matinala pe plaja din Vama Veche, cand v-ati scos cainele la plimbarea de seara, sau cand v-ati hotarat sa mergeti la o tura nocturna de jogging… Cred ca insiruirea ar putea merge pana la infinit.

Probabil ca din cauza versatilitatii sale, aceasta piesa vestimentara nu pare sa aiba mari valente stilistice. Cat se poate de adevarat! Daca o combinam cu ce trebuie, insa… sau daca avem grija sa investim intr-una mai deosebita, cu detalii frumoase si material mai pretios, pana si batrana „vesta” poate ajunge o vedeta.

Azi va propun o tinuta casual, comoda, simpla, a carei piesa de rezistenta este vesta dungata de fas. Ca sa o scot in evidenta, am ales sa o port cu o bluza transparenta din tiul, pe care nu as putea-o purta cu altceva… Manecile frumoase nu s-ar vedea sub un cardigan sau o geaca, iar transparenta exagerata si textul… „Carpe Noctem”… m-ar opri in a o purta fara ceva pe deasupra. (In afara cazului in care as merge la club… atunci cu siguranta nu as pune nimic peste 😉 ). Pantalonii nu sunt tocmai noi, dar i-am ales pentru ca au fermoarul la spate… Mare „trend” in acesta primavara! 😉 Pentru a condimenta tinuta, mi-am pus ochelarii de soare cat-eye pe care abia i-am achizitionat la Reserved. Ochelarii „de soare” cu sticla transparenta se gasesc cam la toate magazinele din mall si mi se par o gaselnita minunata: in felul acesta, nu trebuie sa ii scoti cand intri in spatii inchise, pot fi purtati chiar si noaptea.

E primavara dragii mei! Bucurati-va de schimbarile din jurul vostru, faceti-va timp pentru voi, iesiti la aer, fiti tineri si nelinistiti! Va pup tare si apasat!


Nice day today in Timisoara, my dears! Sun, flowers, song of birdies, dripping water (somehow too whirling for my taste …), whistling wind additions, fluffy clouds and serene skies. The spring was installed as a virus in our cabinets and began to remove „bruised” files with winter jackets, UGGs, fur hats, gloves and other parts of the partition called short, but compendious: „Winter”. It’s probably the only virus I expect with the greatest anticipation and desire. I hate the cold. That’s it.

It’s the best time to wear vests. What kind of vests? Of all sorts! 🙂 It’s one of the clothing items I’m searching and buying frequently, no matter the time of year or weather conditions. I have a sport vest, I have some stuffed with fluff (like that one you see in today’s outfit), I have several elegant vests  … I have a punk-rock vest (that one cut just like a rectangle and long up to the knee), I have a leather vest, a corduroy vest, a denim vest, an artificial fur vest, etc … 🙂 They will replace with great success in the following period, the jackets, coats and furs, I’ve been hiding in for the passed 4 months. And I know I’m not the only one who has several types of vests … 🙂 Today I had the surprise that Diana appeared at the shooting, with a similar vest to the one I was wearing, but in color red … 😉 I really enjoyed the coincidence, as we had not previously spoken about the outfit.

The vests allow us to wear over-sized sleeves. They are well suited for going to the mall, supermarket or any other closed space, where we need to spend more time. If you are trying to make a retrospective of the moments and places of your life when you weared a veste, you will probably see that it is THE piece of clothing that has been with you from childhood to the present day: at the sea, the mountain, at grandparents or at school , in parks, at meetings with friends or with your boyfriend/ girlfriend, when you went down to the corner Non Stop shop for a pack of cigarettes, when you danced around the camp fire with your high school colleagues, when you laid down in the tent, after a bath in the sea at the beach of Vama Veche, when you took your dog out for the evening walk, or when you decided to go to a nocturnal jogging tour … I guess this story could go on, an on… to infinity.

Probably because of its versatility, this piece of clothing does not seem to have big stylistic valences. How true! But… if we combine it with the right items, or if we  invest in a special one, with beautiful details and more precious material, even the old „vest” can become a star.

Today I am presenting to you a casual, comfortable outfit, whose center piece is the striped vest. In order to highlight this item, I chose to wear it with a transparent blouse that I could not wear with anything else. The beautiful sleeves would not have been seen under a cardigan or a jacket, and the exaggerated transparency, also the text … „Carpe Noctem” … would have stopped me from wearing it without anything else on top. (Unless I go to the club … then surely I would not put anything over it 😉 ). The pants are not exactly new, but I chose them because they have the zipper in the back …which is a great „trend” this spring! 😉 To spice up the outfit, I put on the cat-eye glasses that I just bought at Reserved. Transparent glass „sunglasses” are all around the mall stores and I find them to be a wonderful discovery: this way you do not have to take them out when you come inside, they can also be worn during the night.

It’s spring, dear ones! Enjoy the changes around you, make time for youselves, go out in the air, be young and restless! Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Peuterey veste, similar here

Acne trousers, similar here

Cropp blouse, sorry… they don’t have it anymore 🙁

Musette shoes

Photos by @handra_diana (Instagram) :*