
Cu vantul din pupa. 🙂
Momentul meu de „Titanic” 🙂 . Lipseste Jack… 😉 (Trebuia sa iau o sticla de acasa… 🙂 😛 ).

Buna ziua dragii mei! Am patru articole consecutive, cu poza principala facuta in pozitie sezanda. Cam plictisitor… Asa ca am decis ca aceasta sa fie una mai deosebita. 🙂 Interesant este faptul ca in partea din dreapta a pozei arat mult mai bine, partea aceea fiind in oglinda. Ce ti-e si cu fizionomia umana… 🙂
Vedeti in aceasta postare, tinuta cu care as fi mers in lanul de lavanda. „As fi mers” pentru ca, evident, nu am mai ajuns. Nu imi pot face planuri, atat timp cat baietii mei depind 100% de prezenta mea. Acum ca incepe vacanta de vara si acestia vor fi „exilati” la bunici 😛 , activitatea mea „artistica” legata de blog,  va lua o noua si bogata intorsatura.
Este o tinta de inspiratie hippie, pe care am asezonat-o cu cateva elemente sport, pentru a o aduce in zona mea de confort. Ma refer aici la ochelarii de soare, la bustiera si la tenisii Palladium, pe care ii prefer oricand unei perechi de Converse. Sunt ciudata, care nu suporta acel gen de incaltari… 😮 – comerciali, plictisitori, extrem de previzibili. Cu Palladium m-am intalnit prima data in Germania si a fost dragoste la prima vedere. Ii pandesc peste tot, desi am vazut mai multe perechi prin magazine second hand, decat in magazine „de mall”. Online-ul este insa foarte bine aspectat. 🙂

Port cu multa mandrie astazi, o creatie Irina Schrotter.  Este vorba de bluza supradimensonata, asimetrica, cu trena si aripi – un fel de poncho reinterpretat. O am de mult (cred ca sta in dulap de 3 ani), dar nu s-a ivit inca ocazia sa o port. Sa fie faptul ca era prima pe un umeras, unde mai aveam inca 5 straturi de haine 🙂 … sau, pur si simplu faptul ca este intr-o zona vestimentara mai putin potrivita mediului urban in care ma invart. O vad purtata la festivaluri, in concedii, pe campuri de lavanda 😉 , pe spate de camila sau dromader, as vedea-o falfaind undeva pe zidul chinezesc, printre ruinele de la Machu Picchu, sau prin interioarele din Marrakech… S-ar portrivi minunat si pe plajele aurii din Dubai, sau odihnind pe un hamac in Maldive, Bora Bora sau Mauritius. 😉 Una peste alta, este o piesa foarte frumoasa si ma bucur ca am ales sa o achizitionez.
Multumesc Paulei , care prin campania sa Anul designerilor romani de pe blog, mi-a aminitit de Irina Schrotter   si implicit de mica comoara din dulap 😛 . Hai Romania!

Si pe ploaie si pe vant… Doar ca lipsea ploaia. Si vantul! 🙂 

Eu nu am iesit inca din Europa, asa ca visez cu ochii deschisi la concedii exotice oriunde in lumea aceasta. Mi-ar placea la nebunie ca acest blog sa fie si unul de calatorii, mai ales ca simt ca as fi tare buna la asta. 😉 Si mai visez la o colaborare cu proprii mei copii. Mi-am propus sa-i duc in aceasta toamna la muzeul de istorie naturala din Londra si sa le documentez fiecare reactie. Bianca mi-a dat acest pont si sunt sigura ca va fi o experienta memorabila. Dupa Londra, va urma o locatie putin mai indepartata, apoi alta si apoi alta. Prea multi „intelepti” mi-au spus ca singurul lucru cu care au ramas din viata asta, sunt locurile vizitate… pentru a mai avea dubii vis a vis de acest subiect. Deci, dragi romani, conteaza si alte lucruri in afara de „ce-am baut, ce-am mancat si ce am strans in brate”. 😉 Va pup tare si apasat!


Blowing in the wind.
Peacock by the river (I had another article, called „Peacock by the sea”).


Hello my dear ones! I have had four consecutive articles with the main picture taken in the seating position. It’s kind of boring … So I decided this should be a more special one. 🙂 Interestingly, in the right side of the picture I look a lot better, that side being mirrored. What about the interesting human physiognomy … 🙂
You can see in this post, the outfit I would have used on the lavender field shooting. „I would have used” because obviously, I did not get there this year. I can not make plans as long as my boys are 100% dependent on my presence. Now that the summer vacation begins and they will be „exiled” to my grandparents :P, my „artistic” activity linked to the blog, will take a new and rich turn.
It’s a hippie-inspired outfit, in which I put together  some sport elements, to bring it to my comfort zone. These are the sunglasses, the bustier and the Palladium shoes, which I prefer any time to a pair of Converse. I am that weird person, that does not stand the Converse shoes … 😮 – commercial, boring, highly predictable. I first met  Palladium in Germany and it was love at first glance. I’m persuing them everywhere, though I’ve seen more pairs in second-hand shops than in mall shops. But the online is very well provided. 🙂

I am wearing with great pride today, a Irina Schrotter creation. It’s an oversized, asymmetrical blouse, with train and wings – a sort of reinterpreted poncho. I goutht it long time ago (I think it’s been in my closet at least 3 years), but I did not get the opportunity to wear it. It’s the fact that it was the first one on a hangar, where I still had five layers of clothes 🙂 … or simply the fact that it is in a stylistic area less suited to the urban environment I belong to. I see it at festivals, on holidays, in lavender fields 😉 , on the back of the camel or dromader, I would see it fluttering somewhere on the Chinese wall, between the ruins of Machu Picchu, or  in Marrakech interiors. I would portray it wonderfully and golden beaches in Dubai, or I would rest I on a hammock in the Maldives, Bora Bora or Mauritius. 😉 It is a very beautiful piece and I’m glad I chose to buy it.
Thank you Paula, for reminding me of Irina Schrotter and implicitly, of the little treasure of the closet :P. Go romanian designers!

Rocking a cool vacation vibe 🙂 And… remember that ultraviolet is the colour of 2018. 🙂

I have not traveled out of Europe yet, so I dream with my eyes open, about exotic holidays anywhere in this world. I would love to turn this blog in a travel, fashion and lifestyle one… especially because I feel like I would be really good at it. 😉 And I still dream of a collaboration with my own children. I planned to take them to the museum of natural history in London this fall and document each of their reactions. Bianca gave me this tip and I’m sure it will be a memorable experience. After London, there will be a slightly farther location, then another and then another. Too many „wise men” told me that the only thing they were left with from this life, were the places they visited … to have any doubts about the subject. So, my dear romanians, life is much more than „what I drank, what I ate and what I gathered in my arms”. 😉 (words from a famous romanian traditional song). Kiss you all hard and pressed!

I am wearing

Irina Schrotter „poncho”

New Yorker sports bra here

Pull&Bear baggy pants

Palladium  shoes

Bijou Brigitte peacock tail earrings

Carrefour sunglasses

C&A bracelet

Photos courtesy Handra Diana 

give her a follow, please 😉 🙂