
Mereu am apreciat cadourile. In special, cele cu valoare sentimentala. 🙂 Evident, exista cele care se pun la un moment dat la pastrare in cutii de amintiri, inscriptionate cu numele „infractorului” 🙂 (eu detin asemenea cutii.. si sunt un prilej de a naviga pe valuri de timp, catre perioade de dulce tinerete) si mai exista cadourile pe care le tii „aproape” constant, fie pe un umeras in dulap, fie pe un raft de biblioteca, acele care se muta impreuna cu tine din casa in casa si din oras in oras: privilegiatele cadouri pe care le ai de la familia ta. Mama este o mare daruitoare. 🙂 Dar, oricat de faine sunt hainele pe care mi le cumpara in ziua de azi, adevaratele comori primite de la ea sunt hainele ei din timpul facultatii. 🙂 Cu atat mai mult sunt comori, cu cat 80% din ele au fost confectionate manual de bunica mea, bunica care m-a crescut si de la care probabil am mostenit pasiunea pentru moda si stil. Agripina Morman (ulterior Pavel) a fost o forta a naturii si imi este dor de ea in fiecare zi.  Te iubesc mult, maita! 🙂  Tin minte cum, in fiecare vacanta de vara petrecuta la ea, dadeam buzna in dulapuri in cautare de chestii pe care le trecusem cu vederea in anii precedenti. Si merau gaseam cate ceva misto, caci avea mare grija de hainele mamei, fiica risipitoare plecata la oras pentru a deveni profesoara de fizica. 🙂

Fusta de piele alba din pozele de azi, e o fusta veche de-a mamei. Nu stim s-o plasam exact in timp. Nici nu trebuie. Dupa mai bine de 40 de ani, arata inca impecabil 😮 . Cred ca este singura fusta pe care o detin, in care imi place la nebunie cum imi arata fundul… 🙂 😛 O sa simtiti si voi asta, caci mi-am facut o multime de poze… de la spate. 🙂  Pozele sunt mediocre. Recunosc. Am iesit la o ora nepotrivita total… afara erau deja 34 de grade, transpiram, simteam cum mi se scurge fondul de ten catre decolteu, etc.. Film de groaza. Am vrut neaparat sa imi duc masina la spalat, caci ieri am scos-o din service. Uraaaaa! Iubita mea, Elektra. 😉 Sunt o persoana care isi boteaza masinile… Am avut o Miau (o „pisicuta” de la BMW), un Bubu (un opel Tigra), un Silver (audi A6), un Victor 8 (un audi A8), o Titirica (un Cayenne turbo), iar acum… Elektra, scumpa mea masina electrica Renault Fluence. Sta de vreo 8 luni pe la reparatii … dupa ce m-a lovit o domisoara de 18 ani si „doua saptamani de carnet”, in spate, la un stop. Este minunat sa detii o masina electrica, dar Romania nu este inca pregatita pentru ea, din nefericire… Singurul loc unde s-a putut repara a fost Bucurestiul.. 🙁 Va imaginati cheltuiala, iar firma de asigurari, in dulcele stil autohton, nu vrea sa ne returneze banii cheltuiti. „Soro, esti nebuna? Te-a lovit usor in spate, ce ai cautat cu ea la Bucuresti??” 🙂 Fi-mi-ar scarba de birocratia si hahalerele care au imbacsit tara asta…

With my girl, Elektra 🙂

Si sa revenim la fashion si moda… 😛 Uneori, cred ca tin de fapt, un jurnal public care are prea putina legatura cu moda.. 🙂 Fusta creion flateaza orice silueta! Trebuie sa aveti asa ceva in dulap. E un element „basic” in garderoba oricarei fashioniste. Daca mai are si talie inalta… va face picioare kilometrice! Eu sunt slabuta, deci imi permit sa port o asa fusta pe alb.. dar, recomandarea mea este sa o cautati pe nuanta inchisa. Iar lungimea ideala, din punctul meu de vedere, ar fi undeva sub linia genunchilor. Ca si forma, este fusta perfecta de purtat la birou, desi va marturisesc, nu o gasesc extrem de comoda. Eu am pasul foarte mare, iar din aceasta cauza am ales sa ma „securizez” cu niste bretele la aceasta fusta cu capse…. Mi s-a intamplat o data sa se deschida complet si sa raman…in lenjerie intima pe strada. 🙂 M-am gandit sa preintampin o asa nenorocire si mi-am ancorat-o. Acu’, si daca se deschide, macar nu pica! 🙂 (cred ca e un pont bun, dragile mele…)

Eu am purtat azi aceasta fusta intr-o combinatie casual, simpla: spaghetti top si pantofi „budapester” . Dar va rog sa o vizualizati cu pantofi cu toc, camasa, palarie si geanta diplomat, sau cu tenisi, crop top, sapca si ghiozdan. Sau, mergand chiar mai departe, cu o fusta de tiul, mai lunga decat ea, pe dedsubt, pantofi kitten-hels si o camasa din denim… Yummy, super bun!!!! 🙂 Pup la voi tare si apasat! :*


I always appreciated gifts. In particular, those with sentimental value. 🙂  Obviously, there are those that are put at the right time in a memory box, on which you write  the name of the „offender” 🙂 (I own such boxes .. and there is an opportunity to surf the waves of time, back to sweet youth) and there are gifts that you hold constantly in a proximity, whether  in the closet or on a library shelf, those who move with you from home to house and city to city: the privileged gifts you have from your family, your legacy. My mother is a great giver. 🙂 But no matter how good the clothes she is buying for me today, the real treasures received from her are her college clothes. 🙂 And their value is unquantifiable because, more 80% of them were handmade by my grandmother, the grandmother who raised me and from whom I probably inherited my passion for fashion and style. Agripina Morman (after marriage, Pavel) was a force of nature and I miss her every single day. I love you a lot, granny dear! 🙂 I remember how, on every summer vacation spent at her’s, I used to browse the closets looking for things I had overlooked in previous years. And I always found  cool stuff, because she took good care of the mother’s clothes, the prodigal daughter who went to the city, to become a physics teacher. 🙂

The white skirt in the pictures today is an old skirt of my mother. We cannot place it in time. We do not have to. After more than 40 years, it still looks impeccable :o. I think it’s the only skirt that I own, that flatters my ass… 🙂 😛 You’ll „feel” that too, because I took a lot of pictures … from the back. 🙂 The pictures are mediocre. I admit. I went out at an inappropriate hour of the day … outside there were already 34 degrees, I was sweating, I felt my make up drain to the neckline, etc. Horror film. I just wanted to wash my car, because yesterday I took it out a car service.  Yupeee! My dear, Elektra. 😉 I am that person, baptizing her cars … I had a Miau (a „kitty” from BMW), a Bubu (an  Opel Tigra), a Silver (Audi A6), a Victor 8 (an Audi A8), a Titirica (a Cayenne turbo) and now … Elektra, my dear Renault Fluence electric car. She’s (yes, she 🙂 ) been for 8 months on repairs … after an 18-year-old girl and „two weeks of driving license” hit me in the back.  It’s great to have an electric car, but Romania is not yet ready for it, unfortunately … The only place where it could be repaired was Bucharest .. 🙁  You imagine the expense… and the insurance company, in the sweet native style, does not want to pay back the money we spent.. „Sista’, are you mad? She hit you slightly in the back, what did you „look” for in Bucharest?” 🙂  The bureaucracy and the rascals took over my country…

But, let’s get back to fashion … 😛 Sometimes, I think I actually keep a public diary, that has little to do with fashion .. 🙂 the pencil skirt flatters any silhouette! You need to have this in the closet. It’s a „basic” element in the wardrobe of any fashionista. If hit has a high waist … it will make your legs kilometric! I’m fit, so I can wear this skirt in white … but my recommendation is to look for a dark shade. And the ideal length, in my view, would be somewhere below the knee line. As a form, it is the perfect skirt to wear in the office, although I confess, I do not find it extremely comfortable. I have a very big step and that’s why I chose to „secure” myself with some straps, because this skirt has staples …. It happened to me once, while walking with my big steps,  to loose complety the skirt on the sidewalk … and I remained in underwear on the street. 🙂 I thought , by anchoring it, to prevent further problems. Now, even if it opens, at least will not fall! 🙂 (I think it’s a good tip, darlings…)

I wore this skirt today in a casual, simple combination: spaghetti top and „budapester” shoes. But please, imagine it combined to high heels, shirt, a big hat and laptop bag, or with sneakers, crop top, a cap and schoolbag. Or, going even further, with tulle skirt underneath, longer than it,  kitten-heels and a denim shirt … Yummy, super good !!!! 🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed!  :*

I am wearing

Vintage no name skirt, the expensive modern version here , a white version of a pencil skirt here , a black afordable version here,

Budapester shoes, no name, similar here

Vera Moda spaghetti top

C&A metal bracelets

Bijou Brigitte earrings

Vintage bag, similar here

The original outfit idea 🙂