
Nu de foarte mult timp m-ati vazut in buline. 🙂 Tin minte exact momentul cand am compus tinuta aceea, deoarece tot atunci am compus-o si pe aceasta (cu alti pantaloni, niste culotte negri) si am stat ceva timp in cumpana, nehotarata fiind pe care sa o iau. Dungile sunt un tip de print ce revine periodic in scena, deci se cuvine sa ne ocupam putin si de ele, mai ales ca, daca sunt verticale, devin prietene de nadejde ale siluetelor noastre. Eu nu pot sa ma plang totusi, pot purta linistita si dungi orizontale la nevoie… 🙂 dar incerc pe cat posibil, sa nu le port in zona soldurilor, caci am solduri late si tendinta de a face aripioare… 🙁 Iar niste dungi orizontale pe asa ceva… aplica „fatalitate” instanta (referire la jocul „Mortal Kombat” 🙂 ). Si iar am deviat de la „subect” 😉 🙂

Este sambata dimineata, ora 7.30.  Majoritatea oamenilor dorm linistiti sau abia acum ajung pe la case. 🙂 Recunosc, nu m-am asteptat sa fie atata lume pe strazi la ora asta… Dau vina pe canicula insuportabila a ultimelor zile, care obliga oamenii sa isi rezolve problemele din zori, caci e singurul moment cand pot iesi fara sa „fiarba” pe strazi. Am locuit 9 ani in Bucuresti, unde temperaturile pe timp de vara sunt infernale, dar eu asa ceva nu am trait niciodata…    🙁 Unde am vrut sa ajung cu asta? Pozele… 🙂 Rar am prins momente de singuratate si se cam vede.. dar na, voi sti: data viitoare ies la 6! 🙂

Nu stau departe de zonele in care m-am fotografiat, cred ca am 3-4 minute cu masina pana in Maria si cam tot atat pana la Piata Iosefini. Sunt zone vechi ale orasului si tocmai acest aer „belic” (nu pot sa-i zic interbelic, ca multe cladiri arata de parca inca suntem in razboi… 🙁 ), de urbe „caragieleasca”, imi creaza un sentiment de aparteneta familiar si cald. Acusi te astepti sa apara un tramvai tras de cai, niste „neni” cu favoriti si joben si niste prea distinse dichisite, „palariate” si inmanusate… Din nefericire, poti astepta mult si bine. Forfota de secol XXI este de cu totul alta natura..

Legat de dungile mele… 🙂 „Camesa” cu pricina e creatie Jean Paul Gaultier pentru Target. Cine este? Un mare retailer american, care periodic lanseaza colectii de brand la preturi extrem de accesibile. Cat am dat pe ea? 35 Euro. 🙂 Mai are si un bolero din acelasi material, cu maneci trei sferturi, pe care nu l-am suportat pe asa o caldura…  In curand o veti gasi de vanzare in cadrul primului meu „shop my closet” online. Stati aproape de paginile de Facebook Anamaria Bacila si Stil’ish Tribe by Anamaria Bacila (il gasiti cu un search). Dungile se potrivesc extrem de bine cu… alte dungi! 🙂 Da, e o combinatie castigatoare in 90% din cazuri. Daca ce incerci tu sa potrivesti, face parte din cei 10% „necastigatori”, pur si simplu, consider ca ai avut ghinion! Partea si mai faina? Dungile pot avea culori diferite, ba chiar este mult mai stylish sa fie asa! Recunosc, tinuta ar fi mers mult mai bine cu o pereche de pantofi maro cu toc cazon. Dar nu am… inca! 🙂 Sapca intoarsa este foarte „hood”, asa… Am simtit-o acolo. Doar am plecat la plimbare prin cartier, nu? 🙂 Pup la voi tare si apasat! :*


Not long time ago, you saw a „dotted” version of me. 🙂 I remember the exact moment I composed that outfit,  because in parallel I composed  this one too (with other trousers, some black culottes) and it took me a moment or two to decide with one to use.  Stripes are a type of print that regularly return to the main scene, so we should talk a little bit about them.  I love mostly the vertical ones, because they are good friends of our silhouettes. I can not complain though, I can wear horizontal stripes when needed … 🙂 but I try as much as possible, not to wear them in the hip area, because I have large hips and the tendency to develop those inestetic fins on them… 🙁  And mixing those little bastards to horizontal stripes … is like applying instant „fatality” (reference to the game „Mortal Kombat” 🙂 ).  And I just got very far away from today’s topic. 🙂 😉

It is 7.30 on a Saturday morning. Most people are sleeping quietly, or just getting home now. 🙂 I admit, I did not expect to find so many people on the streets at this time … I blame the unbearable heat of the last few days, which forced people to solve their problems at dawn, because that’s the only time one can get out without ” boiling „on the streets. I lived 9 years in Bucharest, where the summer temperatures are infernal, but I never lived such temperatures … 🙁  Where am I going with this? The pictures … 🙂 I rarely caught moments of loneliness to be able to take nice ones… but now I know, next time I go out at 6! 🙂

I do not live far from the areas of the city where I took those pictures. I think I make 3-4 minutes by car to Maria Square  and the same to Iosefini Square. They are old areas of the city, and this „war-ish” air (I can not say „interwar”, as many buildings look like we are still during the war … 🙁 ), of a  „Caragiale town” (Ion Luca Caragiale, romanian playwright), creates for me a sense of belonging and familiarity.  I wait to be surprized by horse trams , some gentleman with toppers and svery distinguished ladies, with big hats and gloves… Unfortunately, what you expect and what you get, is altogether different…

Related to my stripes … 🙂 The shirt-dress is the creation Jean Paul Gaultier for Target. What is that? A great american retailer, that periodically launches brands collections at extremely affordable prices. How much did I payed for it? 35 Euro. 🙂 It also has a bolero made from the same material, with three-quarter sleeves, which I have not tolerated on such heat … You will soon find it for sale in my first shop my closet online. Stay close to Facebook pages Anamaria Bacila and Stil’ish Tribe by Anamaria Bacila (find it with a search). Stripes  are a match for… other stripes! 🙂 Yes, it’s a winning combination in 90% of cases. If you try to find a match and you end up in the 10% „unfortunate” combinations, I just think you’ve had bad luck! Other nice aspect? The stripes can have different colors, and it’s even more stylish to be so! I admit, the outfit would have been a lot better with a pair of brown, „box”-heeled  shoes. But I do not have such shoes … yet! 🙂 The cap is very „hood”, so … I felt it there. I just went for a walk through the neighborhood, right? 🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed!  : *

I am wearing

Jean Paul Gaultier for Target shirt, similar intention here

Stradivarius jeggins,  29,9 Ron on sale now! Go get it! 🙂

Buffalo London sandals, the ones here are even better! Stripes, people! 🙂

Puma belt

 Louis Vuitton monogram baseball cap

Frankie’s Garrage bag, the white version here