
Ador sa pozez! Si nu imi este frica sa recunosc asta. De mic copil am visat sa fiu fotomodel (da… surprize, surprize! 🙂 ), iar blogul imi ofera alibiul perfect pentru a ma comporta ca unul. Intr-un fel sau altul, iata ca mi-am indeplinit si acest vis. Studiez zilnic fotografiile de moda din mediul online, incerc sa ma inspir, dar sa pastrez doza de unicitate pe care o da propria mea personalitate. Inainte de orice shooting, petrec cel putin o ora executand diverse „pozitii” in dreptul oglinzii, pentru a vedea care sunt cele ce ma avantajeaza, sau cele ce pun cel mai bine in valoare tinuta. Sunt sigura ca e o practica folosita de multi colegi de breasla.
Daca ar fi sa definesc principiul pe care ma bazez la orice shooting la care particip, acesta ar fi „adding a little drama”. 🙂 Cum obtin acest efect? Exagerez in mod voit fiecare pozitie pe care o adopt in fata camerei. 🙂 De aceea uneori sunt „prea” cracanata, „prea” indoita, „prea” lasata pe spate, etc…

Editarea pozei ajuta ulterior la potentarea efectului dorit. O poza alb-negru va fi mereu mai dramatica decat una color, corect? Sunt sute de profile de Instagram extrem de valoroase, unde pozele prezentate sunt in totalitate de aceasta factura. Drama, drama, drama… 🙂

Halloween-ul mi-a dat ocazia de a posta un articol complet in alb si negru. Nu cred in sarbatorile americane si in aplicabilitatea lor pe teritoriul autohton.  😛 Adica, macar daca imprumutam o sarbatoare dintr-o alta cultura… sa ii luam si partile pozitive, zic! Nu am vazut nici un copil deghizat in strigoi sa-mi sune la usa sa ceara dulciuri… in nici un an. Pai nu-i pacat sa lipseasca exact partea asta? In rest, ma bucur de Halloween ca tot restul omului: prilej de a merge la diverse manifestatii si evenimente, de a socializa, de a confectiona costume impreuna cu copiii, de a scobi dovleci si de a viziona filme care in mod normal nu m-ar atrage sub nici o forma.

Anul acesta, „costumul” este o combinatie intre Charlie Chaplin, un cosar si „cuminteo-rebela” mea personalitate (referire la Tricoul Inteligent Dunia). Mi-a iesit o tinuta retro, pe care as purta-o la orice eveniment la care as fi invitata. As schimba doar palaria. Jobenul este un accesoriu destul de pretentios, atunci cand este purtat de o femeie. Adauga putina drama tinutei. 😉 Al meu este de la Meli Melo si ma bucur ca intr-un final, am reusit sa il pun in reala valoare. Va pup tare si apasat si sa ne vedem cu bine in luna lui brumar!

Editata de Handra Diana



I simply adore to pose! And I’m not afraid to admit it. Since I was a little kid, I wanted to be a model (yes … surprises, surprises 🙂 🙂 and the blog gives me the perfect alibi to behave like one. In one way or another,  my dream came true. I study fashion photos in the online, trying to find inspiration, but yet to keep the dose of uniqueness that my own personality gives. Prior to the photo shoot, I spend at least one hour doing various „positions” at the mirror, to see which one suits me better, or which is the best for the outfit. I’m sure it’s a practice used by many blogger colleagues.
If I were to define the principle that I rely on at any shooting  it would be „adding a little drama”. 🙂 How do I get this effect? I willingly exaggerate every position I take in front of the camera. 🙂 That’s why sometimes I’m „too” open-legged, „too” bent, „too” arched, etc …

Then, editing the picture helps boost the desired effect. A black and white picture will always be more dramatic than a colored one, right? There are hundreds of extremely valuable Instagram profiles, where the pictures presented are all in shades of gray 😉 . Drama, drama, drama … 🙂

Halloween gave me the opportunity to post a complete black and white article. I do not believe in the applicability of american hollidays in our culture. 😛 I mean, even if we borrow a celebration from another culture … take the positive sides, too! I have not seen any child disguised as Dracula, knocking on the door and asking for treets … ever in Romania. Well, isn’t it a shame to miss especially that part? Otherwise, I enjoy Halloween like the rest of the people: an opportunity to go to various events, to socialize, to make costumes with the children, to turn pumpkins into lamps and to watch movies that normally I would never feel the need to see.

This year, the „costume” is a combination of a female Charlie Chaplin, a chimney sweeper  and my „now suave, now wild” personality (reference to Tricoul Inteligent Dunia). It came out a retro outfit, that I would wear at any event I would be invited to. I would just change the hat. The topper is a pretty pretentious accessory when worn by a woman. Adds a little drama to the outfit. 😉 Mine is from Meli Melo and I’m glad that finally, I managed to put it in real value. Kiss you all loud and pressed, and bye till November! 🙂 😛

I am wearing

Gucci shoes

Days like these skirt

Meli Melo topper

Stradivarius sunglasses and earrings

Hand Clothing gloves

Pictures by Handra Diana